Meet @JCharlesBeauty: makeup artist, boundary breaker, and the newest COVERGIRL! Spread the word by regramming using #COVERGIRLJames. COVERGIRL(@covergirl)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 10月 月 11 7:03上午 PDT 張貼
Meet @JCharlesBeauty: makeup artist, boundary breaker, and the newest COVERGIRL! Spread the word by regramming using #COVERGIRLJames.
COVERGIRL(@covergirl)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 10月 月 11 7:03上午 PDT 張貼
CoverGirls表示,「我們所有的CoverGirl都是模範,勇於打破疆界,無畏於表達自我,敢於捍衛他們所相信的一切,並對美重新定義。James Charles同樣毫無例外,一年前,他大膽決定向全球推出他的Instagram,運用戲劇性的特效妝容,展現他個人的多種面向,許多女人、男人、男孩與女孩可能不敢做出這樣的事,他也成為啟發這些人的靈感來源。」
Just wrapped another great @COVERGIRL shoot. Honored to have the pleasure to announce the very first COVERBOY, James Charles! Follow him @JCharlesBeauty! #COVERGIRLJames #glam KATY PERRY(@katyperry)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 10月 月 10 10:52下午 PDT 張貼
Just wrapped another great @COVERGIRL shoot. Honored to have the pleasure to announce the very first COVERBOY, James Charles! Follow him @JCharlesBeauty! #COVERGIRLJames #glam
KATY PERRY(@katyperry)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 10月 月 10 10:52下午 PDT 張貼
目前在Instagram上擁有56.1萬名追蹤者的彩妝部落客James Charles,在進入彩妝世界之前,原本是專注於髮型設計,因為幫好友打造的舞會妝容大受好評,才投資了一套入門款的彩妝組合,透過在朋友臉上練習,慢慢開始建立顧客群,但直到他在自己臉上畫了萬聖節的骷髏妝,獲得廣大迴響後,他才開始試著在自己臉上創作更多的妝容。
韓裔知名部落客Irene Kim分享髮妝心得「每個人都可以擁有美麗,更應該盡情大膽嘗試。」
skull makeup I did on myself today after school! I used @bennyemakeup clown white cream and super white cream for a base. For outlines I used @katvondbeauty tattoo liner in black. Finally, I used @morphebrushes black eyeshadow to set everything and add more shadowing. #makeup #mua #beauty #makeup #artist #art #makeupartist #makeupporn #motd #hudabeauty #anastasiabeverlyhills #abh #mac #maccosmetics #vegas_nay #jaclynhill #benefit #morphe #morphebrushes #makeupforeverofficial #mayamiamakeup #dressyourface #halloween #halloweenmakeup #skull JAMES CHARLES(@jamescharles)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 9月 月 18 5:53下午 PDT 張貼
skull makeup I did on myself today after school! I used @bennyemakeup clown white cream and super white cream for a base. For outlines I used @katvondbeauty tattoo liner in black. Finally, I used @morphebrushes black eyeshadow to set everything and add more shadowing. #makeup #mua #beauty #makeup #artist #art #makeupartist #makeupporn #motd #hudabeauty #anastasiabeverlyhills #abh #mac #maccosmetics #vegas_nay #jaclynhill #benefit #morphe #morphebrushes #makeupforeverofficial #mayamiamakeup #dressyourface #halloween #halloweenmakeup #skull
JAMES CHARLES(@jamescharles)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 9月 月 18 5:53下午 PDT 張貼
inspired by @ssssamanthaa & @the_wigs_and_makeup_manager - sorry for the lack of posts! midterms are finally over and I'm in LA so tons of pics will be coming - On the eyes I used @makeupforeverofficial artist palette volume 3. Brows are @anastasiabeverlyhills #dipbrow in soft brown set with ABH tinted brow gel in espresso. I used @morphebrushes gel liner in slate & their black single shadow to create the skull on my hand! JAMES CHARLES(@jamescharles)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 1月 月 29 5:15下午 PST 張貼
inspired by @ssssamanthaa & @the_wigs_and_makeup_manager - sorry for the lack of posts! midterms are finally over and I'm in LA so tons of pics will be coming - On the eyes I used @makeupforeverofficial artist palette volume 3. Brows are @anastasiabeverlyhills #dipbrow in soft brown set with ABH tinted brow gel in espresso. I used @morphebrushes gel liner in slate & their black single shadow to create the skull on my hand!
JAMES CHARLES(@jamescharles)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 1月 月 29 5:15下午 PST 張貼
喜愛古典華麗風格的James Charles,總是不斷打破疆界,構思各種創意妝容,年紀輕輕卻如此善於彩妝,靠的就是「練習,練習,再練習!」他說:「我5、6年來一直在YouTube上觀看各種彩妝教學影片,因此當我在一年前開始畫彩妝時,就已經有了一些如何使用產品的知識,我幾乎每天都會嘗試新的技巧和風格,所以我總是一直不斷挑戰自我,彩妝對我而言是一種藝術形式,是一種表達方式,更是一種很酷的方式讓我揮灑創作能量。」
美國彩妝師將名畫搬上臉龐 打造名符其實的藝術彩妝
this look is just inspired by plain old fall and I absolutely love how it turned out! today is a @makeupgeekcosmetics day they sent me a ton of shadows to try and I absolutely LOVE them omg! I used cocoa bear as a transition shade. On my lids I used grand stand and show time. I also mixed the shades magic act & grand stand with clear gloss for my lips. For my brows I used @anastasiabeverlyhills dip brow in dark brown to fill in my brows. Lashes are @benefitcosmetics "They're real!" mascara. Foundation is @makeupforeverofficial HD. JAMES CHARLES(@jamescharles)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 10月 月 29 3:50下午 PDT 張貼
this look is just inspired by plain old fall and I absolutely love how it turned out! today is a @makeupgeekcosmetics day they sent me a ton of shadows to try and I absolutely LOVE them omg! I used cocoa bear as a transition shade. On my lids I used grand stand and show time. I also mixed the shades magic act & grand stand with clear gloss for my lips. For my brows I used @anastasiabeverlyhills dip brow in dark brown to fill in my brows. Lashes are @benefitcosmetics "They're real!" mascara. Foundation is @makeupforeverofficial HD.
JAMES CHARLES(@jamescharles)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 10月 月 29 3:50下午 PDT 張貼
green with envy I used @makeupgeekcosmetics shadows in jester, magic act, typhoon, ocean breeze, and corrupt on the lids, and the shade white lies on the inner corner and brow bone. For my brows I used @anastasiabeverlyhills dipbrow pomade in dark brown. Skin is @katvondbeauty tattoo lock it foundation and I used the #anastasiabeverlyhills contour kit in medium to sculpt my face. Lips are @jeffreestarcosmetics liquid lipstick in weirdo, and then layered on the makeup geek shadows again! Did this whole look using my @morphebrushes flawless set. JAMES CHARLES(@jamescharles)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 10月 月 30 6:22下午 PDT 張貼
green with envy I used @makeupgeekcosmetics shadows in jester, magic act, typhoon, ocean breeze, and corrupt on the lids, and the shade white lies on the inner corner and brow bone. For my brows I used @anastasiabeverlyhills dipbrow pomade in dark brown. Skin is @katvondbeauty tattoo lock it foundation and I used the #anastasiabeverlyhills contour kit in medium to sculpt my face. Lips are @jeffreestarcosmetics liquid lipstick in weirdo, and then layered on the makeup geek shadows again! Did this whole look using my @morphebrushes flawless set.
JAMES CHARLES(@jamescharles)張貼的相片 於 2015 年 10月 月 30 6:22下午 PDT 張貼
國際名模Irene Kim首度來台 分享「Be Silly」的時尚生活哲學
THE SECRETS OUT.. so beyond excited to finally announce that I am the new face of #COVERGIRL and the first ever coverBOY. I am so thankful and excited and cannot wait to show you all what we have in store. Make sure you go check out @covergirl on Instagram for more info! AND YES I know I have lipstick on my teeth it was a looonnnnggg day. JAMES CHARLES(@jcharlesbeauty)張貼的影片 於 2016 年 10月 月 11 6:11上午 PDT 張貼
THE SECRETS OUT.. so beyond excited to finally announce that I am the new face of #COVERGIRL and the first ever coverBOY. I am so thankful and excited and cannot wait to show you all what we have in store. Make sure you go check out @covergirl on Instagram for more info! AND YES I know I have lipstick on my teeth it was a looonnnnggg day.
JAMES CHARLES(@jcharlesbeauty)張貼的影片 於 2016 年 10月 月 11 6:11上午 PDT 張貼
此次代言眼妝產品,James Charles也分享了一些自己畫眼妝的技巧,「我畫飛揚眼線的唯一祕訣就是小心慢慢畫,我是內雙眼皮,因此我會把眼線範圍更往外擴大,而不是更往上揚,這樣才能將我的眼型強調得更好看,重點就在於找出什麼才是適合你的,因此只要不斷練習即可。」
資料來源:CoverGirl、Allure、Teen Vogue
平凡大學生變身哈佛大學個案研究對象 義大利時尚部落客Chiara Ferragni:「分享好的生活氛圍是一件很重要的事。」