停止暴力虐殺狗!麥特戴蒙、魯妮瑪拉、Maggie Q等好萊塢群星為毛小孩發聲

by BeautiMode 2016/06/22



非營利動物保護團體動物希望及健康基金會(The Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation)致力於拯救受虐及被忽視的動物,近期他們積極專注於將狗狗從亞洲狗肉交易拯救出來,包括麥特戴蒙(Matt Damon)、魯妮瑪拉(Rooney Mara)、凱特瑪拉(Kate Mara)、Maggie Q、珍娜塔圖(Jenna Tatum)、艾莉西亞席維史東(Alicia Silverstone)、瓦昆菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)及潘蜜拉安德森(Pamela Anderson)等多位好萊塢明星,都參與了此次宣傳影片的拍攝,呼籲停止對狗的各種殘忍虐待行為。

哎喲~周董襪子常少一隻!「天王嫂」昆凌爆料狗兒子「麻吉」不愛吃飯 愛偷襪


名模卡拉對抗野生動物濫捕 公益廣告全裸入鏡!

基金會創辦人Marc Ching目前正在中國大陸廣西玉林援救這些毛孩子,他表示,目前他們已經關閉了6間屠宰場,有5間也即將關閉,一場狗肉節舉辦下來,有上萬隻的狗將淪為盤中飧,但以他目前的能力僅能收養100或200隻狗,需要有更多人伸出援手,拯救這些人類最忠實的朋友。

日本導演看《十二夜》好震驚 「台灣動物收容所環境很像30年前的日本」

People dreamed about this. People signed petitions and protested. People wrote their congressman and government. People filled the streets and stood in unison. . Well that dream, it is becoming reality. We have shut down six slaughterhouses, have five pending, and are on our way to visit a dozen more. . To those that thought it was impossible - it is becoming possible. For people who cried and screamed into the night, hope remains. . The reality of shutting down a festival where 10,000 dogs die, is that you have thousands of lives that need rescue. . We cannot do this alone. I have till tomorrow to save the lives that need saving. The world wanted the festival to end, and we are here trying to end it. . We need local rescues to step in. I can take 100 dogs, maybe 200. But that is all. Literally we have the smallest foundation on Earth. It is just me and my director Valarie. There are groups that are a hundred times greater then we. There are hundreds of organizations that petitioned and stood out in protest. . This is the time. Do not desert the cause you asked the world to defend. Do not leave us here by ourselves. Do not abandon the mission. . Note: For those that want to help rescue these dogs and shutdown Yulin, please donate. . http://www.animalhopeandwellness.org/donate/ . #TheCompassionProject #marcching #TheHeartOfRescue #animalhopeandwellness

Animal Hope and Wellness(@animalhopeandwellness)張貼的影片 於 張貼

資料來源:The Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation

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