看過HBO火紅中世紀史詩影集《權力遊戲》(Game of Thrones)的觀眾,肯定都會對於史塔克孩子們每人都配有一隻的冰原狼(Direwolf)印象深刻。冰原狼是小說架空設計的奇幻生物,也是《權力遊戲》史塔克家族的紋章,後期長大的冰原狼幾乎都是劇組透過CGI特效製作,不過當《權力遊戲》第一季瓊恩雪諾跟史塔克家臣一行人撿到冰原狼寶寶之時,那時在劇中的冰原狼則是找來了真實的狗狗扮演。
每個人眼神都變了!《權力遊戲》第一季到最終季形象大對照 你最喜歡誰的大結局?
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Our family are at immense heartbreak to announce that Odin passed away early this morning. It’s difficult to put into words how this has impacted us as a family for Odin lead a life like no other dog. Odin was a family member first and we got him when he was a pup at 7 weeks old all we wanted were big dogs to take hiking and to sleep at our feet in the evening beside the fire, everything after that was a bonus. Odins passing marks the end of a decade and the end of an era as he taught our friends and family a lot of lessons about life for one dog he has more stories to tell than some people would. Odin has far too many achievements to announce in this post but just look at our social media pages over the past 5 years and see. We can all take great comfort in knowing that he is forever immortalised in the great TV Show Game of Thrones as Summer Bran Starks Direwolf Pup in Season 1 episode 1 . To everyone that was lucky enough to meet him and put a smile on your face please remember that moment. It’s an incredible piece of luck to have a pet you love so well become world famous and touch so many peoples hearts. He was always fond of the beach and his favourite treats which he had almost everyday before his passing. He was met with further illness as the week continued and the vets did everything they could to keep him going but he passed away in his sleep. We are incredibly grateful for the donations made towards Odin treatment and we will use what is needed to pay his vet bill and we will donate the rest between our favourite dog charities the donations will help further dogs in need at this tough time. If you have photos or videos or stories about Odin then please send them or share them with us. Please understand we will try reply to all your messages at this very difficult time in our lives. GoT Direwolves(@got_direwolves)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 3月 月 26 日 上午 4:26 張貼
Our family are at immense heartbreak to announce that Odin passed away early this morning. It’s difficult to put into words how this has impacted us as a family for Odin lead a life like no other dog. Odin was a family member first and we got him when he was a pup at 7 weeks old all we wanted were big dogs to take hiking and to sleep at our feet in the evening beside the fire, everything after that was a bonus. Odins passing marks the end of a decade and the end of an era as he taught our friends and family a lot of lessons about life for one dog he has more stories to tell than some people would. Odin has far too many achievements to announce in this post but just look at our social media pages over the past 5 years and see. We can all take great comfort in knowing that he is forever immortalised in the great TV Show Game of Thrones as Summer Bran Starks Direwolf Pup in Season 1 episode 1 . To everyone that was lucky enough to meet him and put a smile on your face please remember that moment. It’s an incredible piece of luck to have a pet you love so well become world famous and touch so many peoples hearts. He was always fond of the beach and his favourite treats which he had almost everyday before his passing. He was met with further illness as the week continued and the vets did everything they could to keep him going but he passed away in his sleep. We are incredibly grateful for the donations made towards Odin treatment and we will use what is needed to pay his vet bill and we will donate the rest between our favourite dog charities the donations will help further dogs in need at this tough time. If you have photos or videos or stories about Odin then please send them or share them with us. Please understand we will try reply to all your messages at this very difficult time in our lives.
GoT Direwolves(@got_direwolves)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 3月 月 26 日 上午 4:26 張貼
毛孩宇宙!冬日最暖心動物系電影 笑中帶淚超感動 禁止寵物店販賣非救援動物!美國邁出打擊繁殖場重大里程碑 從《權力遊戲》到金球獎視帝!理察麥登:角色越有挑戰性越好 權力遊戲「小惡魔」秘密參演《復仇者聯盟3》 與薩諾斯一樣飾演過兩名漫威角色!