蘇富比(Sotheby’s)日前在瑞士日內瓦文華東方酒店(Mandarin Oriental)舉辦拍賣會,在眾多拍品中,以14.54克拉的「阿波羅藍鑽」(The Apollo Blue)和16克拉的「阿特米斯粉紅鑽」(The Artemis Pink)最受注目,並分別以4,208萬7,302美元(約合新台幣12億6730萬元)和1,533萬8,176美元(約合4億6,185萬元)成交,創下拍賣史最昂貴耳環紀錄。
雖然這兩個鑽石耳環被分開出售,並以希臘神話中的雙胞胎兄妹阿波羅(Apollo)、阿特米斯(Artemis)命名,經過漫長競標後,兩個鑽石皆由一位不願具名的亞洲買家以破紀錄超過5,742萬美元(約合新台幣17億2,900萬元)的價格得標,並打破佳士得(Christie’s)在去年拍賣「愛情之鏡」(Miroir de l’Amour)鑽石耳環所創下的紀錄。
"Simply a wonder to behold": Sotheby's Worldwide Jewellery Chairman David Bennett presents the 'Apollo & Artemis Diamonds' - the most valuable earrings ever to be offered at auction - which will light up our sale of Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels in Geneva on 16 May at Mandarin Oriental, Geneva #SothebysJewels #SothebysGeneva #geneva #mandarinorientalgeneva Sotheby's(@sothebys)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 5月 月 3 3:00上午 PDT 張貼
"Simply a wonder to behold": Sotheby's Worldwide Jewellery Chairman David Bennett presents the 'Apollo & Artemis Diamonds' - the most valuable earrings ever to be offered at auction - which will light up our sale of Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels in Geneva on 16 May at Mandarin Oriental, Geneva #SothebysJewels #SothebysGeneva #geneva #mandarinorientalgeneva
Sotheby's(@sothebys)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 5月 月 3 3:00上午 PDT 張貼
其實,早在拍賣前,蘇富比就對阿波羅藍鑽和阿特米斯粉紅鑽寄予厚望。蘇富比國際珠寶部環球主席大衛班奈特(David Bennett)表示,「這兩個鑽石各自看起來十分獨特,但放在一起時,簡直美的令人屏息,因此我們對這兩個鑽石非常有信心。」
14.54克拉的阿波羅藍鑽是目前拍賣史上拍出的最大無瑕豔彩藍鑽,經過切割、拋光後成為梨狀,不只別具質感,更能彰顯鑽石本身具有的不凡色澤。美國寶石學院(Gemological Institute of America)就將這顆鑽石列為llb等級,除了含氮量極低,低到無法以現有儀器測出外,更十分罕見,目前在全球所有鑽石中,約只有0.005%屬於llb等級。
The captivating ‘Apollo and Artemis Diamonds’ are the most important #earrings ever to appear at #auction. One Fancy Vivid Blue, one Fancy Intense #Pink, these breath-taking stones enter a class of their own when considered as a pair. Cut into lyrical pear-shapes and named after the most revered and powerful of Olympian deities, their rarity, mesmerising beauty, and distinction is without comparison. They will be offered separately in our Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels sale in #Geneva this spring. #SothebysJewels #SothebysGeneva #diamond Sotheby's(@sothebys)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 10 3:03上午 PDT 張貼
The captivating ‘Apollo and Artemis Diamonds’ are the most important #earrings ever to appear at #auction. One Fancy Vivid Blue, one Fancy Intense #Pink, these breath-taking stones enter a class of their own when considered as a pair. Cut into lyrical pear-shapes and named after the most revered and powerful of Olympian deities, their rarity, mesmerising beauty, and distinction is without comparison. They will be offered separately in our Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels sale in #Geneva this spring. #SothebysJewels #SothebysGeneva #diamond
Sotheby's(@sothebys)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 10 3:03上午 PDT 張貼
買下阿波羅藍鑽和阿特米斯粉紅鑽的亞洲買家雖不願露面,但仍發表聲明透露,已將這兩顆鑽石重新命名為「秋葉的回憶」(The Memory of Autumn Leaves)、「秋葉的夢境」(The Dream of Autumn Leaves)。
Sotheby's(@sothebys)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 4 8:57上午 PDT 張貼
Sotheby's(@sothebys)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 24 12:11下午 PDT 張貼