時尚與影視的完美結合,最讓人津津樂道的莫過於美國影集《欲望城市》(Sex and the City),2008年推出《欲望城市》電影版時,劇組甚至重建了紐約時裝週的場景,今年,英國喜劇影集《荒唐阿姨》(Absolutely Fabulous)也將搬上大螢幕,在《荒唐阿姨》電影版(Absolutely Fabulous:The Movie)中,除了找來多個英國時尚品牌贊助,更有大咖名模及時尚設計師助陣,包括英國名模凱特摩絲Kate Moss、卡拉迪樂芬妮Cara Delevingne、艾碧克蘭西Abbey Clancy、法國時尚頑童Jean Paul Gaultier、英國時尚設計師Stella McCartney、Anya Hindmarch、日前宣布暫時停止高級成衣系列的英國設計師Giles Deacon等人,都在電影中客串演出。
A typical Abfab day. Guess which one doesn't know about fashion? pic.twitter.com/cdhtfWDALj — Dawn French (@Dawn_French) November 26, 2015
A typical Abfab day. Guess which one doesn't know about fashion? pic.twitter.com/cdhtfWDALj
— Dawn French (@Dawn_French) November 26, 2015
One of the special outfits Vin + Omi designed for #Bubble for the #AbFabMovie leaked in the press today. Hand appliquéd latex amphibian suit. #abfab #vinandomi Vin And Omi(@vinandomi)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 11月 月 6 12:53下午 PST 張貼
One of the special outfits Vin + Omi designed for #Bubble for the #AbFabMovie leaked in the press today. Hand appliquéd latex amphibian suit. #abfab #vinandomi
Vin And Omi(@vinandomi)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 11月 月 6 12:53下午 PST 張貼
On @telegraphfashion Scene from the new Ab Fab movie. Bubble wears a custom made and designed VIN + OMI hand appliquéd latex amphibian suit. Played by the really lovely Jane Horrocks with superstar J P Gautier @jpgaultierofficial . Keep your eye out for more of our commissioned outfits on Bubble #abfab #abfabmovie #abfabfilm #vinandomi #latex Vin And Omi(@vinandomi)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 11月 月 7 4:31上午 PST 張貼
On @telegraphfashion Scene from the new Ab Fab movie. Bubble wears a custom made and designed VIN + OMI hand appliquéd latex amphibian suit. Played by the really lovely Jane Horrocks with superstar J P Gautier @jpgaultierofficial . Keep your eye out for more of our commissioned outfits on Bubble #abfab #abfabmovie #abfabfilm #vinandomi #latex
Vin And Omi(@vinandomi)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 11月 月 7 4:31上午 PST 張貼
《Absolutely Fabulous》曾於1992年至1996年間在英國播出,之後又於2001年至2004年之間復播。《Absolutely Fabulous:The Movie》描述分別由英國演員Jennifer Saunders和Joanna Lumley所飾演的兩位女主角 — 時尚公關Edina Monsoon及雜誌編輯Patsy Stone,穿梭在倫敦最時髦的熱門場所血拼和飲酒作樂,過著高調奢華的生活,兩人在一場Uber的時尚派對上造成不小的風波,從此成為狗仔追逐的焦點,身無分文的她們溜到法國蔚藍海岸Riviera,並想出了一個計劃能讓她們從此遠走高飛,但又能永遠過著奢華的生活。
2015英國時尚獎揭曉 《荒唐阿姨》(Absolutely Fabulous)演員頒獎給設計師Stella McCartney
Regram @foxsearchlightuk #AbFabMovie "It's official, Sweetie Darlings! Eddy and Patsy are back in Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie. In cinemas 2016." ______________________________________ #abfab #eddyandpatsy #sweetiedarling #absolutelyfabulous 20th Century Fox UK(@20centuryfoxuk)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 10月 月 19 7:14上午 PDT 張貼
Regram @foxsearchlightuk #AbFabMovie "It's official, Sweetie Darlings! Eddy and Patsy are back in Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie. In cinemas 2016." ______________________________________ #abfab #eddyandpatsy #sweetiedarling #absolutelyfabulous
20th Century Fox UK(@20centuryfoxuk)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 10月 月 19 7:14上午 PDT 張貼
Papped! Bubble in one of the outfits designed and made by Vin + Omi . #abfabmovie #abfab #vinandomi #bubble #hashtagbubble @abfabmovie http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3388611/Jennifer-Saunders-suits-Edina-Jane-Horrocks-pulls-Bubble-s-weirdest-look-hashtag-outfit-Absolutely-Fabulous-filming-continues.html Vin And Omi(@vinandomi)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 1月 月 8 11:51上午 PST 張貼
Papped! Bubble in one of the outfits designed and made by Vin + Omi . #abfabmovie #abfab #vinandomi #bubble #hashtagbubble @abfabmovie http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3388611/Jennifer-Saunders-suits-Edina-Jane-Horrocks-pulls-Bubble-s-weirdest-look-hashtag-outfit-Absolutely-Fabulous-filming-continues.html
Vin And Omi(@vinandomi)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 1月 月 8 11:51上午 PST 張貼
Hashtag Bubble papped! One of the outfits for Bubble designed and made by VIN + OMI #abfabmovie #abfab #vinandomi #bubble #hashtagbubble #janehorrocks #abfabfilm @abfabmovie Vin And Omi(@vinandomi)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 1月 月 8 2:51下午 PST 張貼
Hashtag Bubble papped! One of the outfits for Bubble designed and made by VIN + OMI #abfabmovie #abfab #vinandomi #bubble #hashtagbubble #janehorrocks #abfabfilm @abfabmovie
Vin And Omi(@vinandomi)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 1月 月 8 2:51下午 PST 張貼
而要讓電影中的時尚相關場景更具說服力,最好的莫過於找來真正的時尚界人士參與,幾個月前就已經參與電影拍攝的設計師Anya Hindmarch表示,「夢想成真,真是太棒了!」據了解,她所設計的一款2015秋冬「施工中」包款也將在電影中出現;英國品牌Vin + Omi為電影中飾演Bubble的Jane Horrocks設計戲服,目前已知的服裝除了充氣標籤服外,還包括一款以手工貼花製作的乳膠潛水服;而另一個英國品牌Ashish則是有一款2015秋冬系列中的迷彩亮片大外套在電影中亮相。
【設計師的一天】維多利亞貝克漢工作全力以赴 感謝家人支持 直呼「不能沒有你們!」
愛黛兒Adele登《時代》雜誌封面揭音樂暢銷心法 駁斥拒絕與碧昂絲合作傳言
Dyingggggg Patsyyyyyy wearing an #ashish #sequin #parka in the #AbFab movie coming sooooon yesssssss #Eddy #Patsy #Abfab #sequins #moresequins #isSergecoming #wheresmyson #whereisSerge #aw15 parka in stores now! @brownsfashion @machine_a @colette @netaporter @rebsob #jennifersaunders #joannalumley ASHISH(@ashish_uk)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 11月 月 4 6:31上午 PST 張貼
Dyingggggg Patsyyyyyy wearing an #ashish #sequin #parka in the #AbFab movie coming sooooon yesssssss #Eddy #Patsy #Abfab #sequins #moresequins #isSergecoming #wheresmyson #whereisSerge #aw15 parka in stores now! @brownsfashion @machine_a @colette @netaporter @rebsob #jennifersaunders #joannalumley
ASHISH(@ashish_uk)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 11月 月 4 6:31上午 PST 張貼
#repost @harrods See our #AW15 window as part of the #MadeWithLove campaign #AnyaHindmarch Anya Hindmarch(@anyahindmarch)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 8月 月 20 3:25上午 PDT 張貼
#repost @harrods See our #AW15 window as part of the #MadeWithLove campaign #AnyaHindmarch
Anya Hindmarch(@anyahindmarch)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 8月 月 20 3:25上午 PDT 張貼
凱特摩絲在接受《The Edit》訪問時表示,自己在接受電影的客串邀請時,毫不猶豫地就答應了,「我喜歡喜劇,樂於開自己的玩笑,這樣我很舒服,裝嚴肅我反而會感到不自在。能和Eddie、Patsy、Saffy 和 Bubbles(劇中角色)共處一室,感覺太棒了,就像做夢一樣。有一天上午10點半,Eddie為我開了瓶香檳,真香檳!她們和我說,『平時我們都用薑汁汽水,今天為你破個例。』」
其他已知的客串明星還包括老牌影星瓊考琳斯Joan Collins、《歌喉讚》「胖艾咪」瑞貝兒威爾森Rebel Wilson、美國實境秀明星金卡達夏Kim Kardashian West、辣妹合唱團Spice Girls的寶貝辣妹艾瑪Emma Bunton等。《荒唐阿姨》電影版將於2016年7月1日在英國上映。
Look who turned on our Christmas lights this evening... It's Edina and Patsy! #AbFab #STELLAholiday Stella McCartney(@stellamccartney)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 11月 月 25 12:53下午 PST 張貼
Look who turned on our Christmas lights this evening... It's Edina and Patsy! #AbFab #STELLAholiday
Stella McCartney(@stellamccartney)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 11月 月 25 12:53下午 PST 張貼
Take a look inside our annual holiday lights switch-on where Patsy and Eddie from #AbFab made an appearance. Watch the full film on #StellasWorld at #StellaMcCartney.com #STELLAHoliday Stella McCartney(@stellamccartney)張貼的影片 於 2015 年 12月 月 1 10:45上午 PST 張貼
Take a look inside our annual holiday lights switch-on where Patsy and Eddie from #AbFab made an appearance. Watch the full film on #StellasWorld at #StellaMcCartney.com #STELLAHoliday
Stella McCartney(@stellamccartney)張貼的影片 於 2015 年 12月 月 1 10:45上午 PST 張貼
Now that the not-so-secret is out, I guess it's okay to post this from my ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS day on set this week on the AB FAB movie. Was wonderful to work with Jen & Joanna, total legends X #sweetie #darling #July2016 Rebel Wilson(@rebelwilson)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 12月 月 1 5:43下午 PST 張貼
Now that the not-so-secret is out, I guess it's okay to post this from my ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS day on set this week on the AB FAB movie. Was wonderful to work with Jen & Joanna, total legends X #sweetie #darling #July2016
Rebel Wilson(@rebelwilson)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 12月 月 1 5:43下午 PST 張貼
Stop! We've got just the news to Spice Up Your Life. Eddy’s no. 1 client @EmmaBunton is joining #AbFabMovie! pic.twitter.com/qBzd6gNqEh — Ab Fab The Movie (@AbFabMovie) October 30, 2015
Stop! We've got just the news to Spice Up Your Life. Eddy’s no. 1 client @EmmaBunton is joining #AbFabMovie! pic.twitter.com/qBzd6gNqEh
— Ab Fab The Movie (@AbFabMovie) October 30, 2015
資料來源:WWD、Dazed Digital
《歌喉讚》女主角安娜坎卓克美聲與生俱來 自信回應「詮釋怪角色,我感到自在又雀躍。」
時尚鬼才Alexander McQueen傳記電影籌備中 《45年》導演向大師致敬
時尚金童Tom Ford再執導筒《Nocturnal Animals》艾美亞當斯、傑克葛倫霍挑戰驚悚題材