Ya... that one time.. when you & your sisters video went viral... @makeupby_chelseyy #viral #viralvideos . . . . . . #instakids #igkiddies #ig_daily #igkid #mua #fotd #youtube #youthtalent #talentedkids #futuremua #brandrep #metdaan #minimodel #makeuptutorial #kidactor #kidmodel #kidmodels #childmodels #childmodel #childstar #childactor #casting #littlebigshots #upandcoming #hypnaughtypower #hudabeauty #scoutme Drew Sadie Gordon(@missdrewgordon)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 10 12:42下午 PDT 張貼
Ya... that one time.. when you & your sisters video went viral... @makeupby_chelseyy #viral #viralvideos . . . . . . #instakids #igkiddies #ig_daily #igkid #mua #fotd #youtube #youthtalent #talentedkids #futuremua #brandrep #metdaan #minimodel #makeuptutorial #kidactor #kidmodel #kidmodels #childmodels #childmodel #childstar #childactor #casting #littlebigshots #upandcoming #hypnaughtypower #hudabeauty #scoutme
Drew Sadie Gordon(@missdrewgordon)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 10 12:42下午 PDT 張貼
Drew Sadie Gordon第一支曝光的示範影片中,她在姊姊臉上示範乾燥玫瑰色全妝,雖然小小的手看起來連刷具都握不太穩,但不論漸層眼影、修容打亮,甚至是黏貼假睫毛都完全難不倒她,成品效果細緻又完美,令人難以想像是出自5歲兒童之手。這個影片的文字簡介部分也備註了所有產品名,經營得可是和一般部落客一樣認真。
而Drew Sadie Gordon最近還挑戰了更高難度的彩色漸層眼妝,這個她幫姊姊化妝的影片,在Instagram發布後,短短4天就突破31萬瀏覽次數,從影片中可看到,這款妝容不論是色系搭配、漸層暈染技巧和細部點綴,完成度都相當高,不禁讓人大為讚嘆。
SHE'S ONLY 5!! SERIOUS MAKEUP SKILLS! . . Makeup by @missdrewgordon we need to keep an eye out for you!! Working on big sister @makeupby_chelseyy . . #amabiebeauty #makeupartist The Asian Beauty Review Site(@amabiebeauty)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 12 3:44上午 PDT 張貼
SHE'S ONLY 5!! SERIOUS MAKEUP SKILLS! . . Makeup by @missdrewgordon we need to keep an eye out for you!! Working on big sister @makeupby_chelseyy . . #amabiebeauty #makeupartist
The Asian Beauty Review Site(@amabiebeauty)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 12 3:44上午 PDT 張貼
Drew Sadie Gordon 20歲的姊姊Chelsey Noelle其實是位自學彩妝師,擅長濃烈的個性搖滾妝容,偶爾也會分享主題創作或獵奇特效妝。素顏時的她,和妹妹一樣有張小巧童顏,卻能利用高超彩妝手法,變化各種成熟性感面貌。
my best 9 of 2016!! this year was so huge for my makeup and skills because i finally created this page and started playing with color and stepping out of my comfort zone! cant wait to see what 2017 has in store chelsey noelle(@makeupby_chelseyy)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 12月 月 29 1:05下午 PST 張貼
my best 9 of 2016!! this year was so huge for my makeup and skills because i finally created this page and started playing with color and stepping out of my comfort zone! cant wait to see what 2017 has in store
chelsey noelle(@makeupby_chelseyy)分享的貼文 於 2016 年 12月 月 29 1:05下午 PST 張貼
Drew Sadie Gordon和Chelsey Noelle一家人居住在溫暖的南加州,長相精緻地像個洋娃娃的Drew Sadie Gordon,不但是廣告童星,偶爾也會參與電視節目演出,在她個人的Instagram上,也可看到許多她的生活與工作日常。
Hoping we make the cut #auditions #audition #auditionlife #castawaystudios #commercial #commercialaudition #cameraready #commercialshoot #modelingagency #model #kidmodel #childmodel #agencylife #agent #youthtalent #lamodels #lamodelsyouth #drewgordon #kidsofinstagram #actress #actor # Drew Sadie Gordon(@missdrewgordon)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 2月 月 13 2:48下午 PST 張貼
Hoping we make the cut #auditions #audition #auditionlife #castawaystudios #commercial #commercialaudition #cameraready #commercialshoot #modelingagency #model #kidmodel #childmodel #agencylife #agent #youthtalent #lamodels #lamodelsyouth #drewgordon #kidsofinstagram #actress #actor #
Drew Sadie Gordon(@missdrewgordon)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 2月 月 13 2:48下午 PST 張貼
On set today with Disney #childactress #ddokids #youthtalent #youthtalentconnection #model #modeling #kidmodel #kidmodels #agent #agency #commercial #modelagency #childmodel #instakids #kidsstyle #laagent #printmodel #brandrep #osbrinkkids #bensimonkids #nyfw #acting #spottedcmm #kidactor #disney #giannynyscouts #disneykid Drew Sadie Gordon(@missdrewgordon)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 2月 月 22 12:20下午 PST 張貼
On set today with Disney #childactress #ddokids #youthtalent #youthtalentconnection #model #modeling #kidmodel #kidmodels #agent #agency #commercial #modelagency #childmodel #instakids #kidsstyle #laagent #printmodel #brandrep #osbrinkkids #bensimonkids #nyfw #acting #spottedcmm #kidactor #disney #giannynyscouts #disneykid
Drew Sadie Gordon(@missdrewgordon)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 2月 月 22 12:20下午 PST 張貼
Drew Sadie Gordon(@missdrewgordon)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 2月 月 21 1:27下午 PST 張貼