1. 絲絨洋裝業績讓Zara母公司走在時尚尖端(BBC)
絲絨洋裝、軍裝外套和迷你裙幫連鎖服裝品牌Zara和Massimo Dutti的母公司Inditex截至10月份的9個月營收繳出強勁成長的成績,這個全球最大的服飾零售商淨銷售為164億歐元,較去年同期成長11%,淨利則為22億歐元,成長9%。
儘管今年11月氣候仍溫暖,但相較於競爭對手在其他市場陷入苦戰,Inditex在實體門市與網路商城的銷售業績仍持續成長,該集團旗下還有Bershka和Pull & Bear等品牌,但Zara佔了集團業績的三分之二。
2. H&M每月營收成長不如預期(Reuters)
全球第二大服飾零售商H&M 11月份銷售業績較去年成長9%,低於分析師預期的15%,品牌將成長不如預期歸咎於氣候因素,反觀對手Inditex 11月和12月上半個月的業績則是成長了16%,分析師認為,H&M面對的是更為根本的結構性問題,包括更劇烈的競爭以及需要加快供應鏈的速度。
SocGen分析師Anne Critchlow表示,「11月份,西歐及北歐的服裝市場應該是有正面助益的,因為每年氣候都越來越冷,接下來就看H&M能否在新會計年度的第一個月12月提升業績,或是緩慢的銷售趨勢是否能在第一季,也就是2月底時因為折扣而讓業績提升。」
3. Philipp Plein:「每個人都在求生存」(BoF)
Just received a love letter from Dolce and Gabbana's lawyer accusing me and my people that we would steal their employees....... 1. This is a free country and everybody can choose by themselves who they want to work for !! 2. If people are happy at their job they don't think about leaving !!! 3. I really love and respect the brand dolce and gabbana , it was an inspiration for me and many others to start my business and to work in fashion !!!! @stefanogabbana @dolcegabbana It's is sad to say but everybody loves you until you become competition !!!! Since more than 15 years I work 24/7 on realizing my dream and building my company .... I respect everybody and I never received any support from this industry until today !!! I want to take this moment to apologize to absolutely "NOBODY" !!!! Philipp Plein(@philippplein78)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 12月 月 11 1:41上午 PST 張貼
Just received a love letter from Dolce and Gabbana's lawyer accusing me and my people that we would steal their employees....... 1. This is a free country and everybody can choose by themselves who they want to work for !! 2. If people are happy at their job they don't think about leaving !!! 3. I really love and respect the brand dolce and gabbana , it was an inspiration for me and many others to start my business and to work in fashion !!!! @stefanogabbana @dolcegabbana It's is sad to say but everybody loves you until you become competition !!!! Since more than 15 years I work 24/7 on realizing my dream and building my company .... I respect everybody and I never received any support from this industry until today !!! I want to take this moment to apologize to absolutely "NOBODY" !!!!
Philipp Plein(@philippplein78)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 12月 月 11 1:41上午 PST 張貼
設計師Philipp Plein日前收到義大利品牌Dolce & Gabbana的律師信,指控Philipp Plein在Dolce & Gabbana米蘭門市企圖挖角該品牌約10名員工。
信中指出,Dolce & Gabbana在2016年10月下旬發現Philipp Plein International已經和Dolce & Gabbana的員工聯繫,兩名目前為Philipp Plein工作的前員工,與Dolce & Gabbana目前仍在職的員工聯繫,希望他們接受Philipp Plein將在2017年1月開幕的米蘭新店的工作。這些被挖角的員工在Dolce & Gabbana擔任較高級的職位,經驗豐富,與公司的重要客戶關係良好,而這些客戶的忠誠度和在營收上的貢獻對品牌來說至關重要。
Philipp Plein的同名品牌過去五年來在全球開設了120間門市,他表示,「這些人,這些品牌,他們不希望競爭,他們知道如何保護自己,每個人都那麼做,當你是獨占壟斷時,你不希望你周圍的任何人分食大餅,這就是這個產業目前正發生的事。在這個競爭激烈的時刻,每個人都在求生存,我不是敵人,我也不是個壞人,我不是在強行擄人或偷偷挖角。」
4. 香港零售持續低迷,Prada關閉半島酒店門市(South China Morning Post)
香港零售市場持續低迷,讓各品牌不得不採取行動,繼Coach、Forever21、A&F及Ralph Lauren相繼關閉大型旗艦店之後,義大利精品品牌Prada也將在本月底關閉香港半島酒店門市。
自從2003年北京開放旅遊限制後,國際精品品牌為了吸引有購物實力的中國消費者,紛紛湧入香港開設門市,地產顧問公司Knight Frank零售服務主管Helen Mak表示,在近年來積極擴展之後,更多精品品牌將會縮減香港的門市,這其實是個良性的調整,「過去10年來,許多精品品牌的門市數量呈現雙倍的成長。」她認為,精品品牌要面對的問題就是,香港是否還是個值得投資的市場,畢竟有些品牌寧可將資源直接投入在中國的其他城市。