美國女星莎拉潔西卡帕克(Sarah Jessica Parker)在影集《慾望城市》(Sex and the City)詮釋女作家凱莉布雷蕭這個角色早已深植人心,儘管她在許多訪問中,不斷解釋自己私底下的個性與凱莉有多麼不相同,但仍舊難以將兩者區隔開來。
What a treat to be asked to visit @StyleCodeLive last week. @RachelSmithTV @frankiejgrande and I talked all things #SJPCollection shoes, beauty, and I even revealed what's in my @Amazon shopping cart... Tune in tomorrow Tuesday 9/27 at 9pm EST for more: amazon.com/stylecodelive Thanks for having me @AmazonFashion! X, SJ SJP Collection(@sjpcollection)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 9月 月 26 7:38上午 PDT 張貼
What a treat to be asked to visit @StyleCodeLive last week. @RachelSmithTV @frankiejgrande and I talked all things #SJPCollection shoes, beauty, and I even revealed what's in my @Amazon shopping cart... Tune in tomorrow Tuesday 9/27 at 9pm EST for more: amazon.com/stylecodelive Thanks for having me @AmazonFashion! X, SJ
SJP Collection(@sjpcollection)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 9月 月 26 7:38上午 PDT 張貼
2014年,她自創品牌SJP,並與凱莉愛牌之一的Manolo Blahnik合作推出鞋履系列,大受歡迎,之後又陸續推出新娘婚鞋與包包、風衣及香氛系列。
莎拉潔西卡帕克同名鞋履品牌SJP推新娘系列 時尚教主分享心中夢幻婚紗
Well folks, I've teased you long enough. It's time for the big reveal. Introducing: the SJP LBD. A new collection of Little Black Dresses designed by me, all made proudly in the USA. Our first silhouette (a surprise!) will launch this October exclusively at @bloomingdales, with more designs to follow soon thereafter. Including this one, which I've been practically living in. Follow us on @sjpcollection so you don't miss a beat. The wheels (and doors) never stop spinning... X, SJ SJP(@sarahjessicaparker)張貼的影片 於 2016 年 9月 月 27 1:45下午 PDT 張貼
Well folks, I've teased you long enough. It's time for the big reveal. Introducing: the SJP LBD. A new collection of Little Black Dresses designed by me, all made proudly in the USA. Our first silhouette (a surprise!) will launch this October exclusively at @bloomingdales, with more designs to follow soon thereafter. Including this one, which I've been practically living in. Follow us on @sjpcollection so you don't miss a beat. The wheels (and doors) never stop spinning... X, SJ
SJP(@sarahjessicaparker)張貼的影片 於 2016 年 9月 月 27 1:45下午 PDT 張貼
這次莎拉潔西卡帕克在她個人的Instagram上宣佈,廣大粉絲們期待的服裝系列—SJP LBD小黑洋裝系列即將正式推出,這個由她本人親自設計、並在美國製造的洋裝系列,將於10月在美國精品百貨Bloomingdale’s獨家販售。雖然目前暫時沒有更多細節公布,但相信以小黑洋裝這類經典實穿的款式來說,推出後肯定會被秒殺一空。
轉戰珠寶設計 與英國珠寶品牌Kat Florence聯名推出「無暇美鑽」系列
SJP推出的黑色小洋裝大獲成功,在美國Bloomingdale’s精品百貨一開賣即被搶購一空。而除了自創品牌,莎拉潔西卡帕克這次轉戰珠寶設計,與英國珠寶品牌Kat Florence聯名,代言並參與設計一系列100件的珠寶單品,並找來攝影師 Peter Lindbergh以他著名的黑白風格拍攝形象廣告。
KAT FLORENCE(@katflorence)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 10月 月 12 11:13上午 PDT 張貼
KAT FLORENCE(@katflorence)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 10月 月 13 3:19上午 PDT 張貼
▼ 由攝影師Peter Lindbergh執導,Kat Florence聯名莎拉潔西卡帕克「無暇美鑽」系列形象廣告:
資料來源:Sarah Jessica Parker instagram、WWD
莎拉潔西卡帕克自創鞋履品牌「SJP」 時尚開賣
不只是名模!Gigi Hadid暢談模特兒生涯 自曝設計上癮 有望推出個人品牌
凱蒂佩芮正式跨足時尚產業!攜手Global Brands Group推出個人首個鞋履系列