
美國聖地牙哥動漫展盛大展開 X戰警新舊演員一同亮相

  一年一度的美國聖地牙哥動漫展(Comic-Con)盛大展開,X戰警新舊演員一同亮相。新科影后Jennifer Lawrence身穿Alexander McQueen的白色洋裝搭配Nicholas Kirkwood的尖頭鞋出席。近來她與前男友Nicholas Hoult復合的傳言沸沸揚揚,想看兩人重燃愛火之作,就得耐心等待明年在台上映的 X戰警續集《未來昔日》。
By BeautiMode  |  2013/07/26

史上最輕慢跑鞋《鉛筆》 讓你步伐極度輕盈

  你認為一雙最輕盈舒適的運動鞋重量會是多少呢?喜愛科學的中國鞋履設計師胡依林(Token Hu)告訴你,史上最輕的慢跑鞋重量可少於300克! 真的沒有騙人,胡依林創立的Unbelievable Testing Laboratory最近開發出一款名叫《鉛筆》的慢跑鞋,限量2013雙,運用由杜邦公司開發的Tyvex高科技布料,手工打造而成。 Tyvex是常被用於包裝材料中的紡織品,胡依林相中這種材質輕巧又撕不爛的強韌特性, 於是以此製成了風格清新的慢跑鞋,這款鞋透氣防水、耐磨防污,相信之後將會在運動鞋市場中掀起一場材質革命。   影片連結:
By BeautiMode  |  2013/07/26

【時尚精品餐廳之旅】Mikimoto Lounge 開啟專屬於你的幸福

Mikimoto Ginza 2,這座充滿不規則型窗戶的淡粉紅建築,是由獲得全球建築界最高榮譽「普立茲克建築獎」的日本當代建築大師伊東豊雄設計,建築概念圍繞在孕育珍珠的蚌殼所吐出的泡沫、飄落的花瓣以及窺視珠寶盒時的期待與神秘感。伊東豊雄採用創新的結構工法,在兩片鋼板間灌入混凝土形成建築外牆,由四片薄牆包裹形成管狀結構系統支撐,所以建築內不需任何樑柱,以九塊均質樓板分隔出樓層,而且可隨意開窗,多層塗料使外牆看似毫無接縫,有了大師的設計加持,Mikimoto Ginza 2在2005年12月開幕後,也吸引了不少建築迷前來朝聖。越不規則造型門進到建築內,旋轉樓梯໵
By BeautiMode  |  2013/07/26

Michael Kors 2013秋冬形象廣告

  股票上市18個月就擠進全球奢侈品牌前十大市值的Michael Kors,2013年秋冬新品廣告請到知名攝影師Mario Testino親自操刀,名模Karmen Pedaru與Simon Nessman演繹,以跑車與直升機為背景,展現穿梭在大都會之間的優越生活方式,希望能重現秋冬系列「五光十色和節奏快速的大都會」的靈感來源。  
By BeautiMode  |  2013/07/25

跨界合作!卡麥蓉狄亞將擔任女鞋品牌Pour La Victoire創意總監

  這不是另一個變相代言的行銷手法,好萊塢女星卡麥蓉狄亞(Cameron Diaz)將擔任配件精品品牌Pour La Victoire的創意總監。 貴為紅毯常勝軍的卡麥蓉狄亞說這次的合作很特別,由於商業經驗不足,因此這個職位對她來說不僅是個挑戰,也是學習的好機會,因此她會全程參與整個設計過程。 現在她已經參與了PLV最近一季的平面廣告拍攝,不過要等到她執掌的商品推出,還得耐心等到明年春季。
By BeautiMode  |  2013/07/25


  第一百屆環法自行車賽在上週日圓滿落幕,來自法國的客座小編Robin帶大家認識這個全球最大的年度運動賽事。 Last Sunday, Christopher Froome (UK) won the 100th edition of “Le tour de France”. That’s an occasion for speaking a bit more deeply about the “the biggest annual sporting event on the planet” (Froome), followed by 3.5 billion viewers across the world (cumulative audience): what makes this event so unique? A beautiful event Indeed, the equipment and the jerseys of each team are very well-designed and look good together. It’s always amazing to see this multicolored harmony, especially during the team time trial. “La Grande Boucle” is also very well-known for its distinctive jerseys, especially the yellow jersey (time classification), the green jersey (classification by points) and the polka-dot jersey (best climber). But the question is: why these colors? Because of sponsors! Indeed, when the first yellow jersey was designed in 1919, the yellow color was chosen as a symbol of the L’Auto, the magazine that created Le Tour de France in 1903. In the same way, the green color refers to previous sponsor La Belle Jardinière and the polka-dot jersey to Poulain, a chocolate brand. Le Tour de France is also the occasion for admiring some beautiful French landscapes and villages. Indeed, with drones, the organizers show us spectacular images on TV during the race! A typically French event French people love “Le Tour de France”, that’s a fact. Each year, millions of French holidaymakers stand by the roadside to see, support and encourage the riders. Consequently, the public and the riders ar
By BeautiMode  |  2013/07/25