取代原創,複製竟能成為藝術展的主題?由Gucci與義大利藝術家莫瑞吉奧卡特蘭(Maurizio Cattelan)合作策畫的大型展覽《藝術家此在》(The Artist is Present),日前在上海余德耀美術館正式登場,這是Alessandro Michele成為品牌創意總監後,Gucci舉辦的第三場跨界藝術展覽,為了表達品牌對藝術的熱情,以展覽海報為主題繪製的全新藝術牆,也在米蘭、紐約、倫敦、香港四大城市同步亮相。
時尚熱點換新裝!魔幻家飾成要角 英國藝術家巧手繪製Gucci 5大城市藝術牆
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 I copy therefore I am. Every human practice begins with copying. A creative process takes place not as a sudden event but as a slow process that requires mistakes and engagement with what preceded us, in order to create from it. Scenes from a video by @yuriancarani of #TheArtistIsPresent, the exhibition curated by @mauriziocattelan running until December 16 at the Yuz Museum, Shanghai. Watch the video on IGTV. #AlessandroMichele Gucci/MLBP Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 12 日 上午 5:33 張貼
I copy therefore I am. Every human practice begins with copying. A creative process takes place not as a sudden event but as a slow process that requires mistakes and engagement with what preceded us, in order to create from it. Scenes from a video by @yuriancarani of #TheArtistIsPresent, the exhibition curated by @mauriziocattelan running until December 16 at the Yuz Museum, Shanghai. Watch the video on IGTV. #AlessandroMichele Gucci/MLBP
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 12 日 上午 5:33 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Curated by @mauriziocattelan, #TheArtistIsPresent features a selection of more than thirty artists showing both site-specific and existing works that question the most hallowed principles of art in the modern era: originality, intention, expression. #AlessandroMichele Gucci/MLPB HOLLYWOOD TM & Design © 2018 Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 13 日 上午 1:29 張貼
Curated by @mauriziocattelan, #TheArtistIsPresent features a selection of more than thirty artists showing both site-specific and existing works that question the most hallowed principles of art in the modern era: originality, intention, expression. #AlessandroMichele Gucci/MLPB HOLLYWOOD TM & Design © 2018 Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 13 日 上午 1:29 張貼
2015年在上海舉辦的《已然/未然》(No Longer / Not Yet)特展,探討何為「當代」的意義。2017年在香港、北京與台北三地舉辦的《策展米開理》(A Magazine Curated By Alessandro Michele)三城藝術巡迴展,帶人們走進了Alessandro Michele的時尚世界。而這一次,《藝術家此在》展覽邀請藝術家Maurizio Cattelan為策展人,由他延攬了30多位藝術家,在上海的余德耀美術館共同展出,一起探討當下創意領域最為敏感,卻又無可迴避的話題:複製。
執迷於愛!《策展米開理》展覽一窺Gucci創意總監Alessandro Michele創作背後的情感基礎
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Captured inside the Yuz Museum, artist @mauriziocattelan, curator of exhibit #TheArtistIsPresent, with #AlessandroMichele, at the shows opening, which will run until December 16. Read more through link in bio. HOLLYWOOD TM & Design © 2018 Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Gucci / MLBP Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 11 日 上午 3:06 張貼
Captured inside the Yuz Museum, artist @mauriziocattelan, curator of exhibit #TheArtistIsPresent, with #AlessandroMichele, at the shows opening, which will run until December 16. Read more through link in bio. HOLLYWOOD TM & Design © 2018 Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Gucci / MLBP
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 11 日 上午 3:06 張貼
《藝術家此在》這個展覽,原是2010年知名行為藝術家瑪麗娜阿布拉莫維奇(Marina Abramović)的個展名稱,展出當時獲得廣泛關注與讚譽,在藝術界之外也引發熱烈討論。如今,Maurizio Cattelan與Gucci仿效該展覽的概念,將展覽主題聚焦於當代文化中各種挪用行為。Marina Abramović並沒有參與這次策展,但展覽沿用了她上一次的宣傳海報與標題,將舊畫面置入另一個情境,打破了展覽宣傳的既有形式,將宣傳轉化為對文化現象的討論。
Alessandro Michele屢爆抄襲爭議 為何Gucci依舊越賣越夯?
《藝術家此在》特展,透過對原創作品的重複應用,探討原創性本身是如何被建立,以及它們如何透過複製而得以長存。在現代社會賦予藝術作品的核心價值:原創性、創作意圖、表達方式,以及作者的身份,都逐一地被挑戰。正如策展人Maurizio Cattelan所表示,「複製就像褻瀆,它可以被視為對上帝的不敬,但同時也是對神存在的鄭重確認。」
《藝術家此在》展覽即日起在上海余德耀美術館正式亮相,展出至2018年12月16日為止,開幕當晚包括中國知名藝人李宇春、倪妮、宋祖兒、名模劉雯、日本男演員坂口健太郎等人一同共襄盛舉,世界知名口哨音樂家Molly Lewis也到場演出,為這個探討嚴肅議題的跨國展覽增添活力。
霸氣女王登場!Gucci 創意總監 Alessandro Michele再展設計長才 打造李宇春《野蠻生長》演唱會勁裝
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Celebrating the opening of #TheArtistIsPresent—the new exhibition curated by @mauriziocattelan—@urnotchrislee wore a wool cardigan, lace-up trousers and platform shoes from #GucciCruise19. She completed her look with a leather necklace embellished with enamel cross pendants. #AlessandroMichele #GucciJewelry Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 10 日 下午 12:15 張貼
Celebrating the opening of #TheArtistIsPresent—the new exhibition curated by @mauriziocattelan—@urnotchrislee wore a wool cardigan, lace-up trousers and platform shoes from #GucciCruise19. She completed her look with a leather necklace embellished with enamel cross pendants. #AlessandroMichele #GucciJewelry
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 10 日 下午 12:15 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 @liuwenlw attending the opening event of #TheArtistIsPresent in a checked skirt and jacket, silk shirt with ruffle details and #GucciRajah bag from #GucciCruise19. Curated by @mauriziocattelan, the exhibit will run until December 16 at the Yuz Museum in Shanghai. #AlessandroMichele Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 10 日 下午 2:13 張貼
@liuwenlw attending the opening event of #TheArtistIsPresent in a checked skirt and jacket, silk shirt with ruffle details and #GucciRajah bag from #GucciCruise19. Curated by @mauriziocattelan, the exhibit will run until December 16 at the Yuz Museum in Shanghai. #AlessandroMichele
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 10 日 下午 2:13 張貼