The Duchess of Sussex"s wedding dress has been designed by the acclaimed British designer, Clare Waight Keller. Ms. Waight Keller last year became the first female Artistic Director at the historic French fashion house Givenchy. Ms. Markle expressed the wish of having all 53 countries of the Commonwealth with her on her journey through the ceremony. Ms. Waight Keller designed a veil representing the distinctive flora of each Commonwealth country united in one spectacular floral composition #RoyalWedding A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 19, 2018 at 6:20am PDT
The Duchess of Sussex"s wedding dress has been designed by the acclaimed British designer, Clare Waight Keller. Ms. Waight Keller last year became the first female Artistic Director at the historic French fashion house Givenchy. Ms. Markle expressed the wish of having all 53 countries of the Commonwealth with her on her journey through the ceremony. Ms. Waight Keller designed a veil representing the distinctive flora of each Commonwealth country united in one spectacular floral composition #RoyalWedding
A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 19, 2018 at 6:20am PDT
33歲的英國哈利王子與36歲的美國非裔混血女星梅根馬克爾(Meghan Markle),5月19日帶著眾人的祝福,邁向了人生的另一個階段。
First kiss #RoyalWedding A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 19, 2018 at 6:09am PDT
First kiss #RoyalWedding
A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 19, 2018 at 6:09am PDT
至親好友獻祝福 邀數千平民同慶 首先是受邀賓客的部分,哈利和梅根在與英國政府討論過後,除了至親好友之外,決定不邀請所有政治領袖,就連英國現任首相泰瑞莎梅伊(Theresa May)與哈利王子交情匪淺的前美國總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)都不在受邀名單之列。
Invitations to the wedding of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle, which will take place at Windsor Castle on May 19, have been issued in the name of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales. Guests have been invited to the service at St George"s Chapel and to the lunchtime reception at St George"s Hall, which is being given by Her Majesty The Queen. The invitations follow many years of Royal tradition and have been made by @barnard_and_westwood. They feature the Three-Feathered Badge of the Prince of Wales printed in gold ink. @pa A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on Mar 22, 2018 at 10:46am PDT
Invitations to the wedding of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle, which will take place at Windsor Castle on May 19, have been issued in the name of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales. Guests have been invited to the service at St George"s Chapel and to the lunchtime reception at St George"s Hall, which is being given by Her Majesty The Queen. The invitations follow many years of Royal tradition and have been made by @barnard_and_westwood. They feature the Three-Feathered Badge of the Prince of Wales printed in gold ink. @pa
A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on Mar 22, 2018 at 10:46am PDT
Led by Director James Vivian, the St. George"s Chapel Choir, were in rehearsal for the wedding of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle yesterday. Leo Mills, 11, and Nathan Mcharo, 12, are two of the young choristers who will be singing in the choir on Saturday. The Choristers go to St George’s School in the grounds of Windsor Castle, as well as singing in services five days a week in term time. The Choir of St. George"s Chapel dates back to 1348 and today comprises of 23 Choristers and 12 Lay Clerks singing alto, tenor and bass. On Saturday, the choir will be joined several other musicians and groups performing during The #RoyalWedding. PA A post shared by The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) on May 17, 2018 at 2:26am PDT
Led by Director James Vivian, the St. George"s Chapel Choir, were in rehearsal for the wedding of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle yesterday. Leo Mills, 11, and Nathan Mcharo, 12, are two of the young choristers who will be singing in the choir on Saturday. The Choristers go to St George’s School in the grounds of Windsor Castle, as well as singing in services five days a week in term time. The Choir of St. George"s Chapel dates back to 1348 and today comprises of 23 Choristers and 12 Lay Clerks singing alto, tenor and bass. On Saturday, the choir will be joined several other musicians and groups performing during The #RoyalWedding. PA
A post shared by The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) on May 17, 2018 at 2:26am PDT
600位受邀出席聖喬治禮拜堂婚禮及婚宴的賓客,除了王室成員之外,還包括大衛貝克漢(David Beckham)、維多利亞貝克漢(Victoria Beckham)、喬治克隆尼(George Clooney)夫婦、凱莉穆里根(Carey Mulligan)、湯姆哈迪(Tom Hardy)影集《無照律師》(Suits)的主要演員們、艾爾頓強(Elton John)、歐普拉(Oprah Winfrey)、詹姆士高登(James Gorden)、小威廉絲(Serena Williams)、史蒂芬瓊斯(Stephen Jones)等來自時尚、娛樂、體育界的名人;由查爾斯王儲主辦的私人晚宴部分,則將參與賓客人數縮減至200人。
另外,哈利與梅根也邀請了2,640位英國民眾進入溫莎城堡莊園內一同分享兩人的喜悅。其中1,200人由英國9個區域遴選推荐;200人來自與兩人關係密切的慈善組織;100名學生來自溫莎附近的皇家學院(The Royal School)以及聖喬治學院(St George"s School)兩所學校;610位來自溫莎鎮及聖喬治的在地居民,以及530位王室雇員。
皇室名人都愛她 英國女鞋設計師Aruna Seth分享挑鞋3秘訣
沒有女儐相 公公取代缺席生父 原本計畫要牽著梅根步上紅毯的父親湯馬斯馬克爾(Thomas Markle),因個人健康因素決定不出席女兒婚禮,陪伴新娘走紅毯的重任直到婚禮前一天,才宣布交由公公查爾斯王儲擔當。
Ms. Meghan Markle arrives at St George"s Chapel #RoyalWedding — Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 19, 2018
Ms. Meghan Markle arrives at St George"s Chapel #RoyalWedding
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 19, 2018
梅根步出禮車後,先由Givenchy創意總監Clare Waight Keller調整禮服與頭紗,接著在花童的陪伴下,踏上階梯,緩緩走進教堂,在她走過了教堂中殿後,才由查爾斯王儲陪伴走完唱詩班席,抵達教堂聖壇,之後再由梅根獨自走到哈利身旁,這樣的做法也讓她創下了英國皇室新娘的先例。
The Bride moves in procession through the Nave where she is joined by The Prince of Wales #RoyalWedding — The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) May 19, 2018
The Bride moves in procession through the Nave where she is joined by The Prince of Wales #RoyalWedding
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) May 19, 2018
The Prince of Wales accompanied Ms. Meghan Markle down the aisle of the Quire of St George’s Chapel today. #royalwedding — Clarence House (@ClarenceHouse) May 19, 2018
The Prince of Wales accompanied Ms. Meghan Markle down the aisle of the Quire of St George’s Chapel today. #royalwedding
— Clarence House (@ClarenceHouse) May 19, 2018
非裔色彩貫穿婚禮 由於梅根馬克爾有著一半的非裔血統,這場皇室婚禮可看到濃厚的非裔色彩貫穿其中。除了首度請到美國聖公會第一位非裔主教孔茂功(MichaelCurry)發表演說,也請到20名唱詩班「王國合唱團」(Kingdom Choir)獻唱靈魂樂歌曲〈Stand by Me〉(站在我這裡),婚禮尾聲時,更由19歲的非裔英國大提琴家謝庫坎涅梅森(Sheku Kanneh-Mason)與交響樂團共同演奏了三首歌曲。
超模Naomi Campbell不讓膚色左右人生 直言:「種族主義只是陳腔濫調。」
During the Signing of the Register @ShekuKM and the Orchestra perform #RoyalWedding — The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) May 19, 2018
During the Signing of the Register @ShekuKM and the Orchestra perform #RoyalWedding
萌噠噠小花童 除了新人之外,穿梭在儀式中的男女花童也會是鎂光燈關注的焦點。哈利與梅根的花童共有10位,6個女孩,4個男孩,其中年紀最小的只有2歲。高人氣的小王子喬治與夏綠蒂小公主自然在人選之列,其餘8名幼童也都是哈利與梅根摯友的兒女。
全球最美小女孩長大!10歲登《Vogue》封面 布蘭朵成年照讓網友驚:更絕美了!
6歲的賈斯帕戴爾(Jasper Dyer)是哈利王子的教子,3歲的弗羅倫斯凡卡特森(Florence van Cutsem)與2歲的查莉沃倫(Zalie Warren)則是他的教女。7歲與6歲的瑞蘭、萊米利特(Rylan and Remi Litt)兩姐妹,是梅根的教女;7歲的雙胞胎布萊恩與約翰馬爾羅尼(Brian and John Mulroney),和他們4歲的妹妹艾薇(Ivy),是梅根造型師好友潔西卡穆朗妮(Jessica Mulroney)的子女。
法國時尚品牌Givenchy除了為梅根打造新娘禮服,也為這些女花童量身打造風格相似的服裝,而男花童則是穿著由薩佛街(Savile Row)裁縫店Dege & Skinner所製作的皇家藍色騎兵團(Blues and Royals)外套。
【時尚,原來如此】愛美也要忠於自己的理念!梅根馬克爾的簡約婚紗 竟然隱含這麼多意義!
王室婚宴的餐點,傳統上都是由王室聘雇的廚房團隊負責,現任王室主廚(Royal Chef)Mark Flanagan率領30人包辦大婚婚宴。他表示,能參與準備這次大婚的餐點,大家都相當興奮,甚至還有離職員工打電話來,表示想要回來幫忙,而且這次十分幸運的是,因為天氣很好,所以食材的品質都相當不錯。
A post shared by Wilkes (@wilkes888) on Jul 22, 2014 at 6:49am PDT
主廚Mark Flanagan,2011年他也曾負責威廉與凱特大婚婚宴的餐食。
We dropped in on the Kitchens at Windsor Castle, who will shortly begin final preparations for the #RoyalWedding. Follow the link in our bio to take a look behind the scenes with Royal Chef Mark Flanagan and his team. A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 14, 2018 at 2:18am PDT
We dropped in on the Kitchens at Windsor Castle, who will shortly begin final preparations for the #RoyalWedding. Follow the link in our bio to take a look behind the scenes with Royal Chef Mark Flanagan and his team.
A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 14, 2018 at 2:18am PDT
由位於東倫敦的紫羅蘭烘焙坊(Violet Bakery)創辦人美籍烘焙師Claire Ptak所打造的結婚蛋糕,根據新人的要求,以檸檬接骨木花蛋糕展現具有春天明媚的風味。
Watch as baker Claire Ptak begins work on the #RoyalWedding Cake! — The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) May 18, 2018
Watch as baker Claire Ptak begins work on the #RoyalWedding Cake!
— The Royal Family (@RoyalFamily) May 18, 2018
蛋糕運用了200顆義大利阿瑪菲海岸(Amalfi Coast)的檸檬、500顆薩福克郡(Suffolk)有機蛋、20公斤奶油、20公斤麵粉、20公斤糖、10瓶接骨木花糖漿製作,其中的接骨木花糖漿,則是運用來自女王位於英格蘭東部桑德林漢姆(Sandringham)莊園種植的接骨木花樹所製成。
Jolin蔡依林翻糖蛋糕赴英比賽奪銀牌 「異世界女神」靈感來自Alexander McQueen
The wedding cake is to be served at the Reception. It was designed by Claire Ptak and features elderflower syrup made at The Queen’s residence in Sandringham from the estate’s own elderflower trees, as well as a light sponge cake uniquely formulated for the couple. #royalwedding A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 19, 2018 at 7:05am PDT
The wedding cake is to be served at the Reception. It was designed by Claire Ptak and features elderflower syrup made at The Queen’s residence in Sandringham from the estate’s own elderflower trees, as well as a light sponge cake uniquely formulated for the couple. #royalwedding
A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 19, 2018 at 7:05am PDT
會場的花藝設計則委託倫敦花藝設計師Philippa Craddock負責,花材盡可能選用當地可取得的當季花卉,包括白色庭園玫瑰(garden rose)、牡丹和毛地黃(foxglove),以及山毛櫸(beech)、樺木(birch)和千金榆(hornbeam)枝幹;設計則盡可能反映溫莎城堡附近的野生自然景觀。
送花小弟拚成花藝美學大師 凌宗湧:我非天賦異稟,但有看見美麗台灣的雙眼
I am thrilled to share with you that we have been asked by Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle to create their wedding flowers in May. I am loving working with them, it is an incredible privilege, and the designs will be a true reflection of them as a couple, with sustainability at the forefront. We will be using plenty of locally sourced greenery and seasonal flowers including peonies, garden roses and foxgloves @kensingtonroyal photograph credit PA A post shared by Philippa Craddock (@philippacraddock) on Apr 1, 2018 at 1:53am PDT
I am thrilled to share with you that we have been asked by Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle to create their wedding flowers in May. I am loving working with them, it is an incredible privilege, and the designs will be a true reflection of them as a couple, with sustainability at the forefront. We will be using plenty of locally sourced greenery and seasonal flowers including peonies, garden roses and foxgloves @kensingtonroyal photograph credit PA
A post shared by Philippa Craddock (@philippacraddock) on Apr 1, 2018 at 1:53am PDT
花藝師Philippa Craddock表示,王室婚禮的花藝設計會以當季及在地採購的花材為主。
With John, Keeper of Gardens (the most charming chap you could ever meet) in Savill Gardens at Windsor Great Park yesterday, finalising the greenery ahead of Saturday ... thank you so much John and your team for all your help over the last few weeks xx (photographs courtesy of PA) A post shared by Philippa Craddock (@philippacraddock) on May 17, 2018 at 2:19am PDT
With John, Keeper of Gardens (the most charming chap you could ever meet) in Savill Gardens at Windsor Great Park yesterday, finalising the greenery ahead of Saturday ... thank you so much John and your team for all your help over the last few weeks xx (photographs courtesy of PA)
A post shared by Philippa Craddock (@philippacraddock) on May 17, 2018 at 2:19am PDT
花藝師Philippa Craddock與溫莎溫莎大公園(Windsor Great Park)的園藝師最後確認綠花材。
It"s #RoyalWedding Day! Follow the link in our bio to watch live. Today it has been announced by @TheRoyalFamily that Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle will become Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 19, 2018 at 1:02am PDT
It"s #RoyalWedding Day! Follow the link in our bio to watch live. Today it has been announced by @TheRoyalFamily that Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle will become Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 19, 2018 at 1:02am PDT
The newlyweds, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, set off on a carriage procession through Windsor on their wedding day. #royalwedding A post shared by The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) on May 19, 2018 at 5:17am PDT
The newlyweds, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, set off on a carriage procession through Windsor on their wedding day. #royalwedding
A post shared by The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) on May 19, 2018 at 5:17am PDT
After the wedding ceremony, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex departed the Chapel for a carriage procession through the Castle and Windsor Town and down The Long Walk, where crowds had gathered to meet the newlyweds. #RoyalWedding A post shared by The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) on May 19, 2018 at 7:46am PDT
After the wedding ceremony, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex departed the Chapel for a carriage procession through the Castle and Windsor Town and down The Long Walk, where crowds had gathered to meet the newlyweds. #RoyalWedding
A post shared by The Royal Family (@theroyalfamily) on May 19, 2018 at 7:46am PDT
哈利與梅根的大婚廣受各方祝福,為了回饋社會,他們也特別呼籲有意採購賀禮的人,不妨把好意轉贈給慈善機構。他們推薦了7個慈善團體,分別是孩童愛滋病協會(Children’s HIV Association)、遊民授助機構Crisis、幫助印度窮困女性的米娜馬希拉基金會(Myna Mahila Foundation)、援助英國殉職軍人子女的史考帝小兵(Scotty’s Little Soldiers)、推廣體育至貧困社區的機構StreetGames、保衛海岸生態的衝浪者反汙水組織(Surfers Against Sewage)以及保護自然環境的英國荒野基金會(The Wilderness Foundation UK),涵蓋了兒童愛滋、環境保護、殉職軍人子女、無家者、女性貧困等議題。
性別就是隨便啦!變性模特兒Hari Nef:「社會需要的是傾聽,不是標籤。」
A post shared by Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) on May 19, 2018 at 7:27am PDT
資料來源:The Royal Family、The Independent、The Telegraph、The Express