但法國人相當重視生活品質,七、八月暑假期間正值他們的度假旺季,有些商店或餐廳索性就乾脆休息一個月,任由老板和員工度假去,若是在七、八月前往法國旅遊,最好先打聽一下想去的地方是否正常營業喔。像米其林一星的餐廳Le Restaurant,就很有魄力從7月28日起直接休息將近一個月,想品嘗他們的美味,只能等到8月27日的晚餐了。
Cooking is an art. There is no man (or, at least, no Frenchman) denying that. This said, who are the best (affordable) French artists? Lots of guides try to answer this question, but the most prestigious one is the Michelin Guide, which gives one, two or three stars to the best restaurants. For instance, here’s a very short selection of not too expensive one-starred French restaurants. Do not miss them when you go to France!
➢ La Bretesche, Domaine de la Bretesche, 44780 Missillac, France
➢ Le Vieux Pont, Le Bourg, 12390 Belcastel, France
➢ Le Restaurant, 13 rue des Beaux-Arts, 75006 Paris, France
However, the Michelin Guide is not omniscient, and many delicious restaurants are not in the book. So do not hesitate to try “unknown” restaurants, you might be surprised! For example, you can try Bistrotters (9 rue Decrès, 75014 Paris, France)
La Bretesche : http://www.bretesche.fr/restaurant-gastronomique-montaigu Le Vieux Pont : http://www.hotelbelcastel.com/home_EN.php Le Restaurant : http://www.l-hotel.com/restaurant/introduction/ Bistrotters : http://www.bistrotters.com/?lang=en