以人類血肉之軀和鋼筋鐵骨開戰為背景的《變形金剛5:最終騎士》(Transformers 5: The Last Knight)中,一個紮著辮子的女孩在人類戰況危急之際說出「我想要留下來,我想要一起對抗!」,讓觀眾熱血沸騰。她是年僅15歲的新生代女星伊莎貝拉莫娜(Isabela Mona),過去以影集《高中前要做的一百件事》(100 Things to Do Before High School)走紅,這次在《變形金剛5》裡戲份吃重,飾演在芝加哥大戰中失去雙親的孤兒伊薩貝拉。
lil blue #sqweeks Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 8月 月 5 10:03上午 PDT 張貼
lil blue #sqweeks
Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 8月 月 5 10:03上午 PDT 張貼
對於伊薩貝拉這個角色,導演麥可貝(Michael Bay)原本想找年齡大一點的演員來詮釋,但在看到伊莎貝拉莫娜後,於是決定要由真正年紀相仿的孩童來演出。伊莎貝拉莫娜表示,「這個角色本身就充滿力量,我很驚訝麥可貝會找像我這種年齡的女孩來演出,因為能在大銀幕看到一位這麼年輕的女性,她只是逐漸邁向成人的階段,身上能散發出如此強大的力量,真的很酷。」
when your squad involves @michaelbay @markwahlberg & your own adorable transformer Vespa, you can't help but smile. Been havin the time of my life... Thanks Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 6月 月 22 2:23下午 PDT 張貼
when your squad involves @michaelbay @markwahlberg & your own adorable transformer Vespa, you can't help but smile. Been havin the time of my life... Thanks
Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 6月 月 22 2:23下午 PDT 張貼
This has all the makings of a dream team. #transformers #TMNT2 Transformers(@transformersmovie)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 5月 月 22 4:41下午 PDT 張貼
This has all the makings of a dream team. #transformers #TMNT2
Transformers(@transformersmovie)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 5月 月 22 4:41下午 PDT 張貼
#transformers #autobots Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 5月 月 17 10:26下午 PDT 張貼
#transformers #autobots
Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 5月 月 17 10:26下午 PDT 張貼
one of the last few days of training with @allstarjulia and @courage71 before the first day of filming next week. #transformers @ironfitnessla Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 6月 月 2 10:47上午 PDT 張貼
one of the last few days of training with @allstarjulia and @courage71 before the first day of filming next week. #transformers @ironfitnessla
Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 6月 月 2 10:47上午 PDT 張貼
action shot of me and my trainer at @ironfitnessla Julia!! she helped me train for @transformersmovie freaking love you and miss you. promise I'm doing my daily sets at the hotel gym. Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 6月 月 30 9:55上午 PDT 張貼
action shot of me and my trainer at @ironfitnessla Julia!! she helped me train for @transformersmovie freaking love you and miss you. promise I'm doing my daily sets at the hotel gym.
Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 6月 月 30 9:55上午 PDT 張貼
"What do you mean, he's just intimidated by me?" Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 5月 月 9 11:24下午 PDT 張貼
"What do you mean, he's just intimidated by me?"
Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 5月 月 9 11:24下午 PDT 張貼
Had to chop off my long locks for the the follow up film of Sicario, "Soldado." So excited for this new project and glad I got to donate my hair to Wigs for Kids :) read the link in my bio for more info Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 12月 月 9 12:59下午 PST 張貼
Had to chop off my long locks for the the follow up film of Sicario, "Soldado." So excited for this new project and glad I got to donate my hair to Wigs for Kids :) read the link in my bio for more info
Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 12月 月 9 12:59下午 PST 張貼
Two interpretations I have made from this quote: The wrong people are praised for the wrong things. This how I feel about @sabrinacarpenter . She's so underrated for the amount of work she's put in and the drama she's stayed out of. Us girls gotta work harder at supporting unproblematic beings for the sake of future generations to come. #BeenAFan #since #cantblameagirlfortrying The other interpretation is that we need to rebel in order to make a difference and change things. But there is a difference between positive and negative progressive actions. Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 6月 月 21 2:21下午 PDT 張貼
Two interpretations I have made from this quote: The wrong people are praised for the wrong things. This how I feel about @sabrinacarpenter . She's so underrated for the amount of work she's put in and the drama she's stayed out of. Us girls gotta work harder at supporting unproblematic beings for the sake of future generations to come. #BeenAFan #since #cantblameagirlfortrying The other interpretation is that we need to rebel in order to make a difference and change things. But there is a difference between positive and negative progressive actions.
Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 6月 月 21 2:21下午 PDT 張貼
同時,伊莎貝拉莫娜還在旁加了註解。「我對這個引言有兩種詮釋。首先,錯誤的人因為做錯事而被讚譽有加,但其實還有很多默默做事的人。這是我對好友莎賓娜卡本特(Sabrina Carpenter)的感受,她雖然努力唱歌、演戲,還推掉不少戲約來專心經營這些作品,但外界卻低估她的表現。我們女孩們要更努力,好讓後代更多女性能過著不被質疑的生活。另一個詮釋則是,我們必須反抗,為世界產生改變,也改變過去不合理的事情,必須更積極才行。」
「小時候我最愛玩風火輪(Hot Wheels)」,和兩個哥哥一起長大的伊莎貝拉莫娜,總憑自己的直覺選玩具,「沒有人告訴我該選什麼,或不該選什麼」。因此,她也希望能用「非潮流」的方式,粉碎目前社會上的性別刻板印象。「政治活動很容易成為潮流,但這是我希望避免的。我不希望這種平權概念只是一股風向而已。」
A million thanks to the #transformers cast and crew for being my family for these past 5 months while making this awesome movie! Although it's been an arduous journey, I enjoyed every minute of it. 'til next time autobots ps Chinese songs are way more difficult to learn than you think. Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 10月 月 4 6:05上午 PDT 張貼
A million thanks to the #transformers cast and crew for being my family for these past 5 months while making this awesome movie! Although it's been an arduous journey, I enjoyed every minute of it. 'til next time autobots ps Chinese songs are way more difficult to learn than you think.
Isabela (@isabelamoner)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 10月 月 4 6:05上午 PDT 張貼
《變形金剛5:最終騎士》是麥克貝和馬克華伯格最後一次參與的《變形金剛》系列作,但片商2018、2019年都仍將陸續推出續集。2018年上映的版本更確定以大黃蜂(Bumblebee)為主軸,並邀來曾以《真實的勇氣》(True Grit)入圍第83屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳女配角的海莉史坦菲德(Hailee Steinfeld)演出。而外界也預測,由伊莎貝拉莫娜所飾演的伊薩貝拉,在未來《變形金剛》系列電影中角色將十分吃重。
此外,伊莎貝拉莫娜和曾以《天人交戰》(Traffic)得到奧斯卡最佳男配角的班尼西歐狄奧托羅(Benicio del Toro)所主演的《怒火邊界》續集《Soldado》,目前正在後製階段,她在這部片裡飾演壞蛋的女兒,想必和《變形金剛5》的角色都同樣具有挑戰性。
資料來源:Cinemablend、Metro US、Toronto Sun、Access Hollywood、USA Today