美國玩具大廠美泰兒(Mattel)自從1959年推出芭比娃娃(Barbie)以來,已經與不少知名時尚設計師合作過,這次要為芭比進行時尚大變身的是天后碧昂絲(Beyoncé)的御用造型師 Marni Senofonte。
IT’S BARBIE + MARNIXMARNI! To create Victorian Punk, stylist and and creative director Marni Senofonte (@marnixmarni) mixes two opposing influences to make a style statement. “Victorian Punk has been long brewing inside me, the nonconformist in me naturally manifested Victorian into Victorian Punk and the Barbie crew wears it well!” says Marni. #barbie #barbiestyle Barbie®(@barbiestyle)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 14 8:58上午 PDT 張貼
IT’S BARBIE + MARNIXMARNI! To create Victorian Punk, stylist and and creative director Marni Senofonte (@marnixmarni) mixes two opposing influences to make a style statement. “Victorian Punk has been long brewing inside me, the nonconformist in me naturally manifested Victorian into Victorian Punk and the Barbie crew wears it well!” says Marni. #barbie #barbiestyle
Barbie®(@barbiestyle)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 14 8:58上午 PDT 張貼
負責操刀碧昂絲視覺專輯《檸檬特調》(Lemonade)在HBO播出的概念電影以及《Formation》(女力來襲)世界巡迴演唱會造型的Marni Senofonte,運用有原版、豐滿、高挑與嬌小等四種體型和多種膚色、髮型的時尚芭比娃娃(Barbie Fashionistas),打造了一系列具有維多利亞龐克風格的造型。
Marni Senofonte表示:「身為一個獨立的創業家女性,在我的職業生涯中,已經與一些形塑流行文化最重要的女性共事過,芭比的『我可以做任何事、成為任何人』這樣的精神一直在我心裡。」
IT’S BARBIE + MARNIXMARNI! “Born to an independent, entrepreneurial woman, and having built a career working with some of the most important female architects of pop culture, Barbie's ‘I can do anything and be anything’ spirit has always been inside of me,” says our collaborator Marni Senofonte (@marnixmarni). This spirit also inspired this "Victorian Punk” series, swipe through to see all the looks and more details in Stories! #barbie #barbiestyle Barbie®(@barbiestyle)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 14 10:59上午 PDT 張貼
IT’S BARBIE + MARNIXMARNI! “Born to an independent, entrepreneurial woman, and having built a career working with some of the most important female architects of pop culture, Barbie's ‘I can do anything and be anything’ spirit has always been inside of me,” says our collaborator Marni Senofonte (@marnixmarni). This spirit also inspired this "Victorian Punk” series, swipe through to see all the looks and more details in Stories! #barbie #barbiestyle
Barbie®(@barbiestyle)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 14 10:59上午 PDT 張貼
這一系列穿著牛仔服飾的芭比,從長版斗篷搭配迷你裙和膝上襪,到高領短上衣配上開衩牛仔寬褲,還可看到寬褲底下的網襪,一一可見Marni Senofonte表現個性主張的美感,只不過這些造型是純粹為了宣傳而設計,並不會在市面上販售。
Marni Senofonte說:「對我來說,丹寧一直是代表美國的布料,夠堅韌耐用,足以打造一個年輕國家。我喜歡巧玩物品原本的實用性與功能性,將賦予它們天馬行空且華麗的面貌。丹寧超越了以往的刻板印象,這也就是我在做造型時那麼常使用它的原因。它既能陽剛也可以陰柔,同樣也能夠既溫順又叛逆。」
IT’S BARBIE + MARNIXMARNI! We’ve teamed up with stylist and creative director Marni Senofonte (@marnixmarni), known for her work with pop culture’s leading fashion icons, to create the ultimate style squad! “It’s been an extraordinary experience seeing my vision come to life through Barbies of different sizes and colors, all looking fly!” says Marni. Stay tuned for more! #barbie #barbiestyle Barbie®(@barbiestyle)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 13 9:06上午 PDT 張貼
IT’S BARBIE + MARNIXMARNI! We’ve teamed up with stylist and creative director Marni Senofonte (@marnixmarni), known for her work with pop culture’s leading fashion icons, to create the ultimate style squad! “It’s been an extraordinary experience seeing my vision come to life through Barbies of different sizes and colors, all looking fly!” says Marni. Stay tuned for more! #barbie #barbiestyle
Barbie®(@barbiestyle)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 13 9:06上午 PDT 張貼
這些新造型不但在芭比擁有170萬追蹤者的Instagram上亮相,Marni Senofonte也在她自己的Instagram上分享,其中一則貼文更寫道「這些造型的細節會讓已故的Alexander Mcqueen也驕傲!!」
QuaterH2OCouture ...... The detail in these looks would make the Late Great AlexanderMcqueen Proud!! @barbiestyle YOUROCK!!!!!! Signed, UsSupermodels ;) marnixmarni(@marnixmarni)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 14 8:03下午 PDT 張貼
QuaterH2OCouture ...... The detail in these looks would make the Late Great AlexanderMcqueen Proud!! @barbiestyle YOUROCK!!!!!! Signed, UsSupermodels ;)
marnixmarni(@marnixmarni)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 14 8:03下午 PDT 張貼
資料來源:Hollywood Reporter、Mattel