在忙完漫威超級英雄電影《星際異攻隊 2》(Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)的拍攝之後,37 歲的男演員克里斯普瑞特(Chris Pratt)必須要同時尬住「星爵」彼得奎爾和「歐文格雷迪」兩個角色,去拍攝《復仇者聯盟 3》的片段和他主演的《侏儸紀世界 2 》(Jurassic World 2 )。要給恐龍追,男主角勢必要擁有猛男級的實用大肌肉,克里斯普瑞特就為了《侏儸紀世界 2 》再度迅速減重。
▼《侏儸紀世界 2 》的劇情亮點將會放在一位神秘的 9 歲小女孩身上,為了要飾演恐龍馴獸師,克里斯普瑞特在第一集就努力練出的健壯的臂膀。
▼不過迅速減重實在是一個折磨人的苦差事,克里斯普瑞特在《侏儸紀世界 2 》拍攝空檔時,就搞笑向粉絲分享他難得獲得的熱量點心:胡蘿蔔馬芬蛋糕!這一塊小蛋糕就有 180 卡路里熱量,吃到蛋糕的克里斯普瑞特忍不住興奮:「這味道太棒了!」並為這塊蛋糕自編了一段即興 Rap。
#WHATSMYSNACK It is said that when you fast you have visions. It goes back to the Bible and probably before. It's a spiritual experience to say the least. I'm not fasting per se but I am definitely at the point in this diet where I've began metabolizing my own brain for energy. Not to brag. If your body gets so hungry you start eating your own brain matter for energy, keep going! You're almost there! It means the love handles are next! And then you will be complete. You will have arrived at the destination. And forever you will be happy. Just kidding. Don't do it. Not worth it. Go get some Doritos or skittles. Both of which have Starlord's face on them right now!!! chris pratt(@prattprattpratt)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 5 10:13上午 PDT 張貼
#WHATSMYSNACK It is said that when you fast you have visions. It goes back to the Bible and probably before. It's a spiritual experience to say the least. I'm not fasting per se but I am definitely at the point in this diet where I've began metabolizing my own brain for energy. Not to brag. If your body gets so hungry you start eating your own brain matter for energy, keep going! You're almost there! It means the love handles are next! And then you will be complete. You will have arrived at the destination. And forever you will be happy. Just kidding. Don't do it. Not worth it. Go get some Doritos or skittles. Both of which have Starlord's face on them right now!!!
chris pratt(@prattprattpratt)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 5 10:13上午 PDT 張貼
不過克里斯普瑞特也在後面表示這是開玩笑的,可見要練出像是克里斯普瑞特這樣的大肌肉,可是要受盡各種肉體和精神上的折磨,《侏儸紀世界 2 》將預計於 2018 年 6 月 22 日上映,在第一集吳博士在與總裁馬斯拉尼爭吵時,曾說出:「世界上並不是只有我們能創造恐龍。」暗示著續集可能會出現更多的基因公司,讓全世界都陷入「侏羅紀公園」的恐龍危機,肯定有更多的人等待著克里斯普瑞特去解救。