


美國時裝品牌Chromat找來了大尺碼模特兒Tess Holliday走秀;曾經在FTL Moda 2016春夏服裝秀走秀的唐氏症模特兒Madeline Stuart,本季也先後登上Runway of Dreams(夢想伸展台)以及阿根廷品牌Ibraina的伸展台,但在這些非典型模特兒之中,令人難忘的還有雙足截肢的英國小模特兒Daisy-May Demetre。

無與倫比的美麗!唐氏症女孩Madeline Stuart白金禮服躍上紐約時裝週

來自英國伯明翰(Birmingham),年僅9歲的Daisy-May Demetre,先天患有腓骨半肢畸形(fibular hemimelia),天生缺少小腿腓骨,她在18個月大時就接受截肢手術,但這並沒有阻止她快樂成長。

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8 years ago this little girl @daisymay_demetre changed everything for the first time I felt fear I was scared to look at her when she born. It broke me I doubted her future I doubted who she was so I drank I gambled to block everything inside but that made things worse and worse to the point I had suicide in my mind. But this little girl saved my life literally how can I feel like that with such an inspirational little girl doing everything the doctors said she wouldn’t. A year ago I promised her she would be the most inspirational double amputee to have lived and for the first time in my life I believed in something and someone. What I do today is more redemption for being weak and breaking, all the work I put in is to show that I will never doubt her again and to give my kids the best version of me. Everything happens for a reason her amputations my issues to lead us too today and my work ends when I fulfill my promise to make her the most inspirational double amputee to have lived because I know that’s what she is it’s also my gift back to her. I also know if I fail to live up to what I say then I have failed my children what more motivation do I need to put all the work in. No matter how tough things may be or seem stick with it because in the end you will see what was meant to be @bigal_demetre #amputee #doubleamputee #disability awareness #disability #inspiration #inspire #model #gymgirl #fitfam #mentalhealthawareness #workhard #sticktoyourword #proud

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在穿上義肢後,她很快地學會走路與跑步,為了鼓勵與她有相同經歷的小孩,父親Alex Demetre為她開設了Instagram帳號,分享女兒的成長點滴,目前已有兩萬多名追蹤者,就連模特兒Tess Holliday也是其中一名粉絲。

之後她與模特兒經紀公司Zebedee Management簽約,先是為服裝品牌River Island拍攝廣告,後來在2018年倫敦兒童時裝週(London Kids Fashion Week)走秀時,甚至還表演了翻跟斗,也因此吸引了童裝品牌Lulu et Gigi的目光,進而成為品牌大使。

義肢也能超時尚!英國歌手Viktoria Modesta將成為下一位流行天后?

本季紐約時裝週期間,為Lulu et Gigi展示2020春夏服裝的Daisy-May Demetre,創下先例,成為首個在時裝週走秀的雙足截肢小女模,但這次Demetre家族登上伸展台的並不是只有Daisy一人,就連她11歲的姊姊Ella也一起加入了走秀的陣容。

「Daisy和Ella都表現得很好。」Alex Demetre表示,「Daisy的走秀很專業,而且玩得很開心,她對自己的成就非常自豪。」

Tommy Hilfiger攜手Runway of Dreams 為殘疾兒童推出改良式童裝

「我希望人們可以看見,美不是只有一種,它是具有多重面向的。」Lulu et Gigi主理人Eni Hegedus-Buiron說。

不過,小小年紀就戴著義肢走上伸展台,難免讓人擔心Daisy-May Demetre是否會在意他人的目光,對於這一點,她的父親似乎並不特別擔心。

「我請她老實告訴我與眾不同的感覺,她的答案是她不在乎的,而這也是我養育她的方式。」Alex Demetre說,「與別人不同、突出沒有什麼不好,這真的不會影響她,這非常不可思議。」

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What an incredible night/show, with my dearest friends, loved ones and models! It was absolutely magical. Here with two of my beautiful #brandambassadors both representing beauty in different ways! We in the fashion world must open our hearts and minds. Beauty is multifaceted and should be embraced. No matter your size, your ethnicity, or your disability (which is actually a superpower ) Differences should always be foster and encouraged. . . @daisymay_demetre @lexgibbon @artheartsfashion @luluetgigi Thank you to @artheartsfashion for providing a platform with diversity and inclusion, including @makeawishfoundation . . #theBAROQUEcollection #ss2020 #luluetgigi #regal #luxurybrand #curvyteencouture #inclusion #mysize #doubleamputee

LuLu et GiGi(@luluetgigi)分享的貼文 於 張貼

「人們看見她不會說『可憐的Daisy』,他們會說,『哇,我想和Daisy一樣,因為她真有活力。』」Alex Demetre說。

結束了紐約時裝週行程,Daisy-May Demetre也會在2020春夏巴黎時裝週期間,在艾菲爾鐵塔(Eiffel Tower)上再次為Lulu et Gigi走秀。

誰說高瘦身形才時尚?素人、網紅登上伸展台 秀出自己最獨特的樣子

資料來源:BBC、CBS、The Independent、Vogue、Today



碧昂絲邀殘疾模特兒拍攝形象照 「該是時候關注那些渴望被看見的人了!」
不完美也是一種美!從Viktoria Modesta的水晶義肢欣賞其他美化缺陷的創作
