維多利亞的秘密(Victoria’s Secret)首度在上海舉辦大秀,這次秀前由於模特兒和表演者的簽證問題,無奈只能臨陣換角,秀後派對又因大陸公安的要求,使得眾人的慶祝狂歡只好提前喊卡,這種種的意外都是主辦單位始料未及的。
Forever and ever and ever a dream come true to be asked back to the VS Show !!! Thank you my friends @ed_razek @10magazine @johndavidpfeiffer @monica.mitro for another unforgettable opportunity; every aspect makes me feel like a dreaming kid again (as shown here at last year"s fitting, by @jeromeduran)! @victoriassecret #VSFS2017 Gigi Hadid(@gigihadid)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 8月 月 28 12:05下午 PDT 張貼
Forever and ever and ever a dream come true to be asked back to the VS Show !!! Thank you my friends @ed_razek @10magazine @johndavidpfeiffer @monica.mitro for another unforgettable opportunity; every aspect makes me feel like a dreaming kid again (as shown here at last year"s fitting, by @jeromeduran)! @victoriassecret #VSFS2017
Gigi Hadid(@gigihadid)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 8月 月 28 12:05下午 PDT 張貼
I’m so bummed I won’t be able to make it to China this year. Love my VS family, and will be with all my girls in spirit!! Can"t wait to tune in with everyone to see the beautiful show I know it will be, and already can"t wait for next year! :) x — Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) November 16, 2017
I’m so bummed I won’t be able to make it to China this year. Love my VS family, and will be with all my girls in spirit!! Can"t wait to tune in with everyone to see the beautiful show I know it will be, and already can"t wait for next year! :) x
— Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) November 16, 2017
不只是秀前和秀後「意外」頻傳,當晚大秀上,最受到熱議的「意外」,莫過於中國名模奚夢瑤(Ming Xi)的跌跤事件。在冬境傳奇(A Winter’s Tale)的環節,穿著曳地薄紗禮服的奚夢瑤,不慎踩到自己的裙擺而被絆倒,慘摔在舞台上。
緊接著在奚夢瑤之後出場的吉賽兒奧利維拉(Gizele Oliveira),目睹了她整個跌跤過程,這位首度擔任維密天使的24歲巴西名模,當下只想著要做一件事,「我只想到要幫她,她穿著長禮服、高跟長靴和翅膀,要站起來相當困難。幫助就是我腦海中浮現的第一件事情,畢竟這一切都已發生。」
【模特兒的一天】穿梭國際伸展台 台灣名模王思偉:「模特兒其實是個身心要同步進步的工作。」
Gizele Oliveira透露,有些翅膀可能甚至重量超過9公斤,「我想約瑟芬斯可瑞娃(Josephine Skriver)在Balmain那個部分穿上的翅膀是今年最重的。」
儘管奚夢瑤在整個跌跤的處理過程展現出專業,但回到後台時,她的情緒也終於宣洩出來,「她一進到後台就開始哭,所有天使們都想讓她破涕為笑。」Gizele Oliveira說,「她坐下來,我跟她說她擁有最美麗的笑容,不需要哭泣,因為她是最美麗的存在!」
跟著維多利亞的秘密年度夢幻胸罩 見證天使女模們的夢想成真時刻
從事模特兒工作已有5年的Gizele Oliveira表示,這些天使們彼此間擁有某種革命情感,因此大家都發自內心想讓奚夢瑤別對此事太過耿耿於懷,「後來我們所有人都擁抱她,告訴她這沒什麼大不了。」
她的發文立刻獲得眾藝人和名模好友的支持回應,美國名模凱莉克羅斯(Karlie Kloss)也留言誇讚她對此事的優雅處理,並強調,「有時你會被絆到而摔倒,但你如何站起來才是重要的。」維密內衣秀執行製作人Ed Razek則是在Instagram上發文,大讚Gizele Oliveira在奚夢瑤摔倒時,停下腳步及時伸出援手的表現。
搞怪超模卡拉迪樂芬妮Cara Delevingne鼓勵女孩放膽作夢 「接納自己,擁抱缺點,我們因缺點而特別」
On a night of great beauty and so many extraordinary moments, this may well be the most important. Ming fell. Gizele stopped, helped her up, and waited for Ming to hit her end of runway pose. Ming, there is no shame in falling. But there is great triumph in rising and finishing the journey. Gizele, your simple eloquent gesture is being seen around the world. It is said you are never taller than when you bend down to help someone in need. I am so incredibly proud of you both. You represent the best of what we all strive to be @mingxi11 @giizeleoliveira #vsfashionshow2017 #shanghai Ed Razek(@ed_razek)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 11月 月 20 3:55下午 PST 張貼
On a night of great beauty and so many extraordinary moments, this may well be the most important. Ming fell. Gizele stopped, helped her up, and waited for Ming to hit her end of runway pose. Ming, there is no shame in falling. But there is great triumph in rising and finishing the journey. Gizele, your simple eloquent gesture is being seen around the world. It is said you are never taller than when you bend down to help someone in need. I am so incredibly proud of you both. You represent the best of what we all strive to be @mingxi11 @giizeleoliveira #vsfashionshow2017 #shanghai
Ed Razek(@ed_razek)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 11月 月 20 3:55下午 PST 張貼
而奚夢瑤在出席Balmain創意總監Olivier Rousteing隔天舉辦的晚宴時,也談到了這次的跌跤事件,「這就是人生啊,我得面對它。」奚夢瑤說,「我摔倒了,但你知道嗎,我想最重要的事就是我重新站起來,我擁有我姐妹的愛與幫助,在我身旁的女孩Gizele,她人很好,當我回到後台時,每個人都試著安慰我說,『Ming,沒關係。』我真的真的好感動,我想就是她們給我勇氣,讓我在謝幕時回到舞台上。」
模特兒只要漂亮會擺POSE就好?國際名模唐熒霜Gia Tang為你解密模特兒工作
2017年維多利亞的秘密上海大秀 名模奚夢瑤慘摔舞台 張靚穎取代凱蒂佩芮成首位華人表演者
As many of you may already know, I fell during my 5th year walking at the Victoria"s Secret show yesterday. It was no doubt one of the hardest moments I have ever had to go through in my career, especially since the show was taking place in my hometown, in front of my mother"s and my people"s eyes. However, the support I received from everyone yesterday was incredible and I am truly grateful to everyone who was there for me. @ed_razek Thank you for your supportive words and your continuous support throughout these 7 years. @giizeleoliveira Thank you for helping me up after the fall, it was a very selfless and loving act from you. Thank you to all the girls who rushed to comfort me at backstage after what had happened, you are all family to me. Lastly thank you to everyone who sent and left me supportive messages. I will pick myself up from where I fell, and I will keep going in order to repay all the support you all have given me!! #vsfashionshow @victoriassecret Ming Xi(@mingxi11)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 11月 月 20 8:24下午 PST 張貼
As many of you may already know, I fell during my 5th year walking at the Victoria"s Secret show yesterday. It was no doubt one of the hardest moments I have ever had to go through in my career, especially since the show was taking place in my hometown, in front of my mother"s and my people"s eyes. However, the support I received from everyone yesterday was incredible and I am truly grateful to everyone who was there for me. @ed_razek Thank you for your supportive words and your continuous support throughout these 7 years. @giizeleoliveira Thank you for helping me up after the fall, it was a very selfless and loving act from you. Thank you to all the girls who rushed to comfort me at backstage after what had happened, you are all family to me. Lastly thank you to everyone who sent and left me supportive messages. I will pick myself up from where I fell, and I will keep going in order to repay all the support you all have given me!! #vsfashionshow @victoriassecret
Ming Xi(@mingxi11)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 11月 月 20 8:24下午 PST 張貼
資料來源:E! News、WWD