英國女星艾瑪華森Emma Watson真不愧是眾人心中的女神,她為了善盡身為公眾人物的正面影響力,向來就很有自己想法,且具備使命感的她,日前趁著宣傳新片《邪靈刑事錄》時,發起了一個小計畫,堅持自己出席場合所穿的服裝,都要符合公平環保和工藝兼具的條件,身體力行她堅信的理念。
Regram @sarahslutsky Kicking off Regression! We ❤️ our rail! Inspired to consider the whole process of creating a fashion look, we are thinking about all the people, pieces and moving parts! This rack includes designers that are considering local craft and production, artisan skills, the environment, sustainability and the longevity of fashion! Emma Watson(@emmawatson)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 8月 月 26 9:35上午 PDT 張貼
Regram @sarahslutsky Kicking off Regression! We ❤️ our rail! Inspired to consider the whole process of creating a fashion look, we are thinking about all the people, pieces and moving parts! This rack includes designers that are considering local craft and production, artisan skills, the environment, sustainability and the longevity of fashion!
Emma Watson(@emmawatson)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 8月 月 26 9:35上午 PDT 張貼
上週五(8/28)艾瑪華森在自己的Instagram上發布照片,並宣布自己受紀錄片《時尚代價》啟發,所以接下來新片《邪靈刑事錄》的宣傳行程,她都只會穿徹底落實公平環保,同時保有精緻做工的設計師品牌服裝:「創造時尚造型,也必須思考服飾背後的整個生產流程,我們(指她和她的造型師) 在乎製程中的所有人、所有材料以及所有生產步驟!我們會和那些重視在地工藝、本土產品、精湛工藝、永續環保的品牌合作。」接連5天,她就會拍一張造型照片上傳到Instagram,並將身上的行頭品牌一一列出,同時也將品牌想要傳達的友善理念同步列舉,每天所穿著的品牌皆不同,也不設限於英國本土的品牌,只要立意良善,不管是規模小的獨立設計師品牌,還是一線精品,都在艾瑪華森的選項當中。
Regram @sarahslutsky First day of Regression press off to an incredible start. Obsessed with this @ralphlauren look made only better by the company's long standing commitment to not use fur products. Jewels by @cartier who is committed to responsible and sustainable business principles and practices in both the supply chain and their own business. Shoes by @paulandrew are all handmade in Italy by artisans who have been making shoes for decades-- some for generations And of course hair by the lovely @visapyyapy and makeup by brilliant @charlottehayward Emma Watson(@emmawatson)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 8月 月 26 1:04下午 PDT 張貼
Regram @sarahslutsky First day of Regression press off to an incredible start. Obsessed with this @ralphlauren look made only better by the company's long standing commitment to not use fur products. Jewels by @cartier who is committed to responsible and sustainable business principles and practices in both the supply chain and their own business. Shoes by @paulandrew are all handmade in Italy by artisans who have been making shoes for decades-- some for generations And of course hair by the lovely @visapyyapy and makeup by brilliant @charlottehayward
Emma Watson(@emmawatson)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 8月 月 26 1:04下午 PDT 張貼
Regram @sarahslutsky Day 2 kicked off with this @WesGordon dress! Love the print which was created in collaboration with London based artist and then produced in New York and Italy! @AlexanderWhite shoes are crafted by hand by artisans in Italy. Alex does not use fur and refuses to use chemical agents that could harm the environment! @Wwake jewelry uses recycled gold whenever possible, and our diamonds are either destruction-free antiques OR conflict-free stones and has developed an in-house studio practice with proper ventilation systems to protect employees health! #PayItForward Emma Watson(@emmawatson)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 8月 月 27 3:50上午 PDT 張貼
Regram @sarahslutsky Day 2 kicked off with this @WesGordon dress! Love the print which was created in collaboration with London based artist and then produced in New York and Italy! @AlexanderWhite shoes are crafted by hand by artisans in Italy. Alex does not use fur and refuses to use chemical agents that could harm the environment! @Wwake jewelry uses recycled gold whenever possible, and our diamonds are either destruction-free antiques OR conflict-free stones and has developed an in-house studio practice with proper ventilation systems to protect employees health! #PayItForward
Emma Watson(@emmawatson)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 8月 月 27 3:50上午 PDT 張貼
#Repost @sarahslutsky with @repostapp. ・・・ Television junket continues! Love this chic little @Erdemlondon dress created from fabrics sourced in Italy and produced in Portugal! The suppliers and producers of these bad-ass boots by @Alexawagnershoes are located in Milan. Alexa Wagner is proud of their quality control systems, the excellent workspace and atmosphere provided for their employees. Jewels from @MoniquePean who strives to raise awareness of art, culture and global environmental issues through design, and is committed to partnering with artisans around the world to support traditional craftsmanship. Love this Feminine/Masculin Bag (because traits of both is beautiful!) by @clarevivier who roots herself in the Los Angeles design community, where her line has been made exclusively since 2008. Team on #beauty @charlottehayward @visapyyapy