從佛羅倫斯起家的Gucci,2018年將位於領主廣場(Piazza della Signoria)的Gucci博物館(Gucci Museo)改頭換面,重新命名為古馳花園(Gucci Garden),並於2019年Pitti Uomo男裝展期間,在古馳花園推出探討男性特質為主題的特展《男性-雌雄同體的心靈、折衷的身體》(The Male - Androgynous Mind, Eclectic Body),展現品牌自60年代起對男性氣質的探索、詮釋,彰顯與時俱進的創作精神。
Gucci博物館再進化!Alessandro Michele打造古馳花園 放任創意激盪實驗
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Spotted around Florence, pink posters announce the opening of the #GucciGarden. The Gucci eye is the symbol of the new space conceived by #AlessandroMichele, which celebrates the House’s rich archive and the work explored under the new vision in a hypnotic, interactive experience. Located inside Florence"s historic Palazzo della Mercanzia #GucciGarden features Gucci Garden Galleria, exhibition rooms curated by curator and critic Maria Luisa Frisa (@lafrisa), the Gucci Osteria da Massimo Bottura (@massimobottura)—a restaurant by the three-Michelin-star chef—and a bazaar-style store, offering one-of-a-kind items. #GucciGarden is open to the public from January 10th. Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 9 日 上午 2:47 張貼
Spotted around Florence, pink posters announce the opening of the #GucciGarden. The Gucci eye is the symbol of the new space conceived by #AlessandroMichele, which celebrates the House’s rich archive and the work explored under the new vision in a hypnotic, interactive experience. Located inside Florence"s historic Palazzo della Mercanzia #GucciGarden features Gucci Garden Galleria, exhibition rooms curated by curator and critic Maria Luisa Frisa (@lafrisa), the Gucci Osteria da Massimo Bottura (@massimobottura)—a restaurant by the three-Michelin-star chef—and a bazaar-style store, offering one-of-a-kind items. #GucciGarden is open to the public from January 10th.
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 9 日 上午 2:47 張貼
特展名稱取自英國19世紀詩人柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)的詩句,「偉大的心靈必是雌雄同體。(A great mind must be androgynous.)」現場不僅展示Gucci過去創作過的男裝,也強調品牌致力打破性別框架,重新定義男性輪廓與男性特質的努力。
Paul Smith、Burberry追憶大衛鮑伊 時尚界齊悼「雌雄同體」風格先驅
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Fashion curator Maria Luisa Frisa - bringing that wild green colour to the Gucci Garden Galliera in Florence. The menswear exhibition is called “Androgynous Mind, Eclectic Body. Suzy Menkes(@suzymenkesvogue)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 8 日 下午 2:25 張貼
Fashion curator Maria Luisa Frisa - bringing that wild green colour to the Gucci Garden Galliera in Florence. The menswear exhibition is called “Androgynous Mind, Eclectic Body.
Suzy Menkes(@suzymenkesvogue)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 8 日 下午 2:25 張貼
「男性激情是義大利的發明。」古馳花園策展人暨藝術評論家Maria Luisa Frisa表示。
透過這次展覽,可以看見包括現任創意總監Alessandro Michele在2015年秋冬男裝系列中所設計的紅色蝴蝶結絲質襯衫、還有來自Tom Ford於1999年所設計的春夏男裝系列裡的黑色棉外套搭配襯衫與皮長褲,以及Frida Giannini所設計的藍色絲絨夾克。
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Unveiling the new Period Rooms inside the #GucciGarden Galleria ‘Il Maschile - Androgynous Mind, Eclectic Body’ conceived by @alessandro_michele and curated by critic Maria Luisa Frisa @lafrisa demonstrates how #Gucci has defined men’s fashion over the years. The space reflects on masculinity in interpretations by creative directors, from the Tom Ford era to the present and also includes pieces from the archives, editorial shoots and advertising campaigns. Among the looks displayed is a definitive statement from #AlessandroMichele’s first men’s collection for the House, a red silk shirt with a bow tied at the neck from #GucciFW15. The shirt marked the beginning of the House’s overt engagement with the concept that today gender is a fluid idea. #AlessandroMichele Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 9 日 上午 9:59 張貼
Unveiling the new Period Rooms inside the #GucciGarden Galleria ‘Il Maschile - Androgynous Mind, Eclectic Body’ conceived by @alessandro_michele and curated by critic Maria Luisa Frisa @lafrisa demonstrates how #Gucci has defined men’s fashion over the years. The space reflects on masculinity in interpretations by creative directors, from the Tom Ford era to the present and also includes pieces from the archives, editorial shoots and advertising campaigns. Among the looks displayed is a definitive statement from #AlessandroMichele’s first men’s collection for the House, a red silk shirt with a bow tied at the neck from #GucciFW15. The shirt marked the beginning of the House’s overt engagement with the concept that today gender is a fluid idea. #AlessandroMichele
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 9 日 上午 9:59 張貼
Tom Ford於2003年春夏米蘭男裝週發表的印花和服造型外套、絲綢長褲及絲絨拖鞋,則與Gucci過去所有男裝秀的片段共同展示在光線昏暗的房間裡,鞋履及配件部分則包括1995年春夏的絨面金屬釦環莫卡辛鞋、2018年男裝度假系列中的金屬月桂葉頭冠、打火機、手杖,以及雙陸棋(Backgammon)等。
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Tom Ford’s Gucci man (or is it a woman?) in a garment at the Gucci Garden Galliera in Florence Suzy Menkes(@suzymenkesvogue)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 8 日 下午 2:12 張貼
Tom Ford’s Gucci man (or is it a woman?) in a garment at the Gucci Garden Galliera in Florence
Suzy Menkes(@suzymenkesvogue)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 8 日 下午 2:12 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 From Gucci with love —- Alessandro Michele’s decorated denim - at the Gucci men’s wear display by Maria Louisa Frisa in Florence’s Gucci Garden Suzy Menkes(@suzymenkesvogue)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 8 日 下午 2:09 張貼
From Gucci with love —- Alessandro Michele’s decorated denim - at the Gucci men’s wear display by Maria Louisa Frisa in Florence’s Gucci Garden
Suzy Menkes(@suzymenkesvogue)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 8 日 下午 2:09 張貼
而除了Gucci的作品外,博物館內還展示了義大利街頭藝術家MP5以個人獨特性及性取向為主題的裸體人物壁畫,與Gucci合作過多面藝術牆的英國藝術家Alex Merry也為博物館樓梯間繪製圓拱窗戶,她在開幕前的媒體預覽時表示,自己目前正在與Gucci進行另一項合作計畫,成果將會展示在品牌網站及社群網路上,對於能在富有歷史的品牌博物館中創作,她感到相當不可置信。
Gucci藝術牆進駐永康街!國寶級看板畫師顏振發親自手繪 連原作藝術家都讚嘆
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Artist MP5’s wall drawing at #guccigarden #florence # pittiuomo Cristiana(@cristianaperrella)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 8 日 下午 4:32 張貼
Artist MP5’s wall drawing at #guccigarden #florence # pittiuomo
Cristiana(@cristianaperrella)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 8 日 下午 4:32 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 British Alex Merry with her roaring tigers and delicate birds is Gucci’s secret weapon. Now her work is painted on the walls of the Gucci garden in the classic and historic building in Florence. Suzy Menkes(@suzymenkesvogue)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 8 日 下午 1:57 張貼
British Alex Merry with her roaring tigers and delicate birds is Gucci’s secret weapon. Now her work is painted on the walls of the Gucci garden in the classic and historic building in Florence.
Suzy Menkes(@suzymenkesvogue)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 8 日 下午 1:57 張貼
「這個地點的歷史實在是令人難以抗拒,而且非常好玩。」Alex Merry表示,為了能創作出滿意的作品,她要求自己「不要過度思考」,試著進入作夢般的情緒。
古馳花園,坐落於14世紀所建造的Palazzo della Mercanzia古樓之內,為了展現品牌對自身以及佛羅倫斯歷史的崇敬,訪客的參觀收入半數都會捐贈給佛羅倫斯市的古蹟修復計畫,這次《男性-雌雄同體的心靈、折衷的身體》展覽,更與當地著名的前衛劇團刑事倉庫(Magazzini Criminali)合作拍攝長達1小時的影片《神經崩潰》(Nervous Breakdown),在博物館劇院中播放。
執迷於愛!《策展米開理》展覽一窺Gucci創意總監Alessandro Michele創作背後的情感基礎
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Inside the historic Palazzo della Mercanzia, which housed the Gucci Museo, the House debuts the #GucciGarden. Conceived by creative director #AlessandroMichele, the space featuring gallery rooms, a store and a restaurant is a hypnotic territory where the visitor can choose whether to drift and let themselves fall into this new world or look intently to examine the surrounds. #GucciGarden is open to the public from January 10th. Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 9 日 上午 9:55 張貼
Inside the historic Palazzo della Mercanzia, which housed the Gucci Museo, the House debuts the #GucciGarden. Conceived by creative director #AlessandroMichele, the space featuring gallery rooms, a store and a restaurant is a hypnotic territory where the visitor can choose whether to drift and let themselves fall into this new world or look intently to examine the surrounds. #GucciGarden is open to the public from January 10th.
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 1月 月 9 日 上午 9:55 張貼