在米蘭時裝週的第一天,除了許多義大利品牌陸陸續續推出新系列之外,Dolce & Gabbana的設計師雙人組Domenico Dolce和 Stefano Gabbana則大放閃光,公開了Stefano Gabbana寫給Domenico Dolce的情書,信中雖沒有太多肉麻的字眼,但流露出的真摯情感讓人感動。
明年Dolce & Gabbana即將迎接30週年慶,為了義大利緊接而來的2014文字藝術節(Festival delle lettere 2014,暫譯),也或許是一路走來感觸良多,今年52歲的Stefano Gabbana寫了一封情書給大他4歲的前情感伴侶兼長期的事業夥伴Domenico Dolce,信中他回憶過去兩人一同打拼的點滴,並且強調對方永遠是最獨一無二的,筆跡雖灑脫,但情感卻相當內斂。
「我從來沒有寫信給你過,或許是因為我們之間不需要太多的言語,總是透過眼神就能意會彼此的想法。這是我第一次寫信給你,我必須說,我自己也覺得怪怪的。」Stefano Gabbana的開頭寫道。「把感覺用白紙黑字寫下來讓一切都變得不一樣,這些字句變得好珍貴,它們變得好有價值,而且獨一無二,就像你在我心中的地位一樣。」句句誠實卻又直觸人心,Stefano Gabbana接著回憶起兩人一同打拼的過程:「我們一起創造了Dolce & Gabbana,用我們堅定的愛白手起家,一路奮鬥得到我們現在所擁有的一切。我們相互扶持,即使是今天,歸功於我們深厚的情感,我們將繼續同甘共苦,迎接生命給我們的課題。」
Domenico Dolce和 Stefano Gabbana在2005年宣布分手,但兩人至今依然維持著穩定的事業關係,在信中Stefano Gabbana也提到這點:「你是我的家人,從我第一次在話筒中聽見你的聲音到現在,許多年過去了,物換星移之中也有些事一直沒有改變。當時的愛意,如今已經進化成另外一種感情,而它將繼續帶給我更多的美好。你永遠是我生命中最獨特的,一如我寫給你的這封信。」信的最後,百轉千迴的情緒,化作了三個簡單卻富含深刻意義的字母:I Love You,許多國外網友看完,都表示超級感動。
Dear Domenico,
I have never wrote you a letter. Maybe because there was never a need for many words between you and I. We always understood each other with a look. This is the first time I write to you and, I have to confess, it all seems strange to me.
During interviews, the sentences we exchange chase quickly, like a game of ping pong: I begin a speech and you end it, you have not even finished to express a thought that I interrupt you, reply and I finish your earlier idea.
Everything is different with a pen and a piece of paper, the words are more difficult, they have a deeper value that will forever remain unique, such as, it was and will always be you for me.
We have created together Dolce&Gabbana from scratch and with the strength of our love we have achieved everything we have. Supporting each other, we managed to overcome many difficulties and prejudice. Even today, thanks to that feeling that binds us inextricably to each other, we will continue to face the happiness and the sorrows that life reserve to us. You are my family. Many years have passed since I first heard your voice on the other end of the phone, everything has changed and yet nothing has changed. The love that I felt then, has only been transformed, and it continues to give me so many beautiful feelings. You are and you will always be unique in my life, so as the letter I am writing to you.
I love you,
資料來源:Vogue UK、telegraph