

身為聯合國婦女署親善大使的英國女星艾瑪華森(Emma Watson),總是對於推廣女權不遺餘力,過去幾個月行程滿檔的她,除了造訪非洲馬拉威共和國,呼籲終止童婚習俗,還到了華盛頓特區參加Women's March女權活動。最近她則是為了新片《美女與野獸》(Beauty and the Beast)馬不停蹄地開始進行各種宣傳活動。

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很有自我主張的英國女星艾瑪華森(Emma Watson),總是非常有行動力的把自己的想法落實。從2015年開始,決定只穿著以永續利用為原則的服裝走紅毯的她,為了讓粉絲們可以更靠近她的行程,並且持續推廣她支持環保時尚的理念,艾瑪華森在Instagram上開了一個新帳號@the_press_tour,裡面分享的都是她在公開活動期間的的服裝照片。

完美女神艾瑪華森Emma Watson宣傳新片《邪靈刑事錄》不忘環保 公開行程僅穿「綠色」華服

帳號分享的第一張照片,她穿上Stella McCartney的格紋外套,並指出Stella McCartney「是全球第一個堅持不使用皮革、羽毛或皮草生產產品的精品品牌」,並強調該品牌多年來致力發展各種再生材質,包括重新喀什米爾、回收布料、有機棉和對森林友善的布料;而她身上的毛衣則是來自堅持4R(減少、修補、再利用和回收)的瑞典品牌Filippa K。

紀錄片《時尚代價》(The True Cost)告訴你為什麼該花更多的錢,買更少的衣服

Bonjour Paris! Coat is from @stellamccartney, the world's first luxury brand that is committed to producing products that do not use leather, skins, feathers or fur. Instead, Stella has spent years developing ways of using materials such as regenerated cashmere, recycled fabrics, organic cotton and forest-friendly fabrics. Jumper is from @filippa_k, a Swedish brand committed to four Rs: reducing, repairing, reusing and recycling. Tee by @boodywear, a brand that produces basics made with certified organic bamboo, produced using computerised 3D knitting, so no fabric is wasted. Its factories are zero-waste and have a closed loop system to stop any water being wasted. Shoes are @goodguysdontwearleather. The brand doesn’t use any animal products in its collections. Fashion info verified by @ecoage #ecoloves

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另一張照片是在《美女與野獸》巴黎特映會上,她穿上Oscar de la Renta新任創意總監上任後的首個設計系列,上身是花朵刺繡全絲硬緞馬甲背心,長褲則是用有機羊毛製成,而腰間綁帶的材質則是有機絲質羅緞,這些服裝所使用的環保材質都是經過永續品牌經營顧問公司Eco Age認證過的。

身兼數職設計師的最佳榜樣!Oscar de la Renta和Monse合辦發表會 上演經典與潮流的大合奏

至於她在飯店出席記者會,接受當地媒體訪問與拍照時,則是穿著由Louis Vuitton創意總監Nicolas Ghesquière運用以回收寶特瓶製成的布料量身打造的洋裝。

艾瑪華森拉攏湯姆漢克斯加入女權運動 直言:「罵我是女權納粹也阻礙不了我的決心」

艾瑪華森一直都是環保時尚的倡議者之一,她在2009年也曾與公平交易品牌Free People聯名設計服飾,去年出席紐約大都會博物館慈善晚宴時,身上穿著的Calvin Klein禮服也是由以回收寶特瓶製成的布料所打造,她也強調,那身裝扮就算平日時也可分開穿著,徹底落實環保時尚的精神。如果你也認同艾瑪華森的環保時尚理念,不妨現在就開始追蹤這個帳號,認識更多支持永續時尚的品牌!

科技時代下的時尚!艾瑪華森大秀科技環保裝 Marchesa、Zac Posen運用超級電腦及光纖打造未來服飾

Merci beaucoup Paris for the wonderful start to the @beautyandthebeast tour! We felt like we were back in the heart of the film. Next stop - London. Did you know in the French version of the film, Cogsworth is called Big Ben? And Philippe is called Philbert?! Body by @woronstore, a slow fashion brand that focuses on everyday essentials. Each underwear garment is made from Lenzing Modal® fabric, a fibre made from beech wood sourced from sustainable forestry plantations in Europe. Socks by @boodywear, a brand that produces underwear made with certified organic bamboo, produced using computerised 3D knitting, so no fabric is wasted. Its factories are zero-waste and have a closed loop system to stop any water being wasted. Faux leather jacket and dress by @stellamccartney Boots by @goodguysdontwearleather. The brand doesn't use any animal products in its collections, which are made in Porto, Portugal, helping preserve the traditional shoe making industry of the region. Fashion info verified by @ecoage #ecoloves Concealer by @rmsbeauty which is formulated with raw, food-grade and organic ingredients in their natural state. Red pomegranate cheek and lip stain by @thebodyshop, who campaign to 'Enrich Not Exploit’ by protecting endangered habitats from intensive farming expansion, bronzer by @vitaliberata who have developed a collection of tanning products free from parabens, alcohol and that spray tan smell. Powder by @iliabeauty which is made from organic powdered corn and minerals instead of loose talc. Brown eye pencil by @honest_beauty who champion fair labour and human rights with their Health & Sustainability Standards. Lip balm from @tataharper who formulate and manufacture their natural and organic products from their farm in Vermont. Eyebrow gel by @janeiredale which is certified cruelty-free and eyebrow pencil by @alimapure who make their products in a diverse range of colours to suit all skin tones and offset 100% of their corporate carbon emissions. Beauty product info verified by @contentbeauty

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資料來源:Elle UK、WWD


艾瑪華森獲選《Porter》百大傑出女性代表 直言:「時尚就是女權議題!」

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