薇諾娜瑞德Winona Ryder重現玉女時尚 俏麗亮相MARC JACOBS 2015秋冬廣告

薇諾娜瑞德和Marc Jacobs曾以好友之姿登上時尚雜誌
薇諾娜瑞德和Marc Jacobs曾以好友之姿登上時尚雜誌

曾演出《剪刀手愛德華》(Edward Scissorhands)、《女生向前走》(Girl, Interrupted)等電影的90年代「玉女掌門人」薇諾娜瑞德Winona Ryder,自2002、2008年接連爆出順手牽羊偷竊事件後,璀璨演藝路竟一夕變成泥淖滿途寸步難行的道路,儘管之後她有分參與演出《黑天鵝》(Black Swan )、《星際爭霸戰》(Star Trek)等熱賣電影,但仍舊挽回不了昔日巨星風采。

Marc Jacobs稱讚薇諾娜瑞德是個充滿智慧、活力跟才華的演員
Marc Jacobs稱讚薇諾娜瑞德是個充滿智慧、活力跟才華的演員

然而在經過一段時間沉寂後,這位現年43歲的女星,則漸漸將演藝事業轉往小銀幕發展,近期更宣布將主演Netflix全新驚悚影集,在片中出演一位孩子失蹤的單親媽媽。而身為薇諾娜好友的時尚設計師Marc Jacobs,眼看多年老友力圖振作,小馬哥無謂外界眼光,說什麼自然都要推她一把,因此在全新Marc Jacobs 2015秋冬時尚廣告中,大家便能看見這位昔日玉女紅星,在攝影師David Sims鏡頭捕捉下,展現難得的俏皮又古靈精怪的一面。

對於邀請薇諾娜瑞德出任全新一季代言人,Marc Jacobs在Instagram上寫道「薇諾娜和我成為朋友已有15年以上的時間了,她首次亮相品牌形象廣告是在2003年。在這季由David Sims所拍攝的秋冬廣告中,她依舊是那麼美又獨特。」。

薇諾娜瑞德頂著俏麗短髮亮相Marc Jacobs 2015秋冬形象廣告
薇諾娜瑞德頂著俏麗短髮亮相Marc Jacobs 2015秋冬形象廣告

回溯兩人的好友關係,一切則要從薇諾娜2002年在比佛利山莊Saks Fifth Avenue百貨偷竊開始說起,因為當年她順手牽羊的商品中,正包含了一件Marc Jacobs品牌羊毛衫,無意間順便替品牌打了強有而力的免費廣告,眼見機不可失的Marc Jacobs,竟在事件發生沒多久後,立即邀請薇諾娜出任2003年春夏廣告代言人,儘管在當時啟用爭議人物做代言引發大肆批評,但小馬哥看著成品只說「相片中的薇諾娜太美了!」。

薇諾娜瑞德代言Marc Jacobs 2003春夏形象照
薇諾娜瑞德代言Marc Jacobs 2003春夏形象照
薇諾娜瑞德代言Marc Jacobs 2003春夏形象照
薇諾娜瑞德代言Marc Jacobs 2003春夏形象照

除了請來薇諾娜瑞德拍攝全新一季廣告外,Marc Jacobs還找來了好萊塢才女蘇菲亞柯波拉Sofia Coppola、曾出演電影《控制》的嫩模Emily Ratajkowski等人。

This next photo I am "leaking" is (along with Chers portrait) one of my very favorites from this "album" photographed by David Sims of our Fall/Winter collections. I met Sofia Coppola just after I showed my now "credited" (by some!) GRUNGE collection for Perry Ellis in 1992. Sofia was one of the few who recognized something special and related to what I was doing at that time. She wanted to meet me, and when we did, it was love at first sight for me! Not only was I attracted to how she looked, her sense of style, I was drawn to her manner. Her behavior, her life, her ambitions and creativity... She represented everything I am drawn to- Talent, style, creativity, a unique "vision and voice". She had then and has now an interest in fashion not as an art but rather part of the "art of living". Like good books, good music, beautiful interiors, art. She makes films that are creative and unique in their tone. While they do have a style they are not the "block buster Hollywood" type movies that adhere to a formula or an accepted commercial cast. We became great friends immediately. Over the years she has appeared in the ads we did. The first campaign was for Fall/Winter 2000. The next our first fragrance in 2001 photographed by Juergen Teller. She later would be the subject of a portrait painted by the artist Elizabeth Peyton. Sofia and I went on to collaborating for handbag collections both at our company and for Louis Vuitton (while I was there) and later sat for my final Vuitton campaign photographed by Steven Meisel. She has also directed our recent television commercial for our fragrance DAISY (equally inspired by my love for her film THE VIRGIN SUICIDES). I write all of this to say, that from that point of my life and to this day, I am so deeply inspired by that time in my life. Meeting Sofia, having met and worked with Steven, the many years I collaborated with Juergen Teller, the work of David Sims and the late Corinne Day. As I write this and look at all the portraits of David's beautiful campaign, it touches me so deeply to see the profound effect this cast has on my life and work. Special thanks to Katie, David, Guido, Diane, Stefan and my team.

Marc Jacobs(@themarcjacobs)張貼的相片 於 張貼

Sometimes I step outside of what I know, I am curious and excited about meeting someone that wasn't on my radar..I lucked out the day Katie Grand introduced me to the sweet, friendly, energetic and talented (oh, did I mention sexy in that I TOTALLY GET IT sexy way)....Emily Ratajkowski. She came by to get an outfit for The Love Magazine signing at BOOKMARC (a fund raising event for Designers against Aids) earlier this year..Her energy and funny story's of a face mask for her plans on Valentine's Day was real and charming and stuck with me. As a sports illustrated swim suit model, as an actor in GONE GIRL and an all around sweet, fun and friendly woman- thank you for bringing your brand of red hot sex appeal and glamour to this David Sims portrait from our Fall/Winter campaign.

Marc Jacobs(@themarcjacobs)張貼的相片 於 張貼

資料來源:Marc Jacobs
