向來支持人權與同志的美國藝人女神卡卡(Lady Gaga),日前現身洛杉磯市政廳外舉辦的一場燭光追悼會,哀悼在美國佛羅里達州奧蘭多同志夜店Pulse Orlando槍擊案的罹難者,並發表了一段演說,向受害者及他們的家屬致意。
I saw the fear and sadness in the faces of so many, but I felt comfort knowing there are millions all over the world who are not only part of the LGBT community, but are part of the straight community and so impassioned by this tragedy. You are not alone. Lady Gaga(@ladygaga)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 6月 月 13 11:17下午 PDT 張貼
I saw the fear and sadness in the faces of so many, but I felt comfort knowing there are millions all over the world who are not only part of the LGBT community, but are part of the straight community and so impassioned by this tragedy. You are not alone.
Lady Gaga(@ladygaga)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 6月 月 13 11:17下午 PDT 張貼
「我們目睹了美國史上最大的槍擊案,我不得不認為,這種程度的憎恨,就像所有存在著偏見的犯罪行為一樣,這是對人類本身的攻擊,這是對每個人的攻擊。」Lady Gaga說,「今晚,身而為人,我在此與你們和平、真誠、承諾、團結一致地好好追悼在這場悲劇中失去生命的這些無辜美好的人們。」
We can always count on one another's pain to remind us what strength is all about. #UnitedAsHumans #UnitedAsFriends Lady Gaga(@ladygaga)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 6月 月 13 11:09下午 PDT 張貼
We can always count on one another's pain to remind us what strength is all about. #UnitedAsHumans #UnitedAsFriends
Lady Gaga(@ladygaga)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 6月 月 13 11:09下午 PDT 張貼
就在她發表了感人演說的隔天,Lady Gaga也分享了另一個小故事。她在追悼會隔天的健身課程上,所有人都因這場槍擊案而意志消沈,教練Loui Pacheco充滿能量地告訴在場的所有人說,「今天將會是美好的一天!」之後就播放著艾麗高登(Ellie Goulding)的歌曲〈軍團〉(Army)帶著大家一起運動。
Lady Gaga寫道,「當音樂響起,歌詞唱著,『當我跟你在一起,有如軍團在旁』我們一起爬升,將我們的壓力和想法跟著汗水排掉,他大叫『今天要變得更強壯!然後再更強壯!當你這裡結束後,到外面去,把那股力量向世界散播出去。』」
走出陰霾!女神卡卡Lady Gaga憶遭性侵過往 「你可以擁有你的痛苦,但那也能成為你自己的養分」
I went into an exercise class this morning. The instructor Loui @louipacheco walked in and asked us with a boisterous tone "How is everyone doing today?!!" The room didn't cheer, there was barely a groan over a thick silence as we all stood there in our trauma. Then Loui shouts "Oh no! It's Tuesday.," with an emphatic hand movement, "Today is going to be a good day." As the music rose to the lyrics "when Im with you, I'm standing with an army" and we all climbed together, sweating out our stress and our thoughts, he yelled "today get stronger! and then stronger! And when your finished here go out there and spread that strength to the world." When the class was over I thanked him, he asked if he could say something to me. I started to instantly tear up. He said "I didn't want to bring it up" I said "of course you should, I'm so sorry." He then told me he was at the rally the night before, where I was also, and that he heard me read the names of some of the Orlando victims. He said "the first name you read was my friend Eddie." I said "Edward." He said "Sotomayor." In this moment I was reminded why it's so important that we protect all people and never doubt the absolute human heart that can always suprise you with its strength and love. Loui, a member of the LGBT community, who just lost his friend in the largest isolated shooting our country has ever seen, still showed up for work early in the morning to make ME feel strong. To empower me and all the other men and women in the class to keep going and get stronger so we could help each other. That's why you should never devalue another human, no matter their wrapping, their heart is just like yours and people you never expect to lift you up, will. Lady Gaga(@ladygaga)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 6月 月 14 12:26下午 PDT 張貼
I went into an exercise class this morning. The instructor Loui @louipacheco walked in and asked us with a boisterous tone "How is everyone doing today?!!" The room didn't cheer, there was barely a groan over a thick silence as we all stood there in our trauma. Then Loui shouts "Oh no! It's Tuesday.," with an emphatic hand movement, "Today is going to be a good day." As the music rose to the lyrics "when Im with you, I'm standing with an army" and we all climbed together, sweating out our stress and our thoughts, he yelled "today get stronger! and then stronger! And when your finished here go out there and spread that strength to the world." When the class was over I thanked him, he asked if he could say something to me. I started to instantly tear up. He said "I didn't want to bring it up" I said "of course you should, I'm so sorry." He then told me he was at the rally the night before, where I was also, and that he heard me read the names of some of the Orlando victims. He said "the first name you read was my friend Eddie." I said "Edward." He said "Sotomayor." In this moment I was reminded why it's so important that we protect all people and never doubt the absolute human heart that can always suprise you with its strength and love. Loui, a member of the LGBT community, who just lost his friend in the largest isolated shooting our country has ever seen, still showed up for work early in the morning to make ME feel strong. To empower me and all the other men and women in the class to keep going and get stronger so we could help each other. That's why you should never devalue another human, no matter their wrapping, their heart is just like yours and people you never expect to lift you up, will.
Lady Gaga(@ladygaga)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 6月 月 14 12:26下午 PDT 張貼
當課程結束後,Lady Gaga向教練道謝,這時才得知,自己前一天在追悼會上唸的罹難者名字,第一個人就是這位教練的朋友,「這一刻提醒了我,保護所有人是多麼的重要,絕對不要懷疑人心,他的力量與愛總是能令你感到驚訝。Loui,他是一名LGBT社群的成員,剛剛在我們國家史上最大的槍擊案中失去了他的朋友,仍然一大早就現身工作,為了要讓我感到強壯,為了讓我及其他課堂上的男性和女性更有力量,持續前進,變得更強壯,這樣我們才能幫助彼此,那也正是為什麼你絕對不應貶損其他人價值的原因,不論他們的外在如何,他們的內心就跟你一樣,你從沒想過會拉你一把的人,他們也會這麼做。」(註:LGBT是女同性戀者Lesbians、同性戀者Gays、雙性戀者Bisexuals與跨性別者Transgender的英文首字母縮略字。)
資料來源:mtv、Lady Gaga Instagram
張惠妹、女神卡卡眾星挺同志婚姻平權 碧昂斯彩虹變裝秀慶#LoveWins
卡卡的時尚護法!女神卡卡Lady Gaga化身雜誌客座編輯 向時尚界好友們致敬