英國足球金童貝克漢(David Beckham)與時尚達人維多利亞(Victoria Beckham)慶結婚 17 周年,兩人各自在 Instagram 分享當年婚禮年輕幸福的照片,羨煞許多網友。
41 歲的貝克漢在 Instagram 上說:「哇, 17 年前的今天發生了這件事情(結婚)...我很幸運可以遇到我生命中如此契合的人。我們有 4 個可愛的小孩,你是最愛他們和呵護他們的媽咪...結婚週年紀念日快樂,我愛你。」她說:「我感受到濃濃的愛與祝福幸福...(貝克漢)是我最好的朋友、我的愛。 世界上最好的男人,每天都能給我啟發。結婚週年紀念日快樂!」
維多利亞貝克漢工作全力以赴 感謝家人支持直呼「不能沒有你們!」
Wow 17 years ago to this day this happened... I was lucky to meet someone who has the same drive and wanted the same things in life... We have created 4 beautiful children and I couldn't wish for a more loving and caring mummy for them... Happy anniversary, I love you A photo posted by David Beckham (@davidbeckham) on Jul 4, 2016 at 1:05am PDT
Wow 17 years ago to this day this happened... I was lucky to meet someone who has the same drive and wanted the same things in life... We have created 4 beautiful children and I couldn't wish for a more loving and caring mummy for them... Happy anniversary, I love you
A photo posted by David Beckham (@davidbeckham) on Jul 4, 2016 at 1:05am PDT
I feel so loved and truly blessed My best friend,my love.The kindest man who inspires me every day. Happy Anniversary to the best husband and daddy in the world!! EVER! #HappilyEverAfter @davidbeckham @brooklynbeckham X VB A photo posted by Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham) on Jul 4, 2016 at 12:31am PDT
I feel so loved and truly blessed My best friend,my love.The kindest man who inspires me every day. Happy Anniversary to the best husband and daddy in the world!! EVER! #HappilyEverAfter @davidbeckham @brooklynbeckham X VB
A photo posted by Victoria Beckham (@victoriabeckham) on Jul 4, 2016 at 12:31am PDT
貝克漢與維多利亞兩人的愛情綿延 19 年,婚姻中經歷了男方被爆外遇的低潮,但維多利亞始終保護著這個家庭與這段愛情。而走過婚姻低潮後,兩人不只是越來越恩愛,也先後生下了第 3 個兒子克魯茲(Cruz)與 1 女哈柏(Harper),美滿的家庭也受到許多粉絲祝福。
貝克漢和維多利亞當年的婚禮堪稱是英國最奢華的婚禮之一,結婚地點位在愛爾蘭都柏林路特爾斯頓城堡 Luttrellstown Castle,兩人所坐的黃金王座與維多利亞配戴的黃金鑽石王冠,估計婚禮花費高達 50 萬英鎊,為 1999 年著名的世紀婚禮。在這個像童話故事一般的愛情故事中,也希望貝克漢一家人能夠一直幸福下去,繼續曬恩愛來閃瞎網友。
貝嫂維多利亞與布魯克林大玩 SnapChat 一甩網友口中「臭臉天后」稱號
貝克漢家族正夯!貝克漢推H&M聯名男性內衣 布魯克林掌鏡Burberry香氛形象照
貝克漢大方公開家族聖誕計畫 傲稱為太太維多利亞準備禮物非難事