有「時尚糾察隊」之稱,以揭發時尚界抄襲弊病為志業的Instagram帳號Diet Prada,自2014年12月開始發文以來,已經不只一次揪出精品品牌「忘記」告訴消費者的致敬之作,不僅在網路上贏得喝彩,也讓外界更加關注時尚界泛濫的模仿、文化挪用等現象。
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 What’s the point of tryin to be all “avant-garde” if you’re just gonna rehash ideas from one of the greats? @josephfashion SS18 vs @commedesgarcons SS95 • #commedesgarcons #reikawakubo #joseph #josephfashion #celine #tributebrand #avantgarde #japanese #designer #tailoring #reconstructed #diy #blazer #wiwt #ootd #hype #trends #trendy #suiting #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 8月 月 22 日 上午 11:02 張貼
What’s the point of tryin to be all “avant-garde” if you’re just gonna rehash ideas from one of the greats? @josephfashion SS18 vs @commedesgarcons SS95 • #commedesgarcons #reikawakubo #joseph #josephfashion #celine #tributebrand #avantgarde #japanese #designer #tailoring #reconstructed #diy #blazer #wiwt #ootd #hype #trends #trendy #suiting #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 8月 月 22 日 上午 11:02 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Since Native American appropriation is apparently STILL trending (see: @projectwomens commerce-oriented tradeshow tipi and @silviaulson "s ill-advised feather headdresses styled with a swimsuit lifted from @bfyne - the originals drawing inspiration from the designer"s Nigerian heritage), let"s throw it back to Milan Resort 2019 in June where @albertaferretti thought it"d be cute to play dress up in Native American garb. We"ll let Wednesday Addam"s remind us why that"s not cool lol. • #culturalappropriation #wednesdayaddams #addamsfamilyvalues #valuesingeneral #nativeamerican #costume #albertaferretti #mfw #tipi #projectwomens #bfyneswim #silviaulson #dashiki #headdress #featherheaddress #tribe #ootd #wiwt #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 23 日 上午 11:08 張貼
Since Native American appropriation is apparently STILL trending (see: @projectwomens commerce-oriented tradeshow tipi and @silviaulson "s ill-advised feather headdresses styled with a swimsuit lifted from @bfyne - the originals drawing inspiration from the designer"s Nigerian heritage), let"s throw it back to Milan Resort 2019 in June where @albertaferretti thought it"d be cute to play dress up in Native American garb. We"ll let Wednesday Addam"s remind us why that"s not cool lol. • #culturalappropriation #wednesdayaddams #addamsfamilyvalues #valuesingeneral #nativeamerican #costume #albertaferretti #mfw #tipi #projectwomens #bfyneswim #silviaulson #dashiki #headdress #featherheaddress #tribe #ootd #wiwt #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 23 日 上午 11:08 張貼
「抄襲絕對不是沒有受害者的犯罪,」Diet Prada這個帳號背後的其中一位經營者Lindsey Schuyler表示,「特別是對小牌設計師來說,這可能會毀了他們的事業。」
「我們現在被一些人稱為『新評論家』,我們覺得這很棒。舊的體系在批評者被禁止參加大秀後就已經毀壞了,有時這感覺就像是產業在施壓限制言論自由。」Diet Prada的另一位經營者Tony Liu則說,「我希望我們的觀點,可以讓設計師及時尚集團轉向,重新檢視他們製作的產品。創新永遠都應該是最重要的。」
是抄襲還是致敬?! 爆紅IG帳號Diet Prada捍衛創意 變身時尚警察抓抄襲
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 It’s no secret @baublebar mainly exists to give ~the lewk for less~ but when that look is @roxanneassoulin ‘s brand-defining enamel tile bracelets and mismatched crystal earrings, well, you’ve just pissed off every third wrist at fashion week. Looks like they’ve seen the light at least a little - some of their mismatched crystal earrings are gone from the site. • #roxanneassoulin #hiphopbutnot #baublebar #crystalearrings #nycdesigner #handmade #madeinnyc #swarovski #swarovskicrystals #costume #costumejewelry #braceletstacks #armparties #ripoff #junkjewellery #wiwt #ootd #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 17 日 上午 8:57 張貼
It’s no secret @baublebar mainly exists to give ~the lewk for less~ but when that look is @roxanneassoulin ‘s brand-defining enamel tile bracelets and mismatched crystal earrings, well, you’ve just pissed off every third wrist at fashion week. Looks like they’ve seen the light at least a little - some of their mismatched crystal earrings are gone from the site. • #roxanneassoulin #hiphopbutnot #baublebar #crystalearrings #nycdesigner #handmade #madeinnyc #swarovski #swarovskicrystals #costume #costumejewelry #braceletstacks #armparties #ripoff #junkjewellery #wiwt #ootd #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 17 日 上午 8:57 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 FURLADA OR NADA ( n a lil Fendi lol). • #prada #furla #fendi #nylon #fendibug #pradanylon #nylonfarm #bags #accessories #quilt #rubber #logo #logomania #pradatrick #pradaornada #impradayourenada #remkoolhaas #wiwt #ootd #lol #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 13 日 下午 1:01 張貼
FURLADA OR NADA ( n a lil Fendi lol). • #prada #furla #fendi #nylon #fendibug #pradanylon #nylonfarm #bags #accessories #quilt #rubber #logo #logomania #pradatrick #pradaornada #impradayourenada #remkoolhaas #wiwt #ootd #lol #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 13 日 下午 1:01 張貼
抄襲和致敬,兩者究竟有怎樣的差異?Diet Prada認為,致敬是出自崇敬與愛,因此設計師不會吝於告訴大眾他們的靈感來源,然而抄襲就完全是出自商業考量,一個品牌看見了別人的成品,想做出類似的產品來大撈一筆。因此問題的關鍵,其實不是不能做出類似的作品,而是品牌與設計師,應該要更留意標註靈感來源。
「快時尚的商業模式本來就是抄襲。但設計師與品牌,他們所處的位置就是要創作出新的作品,但總是選擇偷懶,去『設計』本來大家就知道很酷炫,或受歡迎的產品。」Tony Liu表示。
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Definitely outside Kim’s normal oeuvre of beige sweats and sports bras, but what do you think about KK’s @off____white pretty pink princess spin on @badgalriri ‘s now iconic @mollymgoddard (Mugler) lewk? • #rihanna #mollygoddard #style #thierrymugler #archive #tulledress #kimkardashian #kimk #kkw #kkwbeauty #fentybeauty #tinysunnies #offwhite #virgilabloh #tier #blonde #platinumblonde #sunglasses #cateye #prettyinpink #princess #angelinajolieleg #slit #yeezy #sportsbra #kuwtk #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 2月 月 24 日 上午 11:44 張貼
Definitely outside Kim’s normal oeuvre of beige sweats and sports bras, but what do you think about KK’s @off____white pretty pink princess spin on @badgalriri ‘s now iconic @mollymgoddard (Mugler) lewk? • #rihanna #mollygoddard #style #thierrymugler #archive #tulledress #kimkardashian #kimk #kkw #kkwbeauty #fentybeauty #tinysunnies #offwhite #virgilabloh #tier #blonde #platinumblonde #sunglasses #cateye #prettyinpink #princess #angelinajolieleg #slit #yeezy #sportsbra #kuwtk #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 2月 月 24 日 上午 11:44 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 TBT to Paris couture week when an archival late 60s/early 70s @maisonvalentino monogram scarf print re-issued for Resort 19 showed up at @ronaldvanderkemp . Coincidence? Known for upcycling vintage fabrics, it’s likely the provenance of the original print was lost in time. • #valentino #ronaldvanderkemp #couture #paris #parisfashionweek #hautecouture #pierpaolopiccioli #monogram #silk #scarfprint #digitalprinting #v #printdesign #fabric #textiles #textiledesign #valentinogaravani #resort #resortfashion #wiwt #ootd #tbt #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 19 日 上午 9:51 張貼
TBT to Paris couture week when an archival late 60s/early 70s @maisonvalentino monogram scarf print re-issued for Resort 19 showed up at @ronaldvanderkemp . Coincidence? Known for upcycling vintage fabrics, it’s likely the provenance of the original print was lost in time. • #valentino #ronaldvanderkemp #couture #paris #parisfashionweek #hautecouture #pierpaolopiccioli #monogram #silk #scarfprint #digitalprinting #v #printdesign #fabric #textiles #textiledesign #valentinogaravani #resort #resortfashion #wiwt #ootd #tbt #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 19 日 上午 9:51 張貼
正因如此,Diet Prada自成立以來,一直非常關注設計師品牌「致敬」的狀況。一開始,他們並沒有得到太多關注,但在2017年5月,Gucci 2018年早春系列中的泡泡袖設計,被曾獲得奧運金牌的田徑選手Diane Dixon認出,與嘻哈設計師Dapper Dan在1989年為她設計的服裝高度相似,這件事在網路上發酵後,Diet Prada發表的對照圖被廣為轉發,帳號也開始快速累積人氣。
面對抄襲的質疑,Gucci表現得相當大方,不僅坦然承認設計的確有參考過Dapper Dan,更在2018年春夏系列發表期間,讓Diet Prada接管品牌Instagram帳號,看他們能認出多少作品的靈感來源,擁抱社群網路熱潮。
Gucci也向他致敬!被主流時尚圈放逐的傳奇人物Dapper Dan
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 OK You can all stop messaging me about it now Thanks to @veryadvanced for first bringing it to light. I"m really glad this is gaining traction and bringing attention to the crap @gucci is trying to pull #guccicruise18 #ripoff #fashionhistory #dapperdan #harlem #hiphop #appropriation #misappropriation #reappropriation #luxurygoods #luxury #streetwear #couture #dianedixon #olympian #gucci #louisvuitton #monogram #ootd #wiwt #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 5月 月 30 日 上午 11:21 張貼
OK You can all stop messaging me about it now Thanks to @veryadvanced for first bringing it to light. I"m really glad this is gaining traction and bringing attention to the crap @gucci is trying to pull #guccicruise18 #ripoff #fashionhistory #dapperdan #harlem #hiphop #appropriation #misappropriation #reappropriation #luxurygoods #luxury #streetwear #couture #dianedixon #olympian #gucci #louisvuitton #monogram #ootd #wiwt #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 5月 月 30 日 上午 11:21 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 @diet_prada Instagram account taking over @gucci insta stories!! They invited us to analyze the collection and spot their references, and we are finding their transparency refreshing... this is the way to go! #gucci #transparency #inspiration #design #guccieltonjohn #credit #inspo #sponsored # #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 9月 月 20 日 上午 7:53 張貼
@diet_prada Instagram account taking over @gucci insta stories!! They invited us to analyze the collection and spot their references, and we are finding their transparency refreshing... this is the way to go! #gucci #transparency #inspiration #design #guccieltonjohn #credit #inspo #sponsored # #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 9月 月 20 日 上午 7:53 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Serpents detail a silk jacket designed by #AlessandroMichele, inspired by a piece from Sir @eltonjohn’s archive by @bobmackie with sunglasses framed in crystals, in the #GucciSS18 fashion show. #mfw #GucciEltonJohn Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 9月 月 23 日 下午 12:01 張貼
Serpents detail a silk jacket designed by #AlessandroMichele, inspired by a piece from Sir @eltonjohn’s archive by @bobmackie with sunglasses framed in crystals, in the #GucciSS18 fashion show. #mfw #GucciEltonJohn
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 9月 月 23 日 下午 12:01 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Embroidered onto a men’s knit from the #GucciSS18 fashion show, a goat designed by Erick Berry for the book ‘Araminta’ by Eva Knox Evans, 1935. #AlessandroMichele #mfw Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 9月 月 20 日 下午 1:10 張貼
Embroidered onto a men’s knit from the #GucciSS18 fashion show, a goat designed by Erick Berry for the book ‘Araminta’ by Eva Knox Evans, 1935. #AlessandroMichele #mfw
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 9月 月 20 日 下午 1:10 張貼
大方歡迎Diet Prada評論的,除了Gucci之外,還有知名饒舌歌手肯伊威斯特(Kanye West)。穿著Louis Vuitton 2019年春夏系列西裝出席雙鍊大師(2 Chainz)的邁阿密婚禮的他,西裝搭配拖鞋的造型,不但成為媒體關注的焦點,他腳下踩著的Yeezy拖鞋,更疑似因為尺寸太小,讓他的腳跟硬生生地超出了鞋底,肯爺大腳小鞋的各種模樣,被Diet Prada製作成手繪T恤出售,這位經常因為個人品味而受議論的歌手,全然不以為意,還驕傲地將商品訊息轉發到自己的推特(Twitter)上,並且說明他那其實是日本木屐的穿法。
肯伊夫婦做自己!金卡達夏不畏裸照風波照樣自拍 肯伊威斯特不甩自負評論霸氣回應:「我就是最好的」
Diet Prada過去曾指控肯伊威斯特的妻子,實境秀女星金卡達夏(Kim Kardashian)的童裝系列Kardashian Kids,疑似抄襲Vetements與Commes des Garçons,還曾藉此出過T恤,因此肯伊威斯特對他們嘲諷的正面態度,也贏得了許多人的讚賞。
不怕高端品牌來「致敬」!IKEA幽默還擊 教你6招分辨Frakta環保購物袋真偽!
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 DIET PRADA EXCLUSIVE: @vetements_official has revealed their first-ever Spring/Summer 2018 advertising campaign exclusively to Diet Prada. In keeping with the familial themes explored by Demna Gvasalia, creative director of Vetements, the first image released features iconic mother and daughter duo Kim Kardashian West and North West. #fakenews #vetements #kimkardashian #northwest #dietprada #taylorswiftdress #sequindress #sequins #sparkle #meme #kkwbeauty #kuwtk #paparazzi #copycat #knockoff #homage #streetwear #wiwt #ootd #streetstyle Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PST 2017 年 12月 月 6 日 下午 4:06 張貼
DIET PRADA EXCLUSIVE: @vetements_official has revealed their first-ever Spring/Summer 2018 advertising campaign exclusively to Diet Prada. In keeping with the familial themes explored by Demna Gvasalia, creative director of Vetements, the first image released features iconic mother and daughter duo Kim Kardashian West and North West. #fakenews #vetements #kimkardashian #northwest #dietprada #taylorswiftdress #sequindress #sequins #sparkle #meme #kkwbeauty #kuwtk #paparazzi #copycat #knockoff #homage #streetwear #wiwt #ootd #streetstyle
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PST 2017 年 12月 月 6 日 下午 4:06 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 @kimkardashian ! Just when we thought you may have rocked the glitter better than Bey, you had to go and rip an extremely limited edition @commedesgarcons x Kosho & Co souvenir jacket for your @thekidssupply line AND that Tay Swift @vetements_official dress you knocked for North. Great message for the little ones! #kimdesgarcons #letreiknow #letdemnaknow #kimkardashian #thekidssupply #souvenirjacket #sukajan #vetements #commedesgarcons #demnagvasalia #reikawakubo #streetwear #copyat #knockoff #dietprada #sequins #sparkle #kkw Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PST 2017 年 12月 月 4 日 下午 4:56 張貼
@kimkardashian ! Just when we thought you may have rocked the glitter better than Bey, you had to go and rip an extremely limited edition @commedesgarcons x Kosho & Co souvenir jacket for your @thekidssupply line AND that Tay Swift @vetements_official dress you knocked for North. Great message for the little ones! #kimdesgarcons #letreiknow #letdemnaknow #kimkardashian #thekidssupply #souvenirjacket #sukajan #vetements #commedesgarcons #demnagvasalia #reikawakubo #streetwear #copyat #knockoff #dietprada #sequins #sparkle #kkw
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PST 2017 年 12月 月 4 日 下午 4:56 張貼
當然,並不是所有人都會直接歡迎指控和嘲諷。潮流品牌Off-White創意總監Virgil Abloh,自今年3月接任Louis Vuitton男裝藝術總監之後,數次被Diet Prada盯上,與Ikea聯名的木椅被指控「參考」了已故工業設計師Paul McCobb在1950年代推出的經典款,為Louis Vuitton設計的2019春夏男裝系列,也被指出多件單品與市面上出現過的產品相近,就連他的個人品牌Off-White推出的立體剪裁連帽衫、包包、白色T恤等,也都被認出參照過前人的作品。Virgil Abloh自始至終,對這些質疑都置之不理,沒有做出任何回應。
Off-White創意總監Virgil Abloh再聯名!為Ikea設計最潮家具 卻被控抄襲?
So @virgilabloh & Henrik Most (a creative leader at IKEA Range and Supply) talked design philosophy last month at a workshop with @ikeatoday ...specifically about elevating a chair design for their collab so it “feels more like an art object than a typical chair that serves its functions with four equal legs”. Well, that “typical chair” is actually an icon of mid-century design by Paul McCobb for his Planner Group series. Manufactured by Winchendon Furniture Company, it was among the best selling contemporary furniture lines of the 1950s and in production up until 1964...that is until Virgil decided to relaunch it and elevate it (quite literally) with an added doorstop lol. Tbh, we all get your approach by now, but it would actually be much more interesting to know the sources of your “inspiration”...especially if they’re this iconic. • #virgilabloh #ikea #paulmccobb #plannergroup #winchendon #furniture #midcentury #midcenturymodern #industrialdesign #american #ikeahack #offwhite #streetwear #streetstyle #hypebeast #hypebae #interiordesign #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 5月 月 29 日 下午 12:03 張貼
So @virgilabloh & Henrik Most (a creative leader at IKEA Range and Supply) talked design philosophy last month at a workshop with @ikeatoday ...specifically about elevating a chair design for their collab so it “feels more like an art object than a typical chair that serves its functions with four equal legs”. Well, that “typical chair” is actually an icon of mid-century design by Paul McCobb for his Planner Group series. Manufactured by Winchendon Furniture Company, it was among the best selling contemporary furniture lines of the 1950s and in production up until 1964...that is until Virgil decided to relaunch it and elevate it (quite literally) with an added doorstop lol. Tbh, we all get your approach by now, but it would actually be much more interesting to know the sources of your “inspiration”...especially if they’re this iconic. • #virgilabloh #ikea #paulmccobb #plannergroup #winchendon #furniture #midcentury #midcenturymodern #industrialdesign #american #ikeahack #offwhite #streetwear #streetstyle #hypebeast #hypebae #interiordesign #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 5月 月 29 日 下午 12:03 張貼
In his first outing as Artistic Director at @louisvuitton, @Virgilabloh stated his starting point was the idea of white light hitting a prism, and dividing into its component colors. Virgil just discovered Pink Floyd in a right of passage most millenial suburban kids go through when they"re 15 and hit the bong for the first time. While we applaud the palpable joy on display and appreciate the momentous occasion of a POC taking the reigns at a major luxury house, there"s a dark side to this rainbow (lol). True to the Virgil we all know, inspiration truly drew heavily from the menswear masters of the 20th century, from archive to recent Raf Simons and Maison Margiela, Yohji Yamamoto, and Helmut Lang. There"s a lot of discussion about the cult of personality in 2018, and while that"s one of the main reasons he"s landed that position, will it be enough to sell 4-5 figure jackets and bags with plastic chains that drag on the floor? While there"s desirability in the cool, slouchy tailored silhouettes that Kim Jones established in the landmark Supreme collaboration, the remainder of the collection lacks the ingenuity one expects from a top-level luxury house with a master at the helm in womenswear. What Louis Vuitton menswear may have gained in "street-cred", they easily have lost in the all-important aspiration factor, but will it matter if you have a crew like Virgil"s? • #louisvuitton #virgilabloh #menswear #streetwear #luxury #streetstyle #helmutlang #rafsimons #maisonmargiela #dior #christiandior #sterlingruby #yohjiyamamoto #hypebeast #hypebae #highsnobiety #wiwt #ootd #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 22 日 上午 9:49 張貼
In his first outing as Artistic Director at @louisvuitton, @Virgilabloh stated his starting point was the idea of white light hitting a prism, and dividing into its component colors. Virgil just discovered Pink Floyd in a right of passage most millenial suburban kids go through when they"re 15 and hit the bong for the first time. While we applaud the palpable joy on display and appreciate the momentous occasion of a POC taking the reigns at a major luxury house, there"s a dark side to this rainbow (lol). True to the Virgil we all know, inspiration truly drew heavily from the menswear masters of the 20th century, from archive to recent Raf Simons and Maison Margiela, Yohji Yamamoto, and Helmut Lang. There"s a lot of discussion about the cult of personality in 2018, and while that"s one of the main reasons he"s landed that position, will it be enough to sell 4-5 figure jackets and bags with plastic chains that drag on the floor? While there"s desirability in the cool, slouchy tailored silhouettes that Kim Jones established in the landmark Supreme collaboration, the remainder of the collection lacks the ingenuity one expects from a top-level luxury house with a master at the helm in womenswear. What Louis Vuitton menswear may have gained in "street-cred", they easily have lost in the all-important aspiration factor, but will it matter if you have a crew like Virgil"s? • #louisvuitton #virgilabloh #menswear #streetwear #luxury #streetstyle #helmutlang #rafsimons #maisonmargiela #dior #christiandior #sterlingruby #yohjiyamamoto #hypebeast #hypebae #highsnobiety #wiwt #ootd #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 22 日 上午 9:49 張貼
Virgil, your caption a few weeks ago said this was part of a “challenge” at @off____white . A challenge to do what, exactly? Make a master copy of an @anrealage_official piece without crediting it? Lol • #anrealage #avantgarde #conceptual #highfashion #sculpture #arttowear #virgilabloh #”sculpture” #hack #offwhite #patternmagic #iconic #archival #hoodie #hoodiechallenge #diy #sewing #sewalong #ootd #wiwt #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 8 日 下午 2:48 張貼
Virgil, your caption a few weeks ago said this was part of a “challenge” at @off____white . A challenge to do what, exactly? Make a master copy of an @anrealage_official piece without crediting it? Lol • #anrealage #avantgarde #conceptual #highfashion #sculpture #arttowear #virgilabloh #”sculpture” #hack #offwhite #patternmagic #iconic #archival #hoodie #hoodiechallenge #diy #sewing #sewalong #ootd #wiwt #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 8 日 下午 2:48 張貼
We know now that Virgil is a fan of Spatialist artist Lucio Fontana’s work (see June 26th post), but we didn’t expect him to ALSO rip off a famed graphic designer’s work for a 1966 exhibition on that very same artist. AG Fronzoni’s ‘Fontana Galleria La Polena Genova 1-28 Ottobre 1966” vs. @off____white ‘s FW16 t-shirt. One of these Fronzoni posters is housed at Milan’s @latriennale , about 15-20 minutes from the Off-White headquarters lol. Dieters, comment if you’d also like to see Fronzoni’s work contextualized within Virgil’s @mcachicago retrospective next June. • #agfronzoni #offwhite #virgilabloh #luciofontana #art #graphicdesign #design #spatialism #latriennale #museum #mcachicago #hypebeast #hypebae #snobshots #tshirt #whitetshirt #jamesdeandaydream #wiwt #ootd #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 8月 月 27 日 上午 11:12 張貼
We know now that Virgil is a fan of Spatialist artist Lucio Fontana’s work (see June 26th post), but we didn’t expect him to ALSO rip off a famed graphic designer’s work for a 1966 exhibition on that very same artist. AG Fronzoni’s ‘Fontana Galleria La Polena Genova 1-28 Ottobre 1966” vs. @off____white ‘s FW16 t-shirt. One of these Fronzoni posters is housed at Milan’s @latriennale , about 15-20 minutes from the Off-White headquarters lol. Dieters, comment if you’d also like to see Fronzoni’s work contextualized within Virgil’s @mcachicago retrospective next June. • #agfronzoni #offwhite #virgilabloh #luciofontana #art #graphicdesign #design #spatialism #latriennale #museum #mcachicago #hypebeast #hypebae #snobshots #tshirt #whitetshirt #jamesdeandaydream #wiwt #ootd #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 8月 月 27 日 上午 11:12 張貼
有人消極以對,也有人正面反擊。2017年10月,Diet Prada發表貼文,指出義大利精品品牌Dolce & Gabbana在日本新宿伊勢丹的快閃店,室內設計酷似紐約藝術家Trouble Andrew為Gucci打造的藝術空間,引來品牌其中一位創辦人Stefano Gabbana的怒火。一陣唇槍舌戰之後,Diet Prada推出印著「#PleaseSaySorryToMe」(請向我道歉)的T恤,並表示這件衣服20%的獲利,會捐給幫助同志及不孕人士嘗試試管嬰兒療法的慈善組織Nest Egg Foundation,因為具有同志身份的Stefano Gabbana,在2015年曾說過,他反對同志養育小孩,還說試管嬰兒像是人造合成物,結果引發軒然大波!為了讓網友能回顧事情的來龍去脈,Diet Prada還在T恤的商品頁上,貼心地附上《紐約時報》(The New York Times)的報導連結。
Dolce & Gabbana反同性平權言論惹議 艾爾頓強、瑞奇馬汀揚言抵制
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 D&G GHOST! @dolcegabbana takes a stab at the high-low aesthetics of @troubleandrew and @gucci "s GUCCI GHOST collab. #guccighost #gucci #dolcegabbana #dolceandgabbana #graffiti #graffitiart #art #streetwear #copy #copycat #knockoff #troubleandrew #milan #mfw #milanfashionweek Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 10月 月 4 日 下午 1:29 張貼
D&G GHOST! @dolcegabbana takes a stab at the high-low aesthetics of @troubleandrew and @gucci "s GUCCI GHOST collab. #guccighost #gucci #dolcegabbana #dolceandgabbana #graffiti #graffitiart #art #streetwear #copy #copycat #knockoff #troubleandrew #milan #mfw #milanfashionweek
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 10月 月 4 日 下午 1:29 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Did you enjoy the Instagram war we had with @stefanogabbana ? If so, you can own a piece of fashion history with our #PleaseSaySorryToMe t-shirt (link in bio!). Best part is, we"ll be donating 20% of all proceeds to Nest Egg Foundation, a Connecticut-based non-profit organization founded to help those struggling with infertility, to help fund in-vitro fertilization grants for LGBT parents who could use a little extra help! We trust you insiders know why we picked this one $38 with free shipping, 100% cotton, printed in NYC, trendy regular fit, not Prada branded tho :( (Delivered in 2-3 weeks) Styling Suggestions: Wear this T-shirt when you"re feeling self-righteous and cannot check your ego by ANY means. #pleasesaysorrytome #merch #dietprada #foragoodcause #clapback #bye #dgmillennials Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 10月 月 6 日 上午 7:43 張貼
Did you enjoy the Instagram war we had with @stefanogabbana ? If so, you can own a piece of fashion history with our #PleaseSaySorryToMe t-shirt (link in bio!). Best part is, we"ll be donating 20% of all proceeds to Nest Egg Foundation, a Connecticut-based non-profit organization founded to help those struggling with infertility, to help fund in-vitro fertilization grants for LGBT parents who could use a little extra help! We trust you insiders know why we picked this one $38 with free shipping, 100% cotton, printed in NYC, trendy regular fit, not Prada branded tho :( (Delivered in 2-3 weeks) Styling Suggestions: Wear this T-shirt when you"re feeling self-righteous and cannot check your ego by ANY means. #pleasesaysorrytome #merch #dietprada #foragoodcause #clapback #bye #dgmillennials
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 10月 月 6 日 上午 7:43 張貼
同年12月,Diet Prada又再次盯上Stefano Gabbana,因為他在一次訪問中,表示自己不想被稱為同志,因為他是個男人,還製作了一件上面寫著「I’m not gay I’m a man」(我不是同志,我是個男人)的T恤,再度引發爭議。
Diet Prada推出了一模一樣的服裝,上面印著「I’m gay and I’m a man」(我的同志,也是男人),不久後又發布了火燒Dolce & Gabbana商標的影片,而在此同時,Instagram上出現了一個名為Diet Ignorant的帳號,開始發文反駁Diet Prada的論點,許多人都懷疑這個帳號其實是Stefano Gabbana創立的,但至今無法證實。
2018年6月,Dolce & Gabbana推出了寫著「#Please Say Sorry 2 Me :-)」(#請向我道歉)的T恤,Diet Prada表示,這顯然是抄襲他們的點子。知名設計師與網紅之間的恩怨情仇,能發展到這種程度,也只有在社群網路主宰的時代才有可能發生。
曾反對多元成家 如今Dolce & Gabbana新品上出現同性家庭圖樣?
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Why not get you a man who can do both? But, seriously...one has to question Stefano Gabbana"s intent in his latest campaign. Is his disassociation an act of self-preservation stemming from a deep sense of self-loathing or is he preaching a viewpoint he thinks we should all believe in? Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, people are still terrorized, imprisoned, and killed for being gay. For Stefano—an affluent white man working in an industry that is accepting of LGBTQ people—to flex his privilege in saying such, is disconcerting to say the very least. Identity politics are complicated waters to tread with a gulf of many more factors that can bar us from understanding each other on a deeper level. Maybe Stefano doesn"t have gay friends outside of Domenico and his boy toys? Anyway...empathy is always the first step, so maybe we all need to enlighten him. For the gays (and/or "not gays"), what are your thoughts and what"s your personal relationship with the word "gay" and defining yourself as such, past and present? Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PST 2017 年 12月 月 22 日下午 12:53 張貼
Why not get you a man who can do both? But, seriously...one has to question Stefano Gabbana"s intent in his latest campaign. Is his disassociation an act of self-preservation stemming from a deep sense of self-loathing or is he preaching a viewpoint he thinks we should all believe in? Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, people are still terrorized, imprisoned, and killed for being gay. For Stefano—an affluent white man working in an industry that is accepting of LGBTQ people—to flex his privilege in saying such, is disconcerting to say the very least. Identity politics are complicated waters to tread with a gulf of many more factors that can bar us from understanding each other on a deeper level. Maybe Stefano doesn"t have gay friends outside of Domenico and his boy toys? Anyway...empathy is always the first step, so maybe we all need to enlighten him. For the gays (and/or "not gays"), what are your thoughts and what"s your personal relationship with the word "gay" and defining yourself as such, past and present?
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PST 2017 年 12月 月 22 日下午 12:53 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 4 日 下午 2:15 張貼
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 4 日 下午 2:15 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 When ur merch gets knocked off by @dolceandgabbana for 12x the price lol. #pleasesaysorrytous • #dietprada #dolcegabbana #pleasesaysorrytome #tshirt #slogan #slogantee #designer #luxury #merch #streetwear #streetstyle #wiwt #wtf #lol #ootd #farfetch #stefanogabbana Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 28 日 上午 10:59 張貼
When ur merch gets knocked off by @dolceandgabbana for 12x the price lol. #pleasesaysorrytous • #dietprada #dolcegabbana #pleasesaysorrytome #tshirt #slogan #slogantee #designer #luxury #merch #streetwear #streetstyle #wiwt #wtf #lol #ootd #farfetch #stefanogabbana
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 28 日 上午 10:59 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 In his quest to define the grey area between black and white, we wonder if Virgil Abloh looked to the 1967 work ‘Painting/Sculpture’ by conceptual art collective Art & Language (currently on display at @museuberardo in Lisbon, Portugal). Sans quotation marks, could these mundane grey acrylic artworks have been the genesis of Virgil Abloh’s “signature” ironic labeling? Ahead of Virgil’s retrospective exhibition at the @mcachicago next June, here’s hoping the curators will consider contextualizing his work with some of the original artists that have heavily “inspired” him. • #artandlanguage #art #conceptualart #language #offwhite #painting #acrylic #virgilabloh #grey #label #ironic #internet #museum #handbag #accessories #bag #streetwear #streetstyle #hype #hypebeast #hypebae #highsnobiety #snobshots #wiwt #ootd #dietprada Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 8月 月 15 日 上午 11:47 張貼
In his quest to define the grey area between black and white, we wonder if Virgil Abloh looked to the 1967 work ‘Painting/Sculpture’ by conceptual art collective Art & Language (currently on display at @museuberardo in Lisbon, Portugal). Sans quotation marks, could these mundane grey acrylic artworks have been the genesis of Virgil Abloh’s “signature” ironic labeling? Ahead of Virgil’s retrospective exhibition at the @mcachicago next June, here’s hoping the curators will consider contextualizing his work with some of the original artists that have heavily “inspired” him. • #artandlanguage #art #conceptualart #language #offwhite #painting #acrylic #virgilabloh #grey #label #ironic #internet #museum #handbag #accessories #bag #streetwear #streetstyle #hype #hypebeast #hypebae #highsnobiety #snobshots #wiwt #ootd #dietprada
Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 8月 月 15 日 上午 11:47 張貼
資料來源:Diet Prada、The New York Time、The Guardian、Mic