誠如義大利品牌Dolce & Gabbana設計師Domenico Dolce所言:「任何變動都是一種革命」,唐納川普在美國總統大選勝出,造成全球股市大震盪,向來不愛意外的金融市場,在消息傳出之時,歐、亞、美洲股市紛紛重挫,但投資人在恢復理性後,各地股市紛紛反彈回升,將前一日的跌幅彌補回來。
Great day in Washington, D.C. -- thank you! Donald J. Trump(@realdonaldtrump)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 11月 月 10 5:47下午 PST 張貼
Great day in Washington, D.C. -- thank you!
Donald J. Trump(@realdonaldtrump)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 11月 月 10 5:47下午 PST 張貼
身為希拉蕊狂熱支持者的設計師Diane von Furstenberg表示,「今天是我們接下來人生的第一天,我們必須相信未來掌握在自己手中,我們必須要比以往更相信善與人性本善,我們必須研究、學習、開放心胸、包容及惻隱之心,更甚於以往。」
Tory Burch主席暨共同執行長Tory Burch呼應了同樣的看法,「現在更是要讓國家團結的時刻。」
This team has so much to be proud of. Whatever happens tonight, thank you for everything. Hillary Clinton(@hillaryclinton)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 11月 月 8 5:42下午 PST 張貼
This team has so much to be proud of. Whatever happens tonight, thank you for everything.
Hillary Clinton(@hillaryclinton)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 11月 月 8 5:42下午 PST 張貼
Public School設計師周道一(Dao-Yi Chow)對於川普勝選感到相當震驚,並在Instagram上發了一篇長文,「我住在紐約市這個美好的泡沫中,在這裡,我所有的朋友各種不同種族都有,我們頌揚彼此的不同,我們學習如何彼此尊重,不論我們來自何方。天生與眾不同是種榮耀,我從小就被教導要擁有獨立思考能力及開放的心胸,我全心感謝上帝讓我在這裡成長,我也能在此扶養我的孩子,在美國人面前,我自認為是紐約客,它讓我擁有一切,這也是我之所以每天都將我的工作奉獻給它的原因。」他接著表示,這個泡沫終於破滅了,他覺醒了,發現自己一直生活在如此美好的幻夢中,並把天生與眾不同視為理所當然,而且還深深熱愛著,「感謝美國敲響警鐘,感謝你們讓真相大白,感謝你們粉碎了我成長過程中所圍繞的優雅與美,這樣我才能認清我必須多努力教育我的孩子,這樣他們才不會像我一樣被哄騙入睡。」
I live in this fantastic bubble here in New York City. Where all of my friends are mixed and we celebrate our differences and we learn how to be respectful of each other no matter where we come from. Being different is a badge of honor. Having independent thoughts and an open mind is what I was taught early on. I thank god with all my soul that I have been raised here and that I've been able to raise my children here. I consider myself a New Yorker before an American. It's given everything to me which is why I dedicate my work to it everyday. I finished my first NYC marathon three days ago and felt like I could do anything because of this city. This has always been who I was, thinking that where I am is right at the center of the world. But fuck this bubble. Fuck this FUCKING place because it gave me a false sense of reality. The bubble finally burst and I woke up today to see what a dream I've been living. I took for granted what it feels like to be different and still loved. To feel safe around everyone. To be around smart and kind people who don't judge a book by its cover. To be surrounded by a community who look at my children like their own. To have grown up with people whose parents fought for social injustice and helped those who needed it the most. I fell asleep all these years in my comfy cozy bubble. But thank you America for the wake up call. Thank you for setting the record straight. Thank you for smashing the grace and beauty I grew up around so I could see how much work I have to do to educate my children so they don't get lulled to sleep like I did. So instead of retracting and moving overseas, that wouldn't be very New York of me, I promise to get out there and help prepare my children and other children to see the world for what it is and subsequently what it could be. Please don't talk to me about this being a battle between old establishment vs new establishment. Amerikkka I'm actually good now. I'm woke. Dao-Yi Chow(@alldaydaoyi)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 11月 月 9 7:44上午 PST 張貼
I live in this fantastic bubble here in New York City. Where all of my friends are mixed and we celebrate our differences and we learn how to be respectful of each other no matter where we come from. Being different is a badge of honor. Having independent thoughts and an open mind is what I was taught early on. I thank god with all my soul that I have been raised here and that I've been able to raise my children here. I consider myself a New Yorker before an American. It's given everything to me which is why I dedicate my work to it everyday. I finished my first NYC marathon three days ago and felt like I could do anything because of this city. This has always been who I was, thinking that where I am is right at the center of the world. But fuck this bubble. Fuck this FUCKING place because it gave me a false sense of reality. The bubble finally burst and I woke up today to see what a dream I've been living. I took for granted what it feels like to be different and still loved. To feel safe around everyone. To be around smart and kind people who don't judge a book by its cover. To be surrounded by a community who look at my children like their own. To have grown up with people whose parents fought for social injustice and helped those who needed it the most. I fell asleep all these years in my comfy cozy bubble. But thank you America for the wake up call. Thank you for setting the record straight. Thank you for smashing the grace and beauty I grew up around so I could see how much work I have to do to educate my children so they don't get lulled to sleep like I did. So instead of retracting and moving overseas, that wouldn't be very New York of me, I promise to get out there and help prepare my children and other children to see the world for what it is and subsequently what it could be. Please don't talk to me about this being a battle between old establishment vs new establishment. Amerikkka I'm actually good now. I'm woke.
Dao-Yi Chow(@alldaydaoyi)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 11月 月 9 7:44上午 PST 張貼
未來的第一夫人Melania Trump在投票日當天穿著設計師Michael Kors的洋裝與先生川普一同前往投票,但Michael Kors卻放棄了這個為宣傳品牌的大好機會,並未對此大做文章,也拒絕評論選舉結果。
身為加州人但目前旅居巴黎的設計師Rick Owens則說,「不祥的預兆,從選戰一開始似乎警鐘就已響起,但我覺得我的一票只是一種象徵動作,因為我無法預料事情會有如此的發展結果,現在這感覺像種個人威脅了,我目前所處的這個廣大社區,是我誤判他們的需求和想望嗎?我一直不斷思考演進這件事,以及如何優雅地為無可避免的交替轉移準備,我想這種情緒或許只是我個人普遍的悲觀主義,但或許也不是這樣。」
設計師Zac Posen認為,新總統上任後,有許多重要的當務之急要處理,「團結我們的國家太重要了,我也想看到一些公共事業振興方案回歸。」Monique Lhuillier則表示,新任總統的首要當務之急應該是投資各產業,幫美國人創造就業機會,包括Joseph Altuzarra、John Varvatos、Thom Browne等人都認為,應該要讓國家團結,而Jason Wu則說,「首要任務就是治理這個已經很棒的國家。」
將選票投給川普的Nicole Miller執行長Bud Konheim表示,「我覺得改變很好,我身處於時尚產業,所以我總是覺得改變很棒,我擁抱改變,哪個候選人當選我都不害怕,我是覺得兩種選擇都沒那麼好的那群人,美國人民數百年來都為自己發聲,美國人民一直都是對的,我也就順應民意。」
身為德國人的Chanel創意總監Karl Lagerfeld,拒絕對美國總統大選結果加以評論,他表示,「太過於肯定總是很危險的,我的最佳候選人一直都是蜜雪兒歐巴馬。」這樣的結果會對產業有何影響?他則說,「不確定產業會被影響到,看看法國總統歐蘭德(Francois Hollande),他說他會投給希拉蕊,這其實不干我們的事。」
Pierre Bergé在推特上寫道,「美國總統川普,我立刻想到我的美國朋友,他們一定很難過又擔心,誰不會呢?」
Trump président des USA. Je pense tout de suite à mes amis Américains qui doivent être si tristes et si inquiets. Mais qui ne le serait pas? — Pierre Bergé (@pvgberge) November 9, 2016
Trump président des USA. Je pense tout de suite à mes amis Américains qui doivent être si tristes et si inquiets. Mais qui ne le serait pas?
— Pierre Bergé (@pvgberge) November 9, 2016
法國女裝聯盟的董事總經理François-Marie Grau表示,「目前正在進行中的貿易談判,像是跨太平洋夥伴協定(Trans-Pacific Partnership,TPP)和跨大西洋協議有了不好的開端,唐諾川普也想重新思考現有的協定,像是北美自由貿易協定,這對外銷到美國的歐洲時尚產業來說,是個非常不好的消息。」Grau指出,美國在2015年是法國服裝產業第六大的市場,「法國服裝出口到美國在2015年較前年成長17%,另一個負面影響可能是歐元與美元間的匯率變化,非常強勢的歐元讓歐洲產品有較少的競爭力。」
「這當然是個令人出乎意料之外的驚訝選擇,但無論如何,都必須尊重這樣的選擇,因為這是美國人民偏愛的選擇。」旗下擁有Moschino、Jeremy Scott和Alberta Ferretti等品牌的義大利精品集團Aeffe執行主席Massimo Ferretti表示,「希望選舉活動的激情能慢慢平靜,之後能了解到,不論是從經濟和文化角度來看,現實都是很複雜的,我不期待在精品部分會有重大影響。」
義大利紡織時尚協會(Sistema Mode Italia,SMI)總裁Claudio Marenzi認為,要等到川普決定何時兌現哪一項競選承諾之後,所產生的影響才較能清楚衡量,「現在美國除了目前現有的高關稅之外,也是我們產品出口的主要區域之一,我們希望他所宣稱的保護主義政策,在未來不會轉變成孤立主義的商業政策,這可能會讓全球商業貿易又變得更不穩定,同時也可能觸發商業及貨幣戰爭。」