每年初好萊塢影壇一年一度的盛事,由好萊塢外籍記者協會主辦的2015年第72屆金球獎(Golden Globe Awards),今日於台灣時間早上9點在美國洛杉磯盛大登場,今年主持重責大任再度交由蒂娜費Tina Fey、艾米波勒Amy Poehler雙姝3度搭檔,眾多巨星包括小勞勃道尼Robert Downey Jr.、創下金球提名紀錄的影后梅莉史翠普Meryl Streep、去年奧斯卡影帝馬修麥康納Matthew McConaughey、班奈狄克康柏拜區Benedict Cumberbatch、珍妮佛安妮斯頓Jennifer Aniston和「星爵」克里斯普瑞特Chris Pratt等40多位巨星出任頒獎人或引言人。
▶點此看艾瑪史東、艾美亞當斯等女星 驚豔2015金球獎紅毯
最受關注的戲劇類電影獎項,最佳電影毫不意外給了導演李察林克雷特Richard Linklater花了12年製作拍攝的《年少時代》(Boyhood),同時也為本屆大贏家,共奪下最佳戲劇電影、最佳導演與最佳女配角3項大獎。最佳戲劇電影男主角則頒給了在《愛的萬物論》(The Theory of Everything)中細膩詮釋天才科學家霍金的英倫男星艾迪瑞德曼Eddie Redmayne ;女主角則眾望所歸的由大滿貫影后茱莉安摩爾Julianne Moore奪下,雖然「雙料」金球影后夢碎,但有了金球獎背書,無疑是替自己前進奧斯卡影后之路最棒的強心劑。
在最佳音樂及喜劇電影類方面,最佳影片頒給了《歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店》(The Grand Budapest Hotel);影帝則由賽前呼聲極高的前「蝙蝠俠」米高基頓Michael Keaton拿下,憑藉《鳥人》(Birdman)再創事業高峰的他,在台上也感性落淚感謝兒子與評審們的厚愛;影后方面,去年以《瞞天大佈局》(American Hustle)首度奪下音樂及喜劇類女主角的艾美亞當斯Amy Adams,今年則靠著《大眼睛》(Big Eyes)打敗勁敵茱莉安摩爾,二度拿下金球喜劇影后殊榮,成為繼凱瑟琳透納Kathleen Turner後,第4位連莊拿獎的女星,對於自己再度拿獎,她感到相當意外,不過很感謝透過這部電影讓現代女性朋友了解為自己發聲有多重要。
至於今年的終身成就獎則頒給了好萊塢萬人迷喬治克隆尼George Clooney,穿著正式黑白西裝的他,也於左胸前別上「Je suis Charlie我是查理」徽章,以追悼近日遭受恐怖攻擊的法國查理周刊罹難者致意,並對著數千萬觀眾宣示我們不該活在恐懼之下,積極捍衛言論自由。而去年終結黃金單身漢人生的他,也不忘在台上向嬌妻艾瑪阿拉穆丁Amal Alamuddin深情喊話,高調放閃「沒有什麼事比當妳的老公更驕傲」!
近日遭受一連恐怖攻擊的法國,諸位明星也選擇於金球獎上發聲,像是喬治克隆尼配戴「Je suis Charlie我是查理」襟章,金獎影后女爵海倫米蘭Helen Mirren則於紅色禮服別上藍色的筆,以行動提醒所有人,要堅守言論自由的信念,絕不容許被恐怖欺壓。典禮上,好萊塢外籍記者協會(Hollywood Foreign Press Association, HFPA)主席Theo Kingma,上台致詞時也表示「我們將一致反對抑制言論自由的任何人,從北韓到巴黎,每個地方的所有人。」一席鏗鏘有力的發言,眾星也紛紛起身鼓掌歡呼。
▶點此看各界聲援法國《查理周刊》 捍衛言論自由
▶點此看眾星2015金球獎紅毯 響應「我們是查理」遊行捍衛言論自由
@Oprah and Helen Mirren looking amazing in the #GoldenGlobes ballroom. Una foto publicada por Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) el Ene 12, 2015 at 7:46 PST
@Oprah and Helen Mirren looking amazing in the #GoldenGlobes ballroom.
Una foto publicada por Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) el Ene 12, 2015 at 7:46 PST
最佳戲劇類電影 Best Motion Picture – Drama
Best Motion Picture, Drama, "Boyhood" #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) A photo posted by Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) on Jan 11, 2015 at 9:08pm PST
最佳導演 Best Director
李察林克雷特Richard Linklater/《年少時代》(Boyhood)
Richard Linklater -- Best Director, "Boyhood" #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) Golden Globes(@goldenglobes)張貼的相片 於 1月 11, 2015 at 8:45下午 PST 張貼
最佳男主角:戲劇類 Best Actor – Motion Picture Drama
艾迪瑞德曼Eddie Redmayne /《愛的萬物論》(The Theory of Everything)
Eddie Redmayne -- Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama, "The Theory of Everything" #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) A photo posted by Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) on Jan 11, 2015 at 9:04pm PST
最佳女主角:戲劇類 Best Actress – Motion Picture Drama
茱莉安摩爾Julianne Moore /《我想念我自己》(Still Alice)
Julianne Moore -- Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) A photo posted by Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) on Jan 11, 2015 at 9:00pm PST
最佳音樂及喜劇電影 Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy
《歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店》(The Grand Budapest Hotel)
最佳男主角:音樂及喜劇類 Best Actor – Motion Picture Drama
米高基頓Michael Keaton /《鳥人》(Birdman)
Michael Keaton -- Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Comedy or Drama #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) Uma foto publicada por Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) a Jan 11, 2015 at 8:58 PST
最佳女主角:音樂及喜劇類 Best Actress – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy
艾美亞當斯Amy Adams /《大眼睛》(Big Eyes)
Amy Adams -- Best Actress, Comedy or Musical, "Big Eyes" #goldenglobes
最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture
J.K.西蒙斯J.K. Simmons /《進擊的鼓手》(Whiplash)
J.K. Simmons -- Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture, "Whiplash" #goldenglobes
最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress – Motion Picture
派翠西亞艾奎特Patricia Arquette /《年少時代》(Boyhood)
Patricia Arquette -- Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture, "Boyhood" #goldenglobes
最佳歌曲 Best Original Song
「Glory」by 約翰傳奇John Legend ft.Common/《逐夢大道》(Selma)
@common and @johnlegend -- Best Original Song, Motion Picture, "Glory" from "SELMA" #goldenglobes
最佳配樂 Best Original Score
《愛的萬物論》(The Theory of Everything)
Jóhann Jóhannsson -- Best Original Score, Motion Picture, "The Theory of Everything" #goldenglobes
最佳劇本 Best Screenplay
Alejandro G. Iñárritu, Nicolás Giacobone, Alexander Dinelaris, and Armando Bo -- Best Original Screenplay, "Birdman" #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) Uma foto publicada por Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) em Jan 11, 2015 at 8:04 PST
最佳動畫 Best Animated Feature Film
《馴龍高手2》(How to Train Your Dragon 2)
Dean DeBlois and Bonnie Arnold -- Best Animated Feature Film, "How to Train Your Dragon 2" #goldenglobes
最佳外語片 Best Foreign Language Film
《纏繞之蛇》(Leviathan) /俄羅斯
Best Foreign Language Film, "Leviathan" #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) A photo posted by Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) on Jan 11, 2015 at 7:39pm PST
終身成就奬 Cecil B. DeMille Award for Lifetime Achievement in Motion Pictures
喬治克隆尼George Clooney
George Clooney -- Cecil B. DeMille Award recipient #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) A photo posted by Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) on Jan 11, 2015 at 8:15pm PST
最佳劇情類電視影集TV Series, Drama
《出軌》(The Affair)
Best TV Series, Drama, "The Affair" #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) Фото опубликовано Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) Янв 11, 2015 at 8:12 PST
戲劇類電視劇集最佳男主角Actor, TV Series, Drama
凱文史貝西Kevin Spacey /《紙牌屋》(House of Cards)
Kevin Spacey -- Best Actor in a TV Series, Drama, "House of Cards" #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) A photo posted by Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) on Jan 11, 2015 at 8:56pm PST
戲劇類電視劇集最佳女主角Actress, TV Series, Drama
露絲威爾森Ruth Wilson/《出軌》(The Affair)
Ruth Wilson -- Best Actress in a TV Series, Drama, "The Affair" #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) A photo posted by Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) on Jan 11, 2015 at 8:47pm PST
電視類最佳男配角Actor, Supporting Role, Series, Mini-Series/Motion Picture, TV
麥特波莫Matt Bomer/ 《血熱之心》(The Normal Heart )
Matt Bomer -- Best Supporting Actor in a TV Series, Mini-Series, or Movie, "The Normal Heart" #goldenglobes
電視類最佳女配角Actress, Supporting Role, Series, Mini-Series/Motion Picture, TV
瓊安佛洛葛特Joanne Froggatt/《唐頓莊園》(Downton Abbey)
Joanne Fraggott -- Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Mini-Series, or TV Movie, "Downton Abbey" #goldenglobes
最佳音樂及喜劇類電視影集TV Series, Musical/Comedy
Best TV Series, Comedy, "Transparent" #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) A photo posted by Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) on Jan 11, 2015 at 7:26pm PST
音樂/喜劇類電視劇集最佳男主角Actor, TV Series, Musical/Comedy
傑弗利坦鮑Jeffrey Tambor / 《透明人生》(Transparent)
音樂/喜劇類電視劇集最佳女主角Actress, TV Series, Musical/Comedy
吉娜羅德里格茲Gina Rodriguez/《處女情緣》(Jane the Virgin)
Gina Rodriguez -- Best Actress in a TV Series, Comedy, "Jane the Virgin" #goldenglobes
最佳迷你劇集或電視電影Mini-Series/Motion Picture, TV
Best TV Movie or Mini-Series, "Fargo" #goldenglobes
電視電影或迷你劇集最佳男主角Actor, Mini-Series/Motion Picture, TV
比利鮑伯松頓Billy Bob Thornton/ 《冰血爆》(Fargo)
Billy Bob Thornton at the 2015 #goldenglobes
電視電影或迷你劇集最佳女主角Actress, Mini-Series/Motion Picture, TV
瑪姬葛倫霍Maggie Gyllenhaal/《榮耀之女》(The Honourable Woman)
Maggie Gyllenhaal -- Best Actress in a TV Mini-Series or Movie, "The Honorable Woman" #goldenglobes (Photo by @ellenvonunwerth) Фото опубликовано Golden Globes (@goldenglobes) Янв 11, 2015 at 7:59 PST