「有時候人們認為,高級訂製服是拿來炫耀的,如果那很貴,就必須讓人看得出明顯的價值,」Dior女裝創意總監Maria Grazia Chiuri澄清,「不,那樣才不是高級訂製服。」
在「暴雨」中前行,Maria Grazia Chiuri能把Dior推上新高度嗎?
透過Dior 2018秋冬高級訂製系列大秀,她重新定義世人對高級訂製服的看法,不是浮誇的設計,不是譁眾取寵的道具,更不是社群媒體上擁有超高讚數的貼文,那麼,高級訂製服背後究竟代表著什麼?
Maria Grazia Chiuri再現Dior花園仙境 首場高級訂製服羅丹美術館花園登場
為了強調高級訂製系列這樣的本質,在Dior這次大秀中,Maria Grazia Chiuri將重點聚焦於高級訂製服的製作過程,並向高級訂製工坊致敬。
Watch our experienced petites main at work as the eagerly-anticipated Autumn-Winter 2018-2019 Haute Couture collection designed by #MariaGraziaChiuri as a tribute to the tradition of #DiorSavoirFaire is being unveiled Monday, July 2nd at the Musée Rodin in Paris. They speak to us about the transcendent nature of what they do, and the sometimes meditative and calming state that such handiwork can bring about. Stay tuned for more! #DiorCouture Dior Official(@dior)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 1 日 上午 9:03 張貼
Watch our experienced petites main at work as the eagerly-anticipated Autumn-Winter 2018-2019 Haute Couture collection designed by #MariaGraziaChiuri as a tribute to the tradition of #DiorSavoirFaire is being unveiled Monday, July 2nd at the Musée Rodin in Paris. They speak to us about the transcendent nature of what they do, and the sometimes meditative and calming state that such handiwork can bring about. Stay tuned for more! #DiorCouture
Dior Official(@dior)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 1 日 上午 9:03 張貼
A simple question with a thousand possible answers. Find out how the people behind the Autumn-Winter 2018-2019 Haute Couture show from #MariaGraziaChiuri find time for themselves in the chaos preceding the show. Meditation offers just one way to stay centered, with the importance of self being a key driver behind the new haute couture collection. #DiorCouture Dior Official(@dior)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 4 日 上午 3:58 張貼
A simple question with a thousand possible answers. Find out how the people behind the Autumn-Winter 2018-2019 Haute Couture show from #MariaGraziaChiuri find time for themselves in the chaos preceding the show. Meditation offers just one way to stay centered, with the importance of self being a key driver behind the new haute couture collection. #DiorCouture
Dior Official(@dior)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 4 日 上午 3:58 張貼
受到在巴黎裝飾藝術博物館(Musée des Arts Décoratifs)舉行的《Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams》展覽啟發,Dior本季高級訂製系列的秀場設計,將牆面打造成一格一格的櫥櫃,擺放著一個個人台,這些人台穿上真實出現在品牌設計中的服裝胚布,而場上所有的胚布,也都是在Dior的高級訂製工坊中,由工匠們親手縫製而成。
New Look震撼時尚70週年!Dior時尚插畫與攝影集 為永恆優雅定格
Feast your eyes on the breathtaking, blindingly white and mirrored venue for today’s Autumn-Winter 2018-2019 Haute Couture show from #MariaGraziaChiuri. Recreating the jaw-dropping impact of one of the key displays at the unforgettable ‘Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams’ retrospective at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, its seemingly infinite rows of beautifully lit mannequins set into the walls are dressed in real toiles for real outfits, all hand-sewn in the House’s legendary ateliers. Stay tuned to discover more! #DiorCouture #PFW Dior Official(@dior)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 2 日 上午 5:46 張貼
Feast your eyes on the breathtaking, blindingly white and mirrored venue for today’s Autumn-Winter 2018-2019 Haute Couture show from #MariaGraziaChiuri. Recreating the jaw-dropping impact of one of the key displays at the unforgettable ‘Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams’ retrospective at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, its seemingly infinite rows of beautifully lit mannequins set into the walls are dressed in real toiles for real outfits, all hand-sewn in the House’s legendary ateliers. Stay tuned to discover more! #DiorCouture #PFW
Dior Official(@dior)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 2 日 上午 5:46 張貼
牆上這些樸質素雅的胚布,似乎正預告了Maria Grazia Chiuri這場簡約卻隱含了許多精湛工藝的大秀。
虛幻與現實間的剎那定格!創意總監Maria Grazia Chiuri揮灑黑白雙色 Dior高級訂製化裝舞會玩轉超現實
但如此簡樸的系列,對Dior這樣的大品牌來說,就已經足夠了嗎?是的,這系列有無數件漂亮的洋裝,但確實沒有一件是會讓人印象深刻到屏息讚嘆的作品。Maria Grazia Chiuri解釋,「這是隱晦的奢華。」
Maria Grazia Chiuri並沒有挑戰新穎的設計,或打破舊有的服裝規則,反而,她再次循著品牌經典的服裝輪廓,以1940年代服裝為靈感的剪裁手法,打造出典雅、簡約的高級訂製系列。
Maria Grazia Chiuri致敬迪奧先生 Dior高訂大秀再展女性探險家精神
對於現今越來越多奢侈品牌重視社群媒體上的人氣、讚數,或是期盼藉由網路紅人的效應得到關注及買氣,社群甚至成為品牌行銷的重要戰場。但透過Dior本次的高級訂製大秀,Maria Grazia Chiuri希望將品牌的新聲望,建立在讚揚經典的手工藝之上,而不是靠著虛華的設計,在社群媒體上累積讚數。
這系列中,有的禮服耗費800個小時的做工才得以完成,這也是高級訂製服的特徵,同時也會直接反映在價格上,通常都要價上萬歐元,Maria Grazia Chiuri表示,「眼光精準的客人們,根本不需要透過服裝來炫富、裝闊。」
資料來源:Dior、Agence France-Presse、WWD