噴火龍、第三隻眼、與身體分離的頭顱…這些在《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》(Game of Thrones)常見的元素,如今被創意總監Alessandro Michele搬到了Gucci 2018年秋冬秀場上。
設計師對布料與材質的裁切重組,這樣的概念好比醫生操刀手術,於是Alessandro Michele將本季秀場打造成手術室的模樣,模特兒似乎就是接受了這些奇幻手術後的成果,有些模特兒手中拿著自己的復刻版頭顱,有的模特兒額頭上多了第三隻眼,又或是頭上長出羊角,有如半人半羊的農牧神,另外還有模特兒手中抱著小火龍、變色龍、珊瑚蛇等復刻版寵物。
超可愛!《星際大戰8》水晶狐狸可不是特效 竟是由2.5萬晶體費工造出實體!
為了讓這些創意逼真呈現,Alessandro Michele找來了操刀《金錢世界》(All The Money In The World)、《名模大間諜2》(Zoolander 2)、《古墓奇兵》(Tomb Raider)等電影特效的視覺特效公司Makinarium量身打造,從真人模特兒的頭顱模具到3D列印和掃描等,運用各種媒材,耗費六個月的時間,才完成了這些栩栩如生的復刻版道具。
A chameleon by @makinariumsfxvfx—an agency specialising in integrated special and visual effects—and a pale blue denim embroidered jumpsuit in the #GucciFW18 fashion show by #AlessandroMichele. #mfw Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 2月 月 21 日 11:26 上午 張貼
A chameleon by @makinariumsfxvfx—an agency specialising in integrated special and visual effects—and a pale blue denim embroidered jumpsuit in the #GucciFW18 fashion show by #AlessandroMichele. #mfw
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 2月 月 21 日 11:26 上午 張貼
Makinarium共同創辦人Leonardo Cruciano表示,「Alessandro竟然與我們聯絡,我們彼此毫不相識。他對想達成的結果有非常明確的想法,這是個很棒的合作,他是位真正的藝術家,有著真切的熱情,非常強烈且具啟發性的想像,能促使你突破前進。」
身為電影迷的Alessandro Michele,在看過義大利導演馬泰歐蓋洛尼(Matteo Garrone)於2016年推出的電影《異色童話集》(Tale of Tales)後,於是有了想與負責這部電影特效的Makinarium合作的想法。
繁複美學玩過頭?Alessandro Michele打造Gucci「賽博格」多元宇宙 時尚混種超獵奇
Mysterious creatures: a model in a quilted velvet jacket carrying a dragon walks the #GucciFW18 show. Inspired by the ‘Legend of the baby dragon in the jar’, the real story of an author who staged finding a baby dragon in his garage in Oxfordshire, England. @makinariumsfxvfx #AlessandroMichele #mfw Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 2月 月 21 日 6:21 上午 張貼
Mysterious creatures: a model in a quilted velvet jacket carrying a dragon walks the #GucciFW18 show. Inspired by the ‘Legend of the baby dragon in the jar’, the real story of an author who staged finding a baby dragon in his garage in Oxfordshire, England. @makinariumsfxvfx #AlessandroMichele #mfw
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 2月 月 21 日 6:21 上午 張貼
姑且不論眾人對於這樣的創意接受度如何,至少Alessandro Michele又再次為Gucci成功炒熱話題。
外星人跨刀Gucci太空系列 意外引爆抄襲爭議!Alessandro Michele:「雖然我45歲,但不代表我連一點創意都沒有。」
*How to protect your head*?Poor people - Helmets#Gucci people - Spare heads.#GucciGang #GucciFW18 pic.twitter.com/lCAC44TMge — Goddamit (@iAmitSaroj) February 21, 2018
*How to protect your head*?Poor people - Helmets#Gucci people - Spare heads.#GucciGang #GucciFW18 pic.twitter.com/lCAC44TMge
— Goddamit (@iAmitSaroj) February 21, 2018
When did the Weasley twins go high fashion? #gucci #brr https://t.co/l7Xc6s5m8q — Chloe Jordan (@cjordan22) February 21, 2018
When did the Weasley twins go high fashion? #gucci #brr https://t.co/l7Xc6s5m8q
— Chloe Jordan (@cjordan22) February 21, 2018
Modeling 101: It"s alway good to carry a spare head with you @gucci #FW18 #MFW https://t.co/fu3UMbokN1 pic.twitter.com/sfIbNedZ4T — SUPERMODELS-ONLINE (@supermodelscom) February 21, 2018
Modeling 101: It"s alway good to carry a spare head with you @gucci #FW18 #MFW https://t.co/fu3UMbokN1 pic.twitter.com/sfIbNedZ4T
— SUPERMODELS-ONLINE (@supermodelscom) February 21, 2018
I love Gucci but can we go back to the good old fashioned runways and not a surgery room with models carrying replicas of their heads pic.twitter.com/W1PvMGky4G — Vicky Gill (@vickygillxo) February 21, 2018
I love Gucci but can we go back to the good old fashioned runways and not a surgery room with models carrying replicas of their heads pic.twitter.com/W1PvMGky4G
— Vicky Gill (@vickygillxo) February 21, 2018
資料來源:Vogue、Gucci、The Sun