時尚教主莎拉潔西卡帕克Sarah Jessica Parker自去年推出個人同名鞋履品牌「SJP」後,這位愛鞋成痴的女星設計玩心大起,近日更趁著結婚旺季,順勢推出品牌新娘鞋款系列,為即將步入禮堂的待嫁新娘們,打造耀眼又時尚感滿分的高跟鞋。
Hey ladies. Tempest is in town. She's likely to cause a storm. Available now in moonstone at @zapposcouture as part of our SJP Collection: Bridal. Also available at @nordstrom and @neimanmarcus in black, Tiffany blue, candy pink and skyline satin. X, Sj SJP Collection(@sjpcollection)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 6月 月 1 6:47上午 PDT 張貼
Hey ladies. Tempest is in town. She's likely to cause a storm. Available now in moonstone at @zapposcouture as part of our SJP Collection: Bridal. Also available at @nordstrom and @neimanmarcus in black, Tiffany blue, candy pink and skyline satin. X, Sj
SJP Collection(@sjpcollection)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 6月 月 1 6:47上午 PDT 張貼
Another look at Mary. We love what @martha_weddings creative director Kate Berry had to say about her. "I love the color of this shoe, and the gem detail on the toe is so well made. The lines in this shoe are fantastic-the arch of the heel and the perfect point of the toe create the perfect silhouette from every angle." Consider us flattered. Thank you, Kate! X, Sj SJP Collection(@sjpcollection)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 5月 月 29 9:14上午 PDT 張貼
Another look at Mary. We love what @martha_weddings creative director Kate Berry had to say about her. "I love the color of this shoe, and the gem detail on the toe is so well made. The lines in this shoe are fantastic-the arch of the heel and the perfect point of the toe create the perfect silhouette from every angle." Consider us flattered. Thank you, Kate! X, Sj
SJP Collection(@sjpcollection)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 5月 月 29 9:14上午 PDT 張貼
至於這位流行天后心中最夢幻的婚禮與婚紗是什麼樣子?莎拉潔西卡帕克表示「若我今天將出嫁,我想我會套上奶油色的婚紗,那完全是新娘會有的風格。然後我也希望穿著擁有如Oscar de la Renta禮服般設計,擁有非常合身的輪廓線條,超大的裙擺,並且是用塔夫綢或公爵緞為材料所打造而成的婚紗,那種有些復古卻又摩登的線條,是最吸引我的地方。」。
▶YES I DO!西方名人婚紗LOOK盤點
另外,莎拉潔西卡帕克也表示現今有許多婚禮依舊遵循傳統,但她認為那不一定適合每個人的特色,畢竟現在是個講求突破的年代,就如同一束大方的康乃馨捧花,既簡單卻又不失美麗風貌。全新SJP新娘鞋履系列將可在Neiman Marcus、Nordstrom、Zappos等線上網站購買,價格從385美金(約台幣11870元)到585美金(約台幣18100元)不等。
For all of you brides looking for that "something blue", a closer look. Our Fawn in lace, from the SJPCollection Bridal. Available now @zapposcouture. X, Sj SJP Collection(@sjpcollection)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 5月 月 28 11:03上午 PDT 張貼
▶細數《慾望城市》出現過的名牌 VOGUE雜誌大贏凱莉布雷蕭愛鞋
▶鏡花水月的想像?安海瑟薇、莎拉潔西卡帕克親解Met Gala中國風造型
▶2015 Met Gala吹中國風 莎拉潔西卡帕克火鳳凰冠驚豔
資料來源:Martha Stewart Weddings