美國《Glamour》雜誌的員工在去年翻閱過幾期雜誌後,突然驚覺雖然《Glamour》主要訴求對象是女性,但負責創造雜誌視覺影像的攝影師、造型師和創意人員卻大多都是男性,這個完全支持職場性別平等的雜誌竟然會出現這種諷刺的狀況,也讓總編輯Cindi Leive大感震驚。
Team Nasty Woman, settling in for the night at @glamourmag HQ. Cindi Leive(@cindi_leive)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 11月 月 8 3:01下午 PST 張貼
Team Nasty Woman, settling in for the night at @glamourmag HQ.
Cindi Leive(@cindi_leive)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 11月 月 8 3:01下午 PST 張貼
「我們是個當女性代表不足時會強烈抗議的品牌。」Cindi Leive表示,對於職場上女性執行長人數的懸殊差距,《Glamour》也曾率先討論為何那種狀況應該改變。
「到秋季為止,在我們自己的平面刊物中,只有37%的合作攝影師是女性,髮型師則是32%,比彩妝師的一半還少。」Cindi Leive補充說道,「我們檢視我們的競爭者,發現我們任用女性的比例大概介於中間的水準,我們就想,『好的,就讓我們言行合一吧。』」
"You have to earn your life." --free-thinking fashion force Miuccia @prada, in her #GlamourWOTY profile. Loved sitting down with her for this interview (and telling the story of my first-ever Prada purchase!). Link in bio. Cindi Leive(@cindi_leive)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 11月 月 3 8:48上午 PDT 張貼
"You have to earn your life." --free-thinking fashion force Miuccia @prada, in her #GlamourWOTY profile. Loved sitting down with her for this interview (and telling the story of my first-ever Prada purchase!). Link in bio.
Cindi Leive(@cindi_leive)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 11月 月 3 8:48上午 PDT 張貼
於是今年2月號100%全部由女性打造的雜誌就此誕生,Cindi Leive在編者的話中談到,「我們所有人腦中想的都是性別平等,性別平等並不只發生在美國總統或執行長的層級,它是從自家做起,當我看到那些數字時,一切就相當清楚了:我們家可以稍作改變,那個改變就從這一期開始,這期雜誌從第一頁到最後一頁,我們選用的每張照片都是由女性所打造:攝影師、造型師、髮型、彩妝,所有一切。」(唯一的例外是蜜雪兒歐巴馬的彩妝師Carl Ray,他也出現在這本雜誌中。)
這期雜誌請到了美國影集《Girls》(女孩我最大)四位主要演員Allison Williams、Zosia Mamet、Lena Dunham和Jemima Kirke擔任封面人物,沒有經過電腦修圖處理的封面照,讓Lena Dunham腿部的橘皮組織清晰可見,而這位30歲的美國女星也因此在Instagram發文大讚這樣的做法。
Five years ago we profiled these groundbreaking ladies at the start of @girlshbo. Now I'm so proud they're on the cover--and not just ANY cover but our #PoweredByWomen issue, devoted to showcasing creative women. Every image in the issue was taken by a woman (with female hair and makeup talent)--starting with this one, by @emmasummerton. Read @jennikonner's "exit interview" with @lenadunham, @aw, @zosiamamet and Jemima Kirke through the link. Cindi Leive(@cindi_leive)張貼的相片 於 2017 年 1月 月 3 5:20上午 PST 張貼
Five years ago we profiled these groundbreaking ladies at the start of @girlshbo. Now I'm so proud they're on the cover--and not just ANY cover but our #PoweredByWomen issue, devoted to showcasing creative women. Every image in the issue was taken by a woman (with female hair and makeup talent)--starting with this one, by @emmasummerton. Read @jennikonner's "exit interview" with @lenadunham, @aw, @zosiamamet and Jemima Kirke through the link.
Cindi Leive(@cindi_leive)張貼的相片 於 2017 年 1月 月 3 5:20上午 PST 張貼
Lena Dunham繼續寫著,「不論每個人的體型、膚色、性別認同如何,在大眾文化中總是會有我們所有人的一席之地,能被認為是美麗的。在2017年裡,這些痛恨者在羞辱別人時必須要更聰明且更有創意,因為我們沒有人會被匿名潛水者或無情的部落格或甚至是我們的伴侶和朋友嚇到躲進寬大長袍中,感謝好萊塢(以及在Instagram!)的女性開路,讓女性的各種身材能夠有所啟發且正常化。也感謝 @glamourmag 讓我的橘皮組織今天能出現在各地的書報攤裡。」
When they let you rock that Fenty gear with only a bra... Surreal sleepover @glamourmag Lena Dunham(@lenadunham)張貼的相片 於 2017 年 1月 月 3 8:04上午 PST 張貼
When they let you rock that Fenty gear with only a bra... Surreal sleepover @glamourmag
Lena Dunham(@lenadunham)張貼的相片 於 2017 年 1月 月 3 8:04上午 PST 張貼
Okay, here goes: throughout my teens I was told, in no uncertain terms, that I was fucking funny looking. Potbelly, rabbit teeth, knock knees- I could never seem to get it right and it haunted my every move. I posed as the sassy confident one, secretly horrified and hurt by careless comments and hostility. Let's get something straight: I didn't hate what I looked like- I hated the culture that was telling me to hate it. When my career started, some people celebrated my look but always through the lens of "isn't she brave? Isn't it such a bold move to show THAT body on TV?" Then there were the legions of trolls who made high school teasing look like a damned joke with the violent threats they heaped on, the sickening insults that made me ache for teen girls like me who might be reading my comments. Well, today this body is on the cover of a magazine that millions of women will read, without photoshop, my thigh on full imperfect display. Whether you agree with my politics, like my show or connect to what I do, it doesn't matter- my body isn't fair game. No one's is, no matter their size, color, gender identity, and there's a place for us all in popular culture to be recognized as beautiful. Haters are gonna have to get more intellectual and creative with their disses in 2017 because none of us are going to be scared into muumuus by faceless basement dwellers, or cruel blogs, or even our partners and friends. Thank you to the women in Hollywood (and on Instagram!) leading the way, inspiring and normalizing the female form in EVERY form, and thank you to @glamourmag for letting my cellulite do the damn thing on news stands everywhere today Love you all. Lena Dunham(@lenadunham)張貼的相片 於 2017 年 1月 月 3 9:00上午 PST 張貼
Okay, here goes: throughout my teens I was told, in no uncertain terms, that I was fucking funny looking. Potbelly, rabbit teeth, knock knees- I could never seem to get it right and it haunted my every move. I posed as the sassy confident one, secretly horrified and hurt by careless comments and hostility. Let's get something straight: I didn't hate what I looked like- I hated the culture that was telling me to hate it. When my career started, some people celebrated my look but always through the lens of "isn't she brave? Isn't it such a bold move to show THAT body on TV?" Then there were the legions of trolls who made high school teasing look like a damned joke with the violent threats they heaped on, the sickening insults that made me ache for teen girls like me who might be reading my comments. Well, today this body is on the cover of a magazine that millions of women will read, without photoshop, my thigh on full imperfect display. Whether you agree with my politics, like my show or connect to what I do, it doesn't matter- my body isn't fair game. No one's is, no matter their size, color, gender identity, and there's a place for us all in popular culture to be recognized as beautiful. Haters are gonna have to get more intellectual and creative with their disses in 2017 because none of us are going to be scared into muumuus by faceless basement dwellers, or cruel blogs, or even our partners and friends. Thank you to the women in Hollywood (and on Instagram!) leading the way, inspiring and normalizing the female form in EVERY form, and thank you to @glamourmag for letting my cellulite do the damn thing on news stands everywhere today Love you all.
Lena Dunham(@lenadunham)張貼的相片 於 2017 年 1月 月 3 9:00上午 PST 張貼
即使是在時尚界,掌權的男性似乎還是多於女性,根據德州大學奧斯汀分校社會學系博士後Allyson Stokesn所發表的《玻璃伸展台:性別和性取向如何形塑時裝設計界的焦點》(The Glass Runway: How Gender and Sexuality Shape the Spotlight in Fashion Design)研究發現,在以不同言語描述男性設計師和女性設計師作品時,男性設計師的作品通常被形容為「藝術、開創性或創新」,但女性設計師的作品卻是往往是「實穿」,儘管有時一點也不是如此。
「許多人會談玻璃伸展台,先從設計師開始,接著擴及到髮型師和攝影師,」Cindi Leive表示,假如這些雜誌「推廣」女性的作品,情況或許會有所改變。