巴黎時裝週再掀模特兒霸凌爭議!Balenciaga火速開除選角導演以平眾怒 Lanvin斥「無稽之談」

by BeautiMode 2017/03/02


知名模特兒選角導演James Scully日前在Instagram上發文,指控負責為法國時尚品牌Balenciaga徵選模特兒的Maida Gregori Boina及Rami Fernandes,涉嫌在徵選過程霸凌模特兒,同時也點名Lanvin種族歧視。

Balenciaga Spring Summer 17 @bazaaruk March 2017 Issue by @carineroitfeld, photography by @bibicornejoborthwick

A post shared by Balenciaga (@balenciaga) on

他的Instagram上寫道:「今天早上我從一些女孩那裡聽到一件非常令人不安的消息,據說昨天在Balenciaga的模特兒試鏡會(Casting)上,Madia & Ramy(連續霸凌慣犯)舉辦了一場試鏡會,他們讓超過150位女孩在樓梯間等候,並跟他們說,他們必須留在那裡超過三小時,不能離開。照他們平常的作風,他們關上門就去吃午餐了,而且還把樓梯間的燈也關了,所有女孩只能透過她們手機的光線才能看得到東西。」

他還繼續寫道,「這不但是種殘酷的虐待,而且也很危險,讓許多跟我談過此事的女孩很受傷。大多數的女孩因為拒絕被當成像動物一樣對待,已經要求直接取消她們為Balenciaga走秀的機會,同樣還包括Hermes和Elie Saab,這兩個品牌也是交由他們負責選角。」

隱身在社群媒體背後的模特兒產業 Kendall Jenner一篇貼文最高價值30萬美金

So true to my promise at #bofvoices that I would be a voice for any models, agents or all who see things wrong with this business I'm disappointed to come to Paris and hear that the usual suspects are up to the same tricks. I was very disturbed to hear from a number of girls this morning that yesterday at the Balenciaga casting Madia & Ramy (serial abusers) held a casting in which they made over 150 girls wait in a stairwell told them they would have to stay over 3 hours to be seen and not to leave. In their usual fashion they shut the door went to lunch and turned off the lights, to the stairs leaving every girl with only the lights of their phones to see. Not only was this sadistic and cruel it was dangerous and left more than a few of the girls I spoke with traumatized. Most of the girls have asked to have their options for Balenciaga cancelled as well as Hermes and Ellie Saab who they also cast for because they refuse to be treated like animals. Balenciaga part of Kering it is a public company and these houses need to know what the people they hire are doing on their behalf before a well deserved law suit comes their way. On top of that I have heard from several agents, some of whom are black that they have received mandate from Lanvin that they do not want to be presented with women of color. And another big house is trying to sneak 15 year olds into paris! It's inconceivable to me that people have no regard for human decency or the lives and feelings of these girls, especially when too too many of these models are under the age of 18 and clearly not equipped to be here but god forbid well sacrifice anything or anyone for an exclusive right? If this behavior continues it's gonna be a long cold week in paris. Please keep sharing your stories with me and I will continue to to share them for you. It seems to be the only way we can force change and give the power back to you models and agents where it rightfully belongs. And I encourage any and all to share this post #watchthisspace

james scully(@jamespscully)分享的貼文 於 張貼


除此之外,James Scully還指控Lanvin高層似乎刻意排除非白人的模特兒,而且還有個大品牌,正試圖非法偷渡年僅15歲的模特兒到巴黎走秀。

面對此番指控,Balenciaga證實,之前模特兒選角時確實出現了一些問題,而負責選角的Maida Gregori Boina及Rami Fernandes也立刻被開除了,並宣布再也不與該兩位選角導演的經紀公司合作。

搞怪超模Cara Delevingne如願以償成演員 坦承:「我對當模特兒從沒懷抱過熱情。」


LVMH集團主席暨執行長Bernard Arnault的兒子Antoine Arnault更直接在James Scully的Instagram貼文下回應:「假如你聽到像這樣的事情發生在我們旗下的品牌裡,請直接與我聯絡。」目前身為Berluti執行長和Loro Piana主席的Antoine Arnault,他的另一半是知名模特兒Natalia Vodianova。

超級名模製造機!時尚紀錄片揭露超模推手John Casablancas的精彩人生

而對於刻意排除非白人的指控,Lanvin嚴正否認此事,斥責這是無稽之談,並舉上季的發表會為例,證明公司絕對不會做出這類種族歧視的行為。Lanvin創意總監Bouchra Jarrar也在秋冬發表會後表示:「他們用種族歧視的罪名污辱了這些品牌。他們到底在說什麼?我們的更衣室擁有來自各種不同種族的女孩們,事實上,這些人裡甚至連一個法國人都沒有!」

時尚界還不夠多元包容?混血名模Chrissy Teigen:「我希望世界能以平常心看待亞洲模特兒!」

模特兒遭到工作霸凌的事件在時尚界裡早已不是新聞,英國名模Edie Campbell就表示,James Scully提到的狀況根本是小菜一碟,業界更誇張的行徑多不勝數。

「那大概不是我所聽到最令人震驚的案例,我真的算是非常幸運的人,我一路上遇到的雇主與經紀人都非常好,讓我成為少數1%能夠走到現在地位的人。但我曾經看到許多令人生氣難過的事情,我曾見過女孩們被要求在攝影棚裡繞圈跑步,這就像個牲畜市場一樣。」Edie Campbell說道。

原來他們都當過模特兒?盤點韓劇「臉蛋、演技雙拼演員 Top 7 」!


歌手暨模特兒Rina Sawayama也表示,她曾在與大型國際品牌的拍照過程中遭遇到許多令人傻眼的種族歧視:「有時候當你成為所有人當中唯一一位有色人種,你會覺得好像你需要低聲下氣,反正你會在那裡就只是運氣好,一定要取悅他們。但幸運的是業界的狀況正慢慢有所改善,輿論也改變了,也許還需要很多年的努力,但社群媒體會讓這個過程加速。」

資料來源:WWD、The Guardian


英國男星查理漢納甜蜜捍衛女友 拒絕網路霸凌

對抗模特兒不健康瘦身 丹麥時尚產業再度祭出新創舉


【模特兒的一天】穿梭國際伸展台 台灣名模王思偉:「模特兒其實是個身心要同步進步的工作。」

