
by BeautiMode 2016/02/14

紐約時裝週正如火如荼的進行中,日前剛結束的Kid’s Rock服裝秀中,除了展示最新秋冬童裝外,其中一名年僅5歲的小小模特兒Leah Still格外引人注目,因為這名小小抗癌鬥士才在上個月中戰勝癌症。

聽障男模Nyle DiMarco堅持信念成《美國超級名模生死鬥》冠軍「大家該停止對聾啞人的想像謬誤」

無與倫比的美麗!唐氏症女孩Madeline Stuart白金禮服躍上紐約時裝週

They was feeling @ashajoyce finger waves so much she"s doing hair at New York Fashion Week! #MakingMoves #ProudFianceMoment

Devon Still(@man_of_still75)張貼的影片 於 張貼

My baby killing the runway @kidsrocklive #NewYorkFashionWeek

Devon Still(@man_of_still75)張貼的影片 於 張貼

2014年6月,Leah Still被診斷出罹患神經母細胞瘤第四期,只有50%存活機會,這種疾病在兒童癌症的發生率中,僅次於白血病、腦瘤及淋巴瘤。從那之後,她不但與自己的癌症對抗,也為癌症研究籌得超過100萬美元的經費,並獲頒有「體育界奧斯卡」之稱的ESPY Jimmy V.毅力獎。

在經過了許多治療之後,Leah的父親,同時也是美式足球休士頓德州人隊球員Devon Still,在上個月中宣布Leah終於抗癌成功,如今看到她健康地在伸展台上走秀,相信Leah的故事能夠對許多人帶來正面激勵的效果。

緊咬夢想的彩妝師 Jessica Ruiz:「我的人生是場正要開始的美妙旅程。」

伸展台上的抗癌天使Dayna Christison:「即使生病,人生依然可以過得很精彩。」

義肢也能超時尚!英國歌手Viktoria Modesta將成為下一位流行天后?


With Leah finishing her last treatment last night, I can really say my daughter BEAT CANCER! Words can"t describe how proud I am of this girl. No matter how hard it got or how painful the treatments were (and it was pretty bad a lot of the times) she never gave up! I want to thank everyone who followed us as I documented her fight on social media. The amount of support we received was beyond amazing! I can honestly say that you all made a big difference. Every time we received bad news or felt like it was coming to a point were we couldn"t fight anymore, I would go to the comments you all wrote cheering us on and it would make us fight so much harder. I ask that since Leah"s fight is at the end that you follow other families journeys and cheer them on just as you did us! My advice to any family going through this battle: no matter how hard it gets, no matter what the doctors tell you, always remain positive! Speak victory into existence. Give your child"s fight with cancer a purpose. Use it to raise awareness so that you can help all kids fighting this disease. No matter how big or small your platform/following is, you will reach that one family that just needs to know they"re not alone in the fight so they don"t give up. drop to your knees everyday and pray. I was never a big spiritual person but I always believed in God and knew who to turn to in the time of need. Keeping faith that God will see you through doesn"t make the battle easier but it makes winning possible! It gives you back the hope that is stripped away from you every time you watch your kid endure the pain from the treatments and the bad news you often receive from the doctors. #LEAHSTRONG #STILLSTRONG

Devon Still(@man_of_still75)張貼的相片 於 張貼

