在全球擁有龐大粉絲,每每登場總是能用華麗打鬥及驚險追車場景震撼人心的動作鉅片《玩命關頭》(The Fast and the Furious)系列,隨著續集的劇情延伸,加入了更多令人期待的大牌演員及新面孔,由史考特伊斯威特(Scott Eastwood)飾演在第8集首度登場的新角色艾瑞克雷斯納(Eric Reisner)就是其中之一。
Day 2 of press for #fastandfurious8 here in the city of London! Got to watch the movie last night, and words can barely describe how incredible it was. Can't wait for all of you guys to see it! #fateofthefurious #f8 #fastandfurious Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 3月 月 29 7:02上午 PDT 張貼
Day 2 of press for #fastandfurious8 here in the city of London! Got to watch the movie last night, and words can barely describe how incredible it was. Can't wait for all of you guys to see it! #fateofthefurious #f8 #fastandfurious
Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 3月 月 29 7:02上午 PDT 張貼
擁有帥氣外型且出演過多部話題動作片的史考特伊斯威特,有位大名鼎鼎的導演父親克林伊斯威特(Clint Eastwood),在演藝圈人脈甚廣的他,同時也是《玩命》系列已故男星保羅沃克(Paul Walker)的多年摯交。
It's hard to put into words how excited I am for the next Fast & Furious. To me, the series is so much more than just a franchise. It’s a legacy. These great actors who have been in it together for so long have become a family. I absolutely can’t wait to join it. Now I can’t say too much, but I get to play a new character who operates under Kurt Russell in the movie, which is incredible, because Kurt was a total childhood hero of mine growing up. Very much looking forward to learning a thing or two from such an original and cool guy. Paul was a close friend of mine. We surfed together, traveled together, and he was a huge role model and influencing figure in my life when I was younger. He still is. He was an older brother to me. For me to be able to add to the F&F story, Paul’s story, and the FAST family is like a dream come true. Gary Gray and Neal Moritz - I can’t wait to get started and dive in. Vin - thank you for the support and the insight. Paul - I am going to make you proud. #F8 Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 4月 月 11 9:32上午 PDT 張貼
It's hard to put into words how excited I am for the next Fast & Furious. To me, the series is so much more than just a franchise. It’s a legacy. These great actors who have been in it together for so long have become a family. I absolutely can’t wait to join it. Now I can’t say too much, but I get to play a new character who operates under Kurt Russell in the movie, which is incredible, because Kurt was a total childhood hero of mine growing up. Very much looking forward to learning a thing or two from such an original and cool guy. Paul was a close friend of mine. We surfed together, traveled together, and he was a huge role model and influencing figure in my life when I was younger. He still is. He was an older brother to me. For me to be able to add to the F&F story, Paul’s story, and the FAST family is like a dream come true. Gary Gray and Neal Moritz - I can’t wait to get started and dive in. Vin - thank you for the support and the insight. Paul - I am going to make you proud. #F8
Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 4月 月 11 9:32上午 PDT 張貼
而他在接受《Men’s Health》(男士健康)雜誌訪談時更透露,自己和保羅沃克相識近15年,「他對我而言,就像一位良師和大哥。所以當我的經紀人提到這個案子時,我第一個想法是,這太過觸及個人的切身之痛了。但我進一步思考後,我想像保羅若知道,肯定會低頭看著我說:『別當個傻瓜,快出去做吧!』」
保羅沃克曾是《玩命關頭》核心角色,他的缺席對劇組成員們絕對造成影響,史考特伊斯威特也坦言,在拍攝《玩命關頭8》的過程中,有時自己內心也相當難受,「有些時候,我會感覺他也在現場,突然間我就眼眶泛淚,我也曾好幾度覺得快被想念他的感覺給淹沒。」所幸《玩命關頭》大家庭就像電影中唐老大的團隊一般,把每位成員視為家人互相照顧,馮迪索(Vin Diesel)與泰瑞斯吉布森(Tyrese Gibson)會停下手上的工作與他一起分享保羅的故事,「這樣的過程也反映了很多電影中所傳達的價值…這非常強而有力,我很榮幸能成為其中的一份子。」
Got the crew and a fucking fish!!! That's right. You know how we do it. @therock @nathalieemmanuel @tyrese @ludacris @mrodofficial By the way it's fake. You know....Movie Buisness. Couldn't afford a real one. #smallmovie #fast8 #f8 Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 6月 月 13 5:35下午 PDT 張貼
Got the crew and a fucking fish!!! That's right. You know how we do it. @therock @nathalieemmanuel @tyrese @ludacris @mrodofficial By the way it's fake. You know....Movie Buisness. Couldn't afford a real one. #smallmovie #fast8 #f8
Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 6月 月 13 5:35下午 PDT 張貼
Had a great first week on set with everyone. @tyrese is fucking hilarious. One talented dude. @jasonstatham is the man! Everyone is so cool and nice. @fgarygray our director is crushing this movie. So excited and its only been a week!!! #f8 Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 5月 月 28 10:37上午 PDT 張貼
Had a great first week on set with everyone. @tyrese is fucking hilarious. One talented dude. @jasonstatham is the man! Everyone is so cool and nice. @fgarygray our director is crushing this movie. So excited and its only been a week!!! #f8
Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 5月 月 28 10:37上午 PDT 張貼
Throw back this summer. Chilling with the man who runs that city. #atlanta @ludacris Great times Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 9月 月 7 8:59下午 PDT 張貼
Throw back this summer. Chilling with the man who runs that city. #atlanta @ludacris Great times
Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 9月 月 7 8:59下午 PDT 張貼
@twooodley in the motha fuckin house. Good luck on the fight!!! We in your corner #f8 Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 7月 月 26 3:11下午 PDT 張貼
@twooodley in the motha fuckin house. Good luck on the fight!!! We in your corner #f8
Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 7月 月 26 3:11下午 PDT 張貼
2004年以街舞電影《熱力四射》(You Got Served)出道的史考特伊斯威特,遺傳了父親的迷人雙眼及對電影的熱愛,但從未依靠父親的名聲闖蕩影壇。他在大學畢業後,就非常踏實地與友人在聖地亞哥附近租屋,進行車位出租與調酒生意,同時一邊磨練演技。
史考特伊斯威特高挑帥氣的外型與一身健美肌肉,讓他贏得了如《怒火特攻隊》(Fury)、父親執導的《硫磺島的英雄們》(Flags of Our Fathers)等多部戰爭與動作片的片約,
So honored to share the screen with the master brad pitt. Thank you for this amazing opportunity @davidayermovies and @sonypictures. #bradpitt @jonnybernthal @loganlerman @realmichaelpena. Official trailer out today!!!!!!! http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/fury/ Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2014 年 6月 月 25 1:24下午 PDT 張貼
So honored to share the screen with the master brad pitt. Thank you for this amazing opportunity @davidayermovies and @sonypictures. #bradpitt @jonnybernthal @loganlerman @realmichaelpena. Official trailer out today!!!!!!! http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/fury/
Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2014 年 6月 月 25 1:24下午 PDT 張貼
他也曾在2015年時擔任美國歌手泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)〈Wildest Dreams〉(狂野之夢)的單曲MV男主角,但這位現年31歲的男演員卻自爆,當時他所有的經紀人都反對他去當泰勒絲的玩物,「我覺得那很棒,我經紀人卻說:『我不想讓你接那個案子。』然後我就說,『不,那很棒,泰勒絲也非常好,我為何不演?這一行本來就是要很有趣的啊!』」
How is this cool photo from the set of #wildestdreamsmusicvideo what a fun music video to be a part of. @taylorswift Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2015 年 10月 月 8 7:17上午 PDT 張貼
How is this cool photo from the set of #wildestdreamsmusicvideo what a fun music video to be a part of. @taylorswift
Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2015 年 10月 月 8 7:17上午 PDT 張貼
隨著《自殺突擊隊》(Suicide Squad)、《環太平洋2》(Pacific Rim: Uprising)等大製作片約陸續敲門,也讓史考特伊斯威特的知名度與影響力與日俱增,原本打算若演藝之路走得不順遂,準備轉當消防員的他,看來這個計畫恐怕無法實現了。
這次史考特伊斯威特在《玩命關頭8》擔任由寇特羅素(Kurt Russell)飾演的「小人物」法蘭克佩帝的助手,對於能和自小崇拜的寇特羅素合作,讓他感到相當不可思議,「他是最認真工作的人,他到拍攝現場,很清楚自己要做什麼,前一秒你才在跟他們開玩笑,下一秒又進行拍攝,拍完又繼續開玩笑,他是最棒的。」
These guys have been an absolute dream to work with!!! @jasonstatham and #kurtRussel are two funny motherfuckers!!! #fastfriday #f8 Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 7月 月 2 4:53上午 PDT 張貼
These guys have been an absolute dream to work with!!! @jasonstatham and #kurtRussel are two funny motherfuckers!!! #fastfriday #f8
Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 7月 月 2 4:53上午 PDT 張貼
@adele came to the set of #fast8 today. @tyrese couldn't help it. He had to call his girl. And then I needed too as well. #submarineset Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 6月 月 28 10:44上午 PDT 張貼
@adele came to the set of #fast8 today. @tyrese couldn't help it. He had to call his girl. And then I needed too as well. #submarineset
Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 6月 月 28 10:44上午 PDT 張貼
Like father like son. Out in Atlanta on the set of my dads new movie. #Sully. Staring Tom hanks and Aaron Eckhart. This movie is gonna be great. Getting to see masters work is such a blessing. #dad #myhero #feelinlucky #yespunk #iam Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2015 年 10月 月 22 9:14上午 PDT 張貼
Like father like son. Out in Atlanta on the set of my dads new movie. #Sully. Staring Tom hanks and Aaron Eckhart. This movie is gonna be great. Getting to see masters work is such a blessing. #dad #myhero #feelinlucky #yespunk #iam
Scott Eastwood(@scotteastwood)分享的貼文 於 2015 年 10月 月 22 9:14上午 PDT 張貼