DC的當家超級英雄蝙蝠俠又傳出要重開機的消息了,自從1989年提姆波頓(Tim Burton)拍攝了為人所知的《蝙蝠俠》(Batman)後,至今一共有5位演員扮演過這個擁有花花公子布魯斯韋恩及孤獨城市守護者蝙蝠俠的雙面靈魂角色,每代的蝙蝠俠都可說是各具特色。
DC想翻身!導演揭露《蝙蝠俠》不是起源故事 也不會模仿諾蘭《黑暗騎士》改編漫畫!
著名的插畫家Boss Logic近日在自己的Twitter上傳了假想的新版蝙蝠俠海報,描繪出他心中新版蝙蝠俠的模樣,而這位蝙蝠俠的扮演者則是我們都非常熟悉的演員-羅伯派汀森(Robert Pattinson)!這張海報可說是簡單又精準的表現出蝙蝠俠與布魯斯韋恩的雙面性格,在人前他是西裝筆挺的富二代,燈光背後的陰影則是孤獨的蝙蝠俠。
A choice that I never would have thought to try but been hearing some background chatter about Robert Pattinson being looked at, if the talks (source) are true then all of our predictions were wrong This might be your new Bruce #thebatman #batman pic.twitter.com/cNDKeRBzyb — BossLogic (@Bosslogic) 2019年2月3日
A choice that I never would have thought to try but been hearing some background chatter about Robert Pattinson being looked at, if the talks (source) are true then all of our predictions were wrong This might be your new Bruce #thebatman #batman pic.twitter.com/cNDKeRBzyb
— BossLogic (@Bosslogic) 2019年2月3日
Ruby Rose演出「蝙蝠女俠」被大量DC迷抗議 讓她受不了關閉推特!
THE BATMAN: this sounds like it could move faster then people would expect with the date set. Hearing studio wants a familiar face and Reeves has his certain age in mind and that age is very specific like I said two names within 7 years of each other; "Too young, too Old" — Justin Kroll (@krolljvar) 2019年2月1日
THE BATMAN: this sounds like it could move faster then people would expect with the date set. Hearing studio wants a familiar face and Reeves has his certain age in mind and that age is very specific like I said two names within 7 years of each other; "Too young, too Old"
— Justin Kroll (@krolljvar) 2019年2月1日
除了羅伯派汀森之外,幾位曾出演過超級英雄電影的年輕演員也都是在網友間呼聲很高的蝙蝠俠人選,例如《X戰警》(X-Men)中的「怪獸」,尼可拉斯霍特(Nicholas Hoult);或是於《復仇者聯盟2》(Avengers: Age of Ultron)中飾演「快銀」的演員亞倫強森(Aaron Taylor-Johnson),都被網友認為是非常適合的人選。電影預計於2021年發行上映,新任的年輕蝙蝠俠是誰?相信答案公布的時間不會讓網友等太久呢!