具有商學、媒體研究及藝術設計的學術背景。曾與攝影前輩謝震隆、翁庭華學習傳統攝影及暗房,喜歡庶民文化的生命力,懷念小時候在戲棚下觀看野台布袋戲及歌仔戲並且吃著把噗的童年。英國留學期間為欣賞英超聯賽 (FA Cup),在南安普敦足球俱樂部球場擔任清潔人員。
A post shared by 헤라 HERA Official Account (@hera_seoulista) on Apr 2, 2018 at 12:59am PDT
國際時裝週一直是彩妝、美髮、香水的重要曝光平台,像首爾時裝週最特別地方,最大贊助商是K-Beauty韓國彩妝品牌Hera。首爾時裝週就是直接冠名為Hera Seoul Fashion Week,Hera今年的全球代言人是韓星全智賢。之前亦曾找金泰希,代言費用是一年十億韓元(約三千四百萬元台幣),而且一次簽約就是5年,共一億七千萬元台幣。許多品牌透過贊助在時裝週上行銷新品,男女模特兒展現的不只是新款的時裝,還有他們臉上繽紛的魔力彩妝。秀場內名人身上散發的香氛,也為活動增添神秘高貴的氣息。這些其實都是美妝的商機,是時尚的另一個核心。
A post shared by 헤라서울패션위크 HERASeoulFashionWeek (@hera_seoulfashionweek_official) on Mar 21, 2018 at 11:26pm PDT
化工一直是台灣的強項,國內也有不少國際彩妝、美髮品牌的代工廠,但美妝在台灣甚少與時尚結合。目前許多代工廠都有自創品牌,但走的多是平價或文創路線,並非朝成為Maybelline、M.A.C、L’Oréal、VS沙宣這種高級時尚品牌之路邁進。由於政府單位缺乏核心時尚的概念,台灣的美妝幾乎是自成一局,品牌也傾向發展民生消費版而非時尚版。或許在今年新舉辦的台北時裝週,本土美妝品牌可以學習本土品牌City Color透過贊助來曝光、提昇品牌形象。City Color曾贊助紐約時裝週官方活動,並支持設計師周裕穎參加紐約時裝週,這種模式值得想拓展國際市場的本土美妝品牌參考。
億萬名畫穿上身!Just In Case周裕穎紐約時裝週翻玩常玉經典 揮灑台灣時尚能量
We Are Excited To Announce That City Color Cosmetics Will Be Sponsoring @justincase_official This Year During #NYFW! Stay Tuned For Exciting things!!! #CityColorxJustInCase #NYFW#GiveAways #BehindTheScenes#StayTuned A post shared by Official City Color Cosmetics (@citycolorcosmetics) on Sep 7, 2017 at 1:12pm PDT
We Are Excited To Announce That City Color Cosmetics Will Be Sponsoring @justincase_official This Year During #NYFW! Stay Tuned For Exciting things!!! #CityColorxJustInCase #NYFW#GiveAways #BehindTheScenes#StayTuned
A post shared by Official City Color Cosmetics (@citycolorcosmetics) on Sep 7, 2017 at 1:12pm PDT
被視為工人的專業彩妝師與髮型設計師 美妝中的化妝品和髮品,必須透過彩妝師(Make-up Artist)與髮型師(Hairstyle Artist)的雙手去施展魔法。每季四大時裝週上百個品牌的後台,都可以看到優秀的彩妝及髮型團隊參與。在外國,彩妝師和髮型師是藝術家,大牌明星及名人搶著找他們合作,地位相當崇高,但在台灣,專業彩妝師與髮型師經常被視為工人或工匠。
國際時裝週彩妝與髮型團隊的運作生態 參加四大時裝週的各品牌,都會自己找彩妝與髮型團隊合作。彩妝與髮型團隊分別由主彩妝師(Key Make-up Artist/Lead Make-up Artist)與主髮型師(Key Hairstylist/Lead Hairstylist)帶領。這些團隊有些是來自大型彩妝公司、大型髮型公司,有些則是由專業的自由工作者(Freelancer)臨時組隊。他們負責和服裝設計師、造型師及秀導溝通,創造出品牌想要呈現的風格。
若Key Make-up Artist譯為某時裝週首席彩妝師,會讓不了解情況的人誤以為此人負責指揮整個時裝週所有的彩妝團隊。Key Hairstylist也是同樣的道理。在實務上,時裝週裡的妝髮團隊彼此並不相互干涉,因此為避免爭議與衝突,各大時裝週並不會出現首席彩妝師(Chief Make-up Artist)或首席髮型師(Chief Hairstylist)這些字眼。
#THELOOK #BTS @prada #pradafw18 starring #MTHRSHP Subversive: La Vie en Rose Eye Palette and #LipFetish Lip Balm #teampatmcgrath #makeupbypatmcgrath A post shared by Pat McGrath (@patmcgrathreal) on Mar 18, 2018 at 9:07am PDT
#THELOOK #BTS @prada #pradafw18 starring #MTHRSHP Subversive: La Vie en Rose Eye Palette and #LipFetish Lip Balm #teampatmcgrath #makeupbypatmcgrath
A post shared by Pat McGrath (@patmcgrathreal) on Mar 18, 2018 at 9:07am PDT
紐約時裝週的各品牌如王大仁(Alexander Wang)、吳季剛(Jason Wu)、維多利亞貝克漢(Victoria Beckham)、Marc Jacobs、Michael Kors等,都有自己的妝髮團隊;巴黎時裝週的LV、Dior、夏姿;倫敦時裝週的Alexander McQueen、Burberry、J.W. Anderson;米蘭時裝週的Versace、Giorgio Armani也是如此,不同品牌的團隊不會互相指揮。事實上,能夠在四大官方時裝週後台工作,尤其替國際知名品牌服務,即使不是Key或Lead,能成為品牌團隊成員,要有一定實力,要成為國際精品的Key或Lead,更是萬中選一,須累積豐富經驗及代表作品。
"The idea was to make a ‘photographic journey’ that would work as direct inspiration for the collection." Photography by @maxfarago #LuciaPica #California #ChanelTravelDiary #FallWinterCollection A post shared by Lucia Pica (@luciapicaofficial) on Aug 4, 2017 at 10:01am PDT
"The idea was to make a ‘photographic journey’ that would work as direct inspiration for the collection." Photography by @maxfarago #LuciaPica #California #ChanelTravelDiary #FallWinterCollection
A post shared by Lucia Pica (@luciapicaofficial) on Aug 4, 2017 at 10:01am PDT
@jasonwu AW18 show styling @ludivinepoiblanc casting @emperor.lee hair @hollismithhead makeup by me using @maybelline #jasonwu #maybelline #maybellinenyfw #nyfw A post shared by Thomas de Kluyver (@thomasdekluyver) on Feb 9, 2018 at 11:36am PST
@jasonwu AW18 show styling @ludivinepoiblanc casting @emperor.lee hair @hollismithhead makeup by me using @maybelline #jasonwu #maybelline #maybellinenyfw #nyfw
A post shared by Thomas de Kluyver (@thomasdekluyver) on Feb 9, 2018 at 11:36am PST
Countdown to the @burberry show today.... 2 #burberry #LFW #runway #fashion #londonfashionweek #models #beauty #wendyrowe #christopherbailey #london #burberrymakeup I our Burberry team! A post shared by Wendy Rowe (@wendyrowe) on Feb 17, 2018 at 12:19am PST
Countdown to the @burberry show today.... 2 #burberry #LFW #runway #fashion #londonfashionweek #models #beauty #wendyrowe #christopherbailey #london #burberrymakeup I our Burberry team!
A post shared by Wendy Rowe (@wendyrowe) on Feb 17, 2018 at 12:19am PST
Highlights from our collaboration with @haizhenwang, our graduates #AOFM Graduates! epitomised their clean and minimalistic look for #AW1718 #LFW A post shared by Academy Of Freelance Makeup (@aofmakeup) on Feb 17, 2017 at 11:57am PST
Highlights from our collaboration with @haizhenwang, our graduates #AOFM Graduates! epitomised their clean and minimalistic look for #AW1718 #LFW
A post shared by Academy Of Freelance Makeup (@aofmakeup) on Feb 17, 2017 at 11:57am PST
有些年輕朋友問,如何才看得到這些國外大師的作品,他們想學習。其實不難,網路是最好的百科全書,透過Google,輸入品牌英文名,同時加上Fashion Week及Key/Lead Makeup Artist或Key/Lead Hairstylist等關鍵字,透過複合搜尋,都找得到。
國外不少坊間短期課程之彩妝及美髮專門學院,常與時裝週合作後台實習。例如倫敦的Academy of Freelance Makeup London(AOFM),便與四大時裝週、東京時裝週、杜拜時裝週、莫斯科時裝週及柏林時裝週合作。另一所知名的Aveda Institute,亦開設時裝週後台實習workshop工作坊,只要透過Aveda官方網站報名,便有機會以學員身份,和Aveda團隊正式成員在紐約時裝週後台一起工作,參與實習,費用須另外繳交。此外像The London School of Make Up、London Beauty Artist、The London Hair Academy,也有和倫敦時裝週合作後台實習。
以學員身份在時裝週後台實習的workshop課程,在歐美蠻常見,許多單位更以此作為重要的招生宣傳,學員主要與官方日程活動(On Schedule)的新銳品牌或非官方日程活動(Off Schedule)合作為主。有時候一些後台彩妝品贊助商,會臨時組隊,讓自家彩妝師參與,因此在某些品牌後台,會同時出現兩個彩妝或兩個髮型設計團隊,原因在此。不管是實習或贊助商派出之團隊,須接受品牌自聘的主要妝髮團隊之Key或Lead之工作指令,完成後,亦須讓品牌自聘的妝髮團隊之Key或Lead檢視及調整,確認後模特兒才能上到伸展台。
知名彩妝大師Pat McGrath:「任何事都是時尚,不只彩妝,時尚就是文化。」
Want to see your work walk the Runways of NYFW? First step is attend one of these classes: JANUARY 28th & 29th Runway Makeup for first timers MINNEAPOLIS JANUARY 30th Advanced Runway Makeup for returning artists MINNEAPOLIS FEBRUARY 4th & 5th Runway Makeup for first timers in NYC 2nd step work backstage at NYFW Feb! REGISTRATION IS UP! CALL 1.800.AVEDA44 or enroll today online avedaeducation.com Hope to see you there! #avedamakeup #janellgeason #avedaartist #aveda #avedaeducation #nyfw @avedaadvancedacademy A post shared by Janell Geason (@jgeason) on Dec 27, 2017 at 3:29pm PST
Want to see your work walk the Runways of NYFW? First step is attend one of these classes: JANUARY 28th & 29th Runway Makeup for first timers MINNEAPOLIS JANUARY 30th Advanced Runway Makeup for returning artists MINNEAPOLIS FEBRUARY 4th & 5th Runway Makeup for first timers in NYC 2nd step work backstage at NYFW Feb! REGISTRATION IS UP! CALL 1.800.AVEDA44 or enroll today online avedaeducation.com Hope to see you there! #avedamakeup #janellgeason #avedaartist #aveda #avedaeducation #nyfw @avedaadvancedacademy
A post shared by Janell Geason (@jgeason) on Dec 27, 2017 at 3:29pm PST
#TeamWork the combined efforts, or actions of a group, to achieve a common purpose or goal.I am #grateful to all of the talented #AvedaArtists who came out for #NYFW, you all made it a huge success! Sending you all love & gratitude! #avedamakeup #avedamakeupteam #aveda @avedaadvancedacademy Follow them for makeup inspiration @tayhanson @gdoliveri @mrs.livingood @plasticmafia @min_on_fashion @lindanicolaysen @skinbysota @lhoopermakeup @vanmichaelsalon @melaniewhitmoremakeup @fawnmonique @noelyne_ltd @kelly.kay_mua @bluescissorhands @taraavilabeauty @yolie.salonoriana @beauty.by.allinicole @quinnnelsonmua @kelly.kay_mua @skinbeautybyaj @shannontherese_ I don’t have everyone’s IG’s so please tag yourself A post shared by Janell Geason (@jgeason) on Feb 15, 2018 at 4:08pm PST
#TeamWork the combined efforts, or actions of a group, to achieve a common purpose or goal.I am #grateful to all of the talented #AvedaArtists who came out for #NYFW, you all made it a huge success! Sending you all love & gratitude! #avedamakeup #avedamakeupteam #aveda @avedaadvancedacademy Follow them for makeup inspiration @tayhanson @gdoliveri @mrs.livingood @plasticmafia @min_on_fashion @lindanicolaysen @skinbysota @lhoopermakeup @vanmichaelsalon @melaniewhitmoremakeup @fawnmonique @noelyne_ltd @kelly.kay_mua @bluescissorhands @taraavilabeauty @yolie.salonoriana @beauty.by.allinicole @quinnnelsonmua @kelly.kay_mua @skinbeautybyaj @shannontherese_ I don’t have everyone’s IG’s so please tag yourself
A post shared by Janell Geason (@jgeason) on Feb 15, 2018 at 4:08pm PST
台灣非時尚媒體會對Key或Lead在翻譯上產生誤解,或許是因為有些規模較小的區域型時裝週或四大時裝週非官方活動,因場次少加上缺乏經費,的確會出現某個彩妝及髮型團隊獨家贊助的情況,例如倫敦時裝週的非官方日程的獨立秀展Fashion Scout,髮型設計就由Toni & Guy全權負責,彩妝工作則全交給Lan Nguyen-Grealis所帶領的彩妝團隊打造。加上台灣絕大多數人對時尚產業的運作完全陌生,才會有這樣的翻譯認知差異。
英國獨立秀展Fashion Scout創意總監Martyn Roberts在台灣的時尚觀察
#LFW AW18 has officially begun! Keep up-to-date with all the action from backstage and front-row on our insta-stories #lfwaw18 #lfwofficialsponsors #fashionscout A post shared by TONI&GUY (@toniandguyworld) on Feb 16, 2018 at 1:03am PST
#LFW AW18 has officially begun! Keep up-to-date with all the action from backstage and front-row on our insta-stories #lfwaw18 #lfwofficialsponsors #fashionscout
A post shared by TONI&GUY (@toniandguyworld) on Feb 16, 2018 at 1:03am PST
責任編輯:Jane Tsao、Ivana Yang 資料來源:Oxford Economics
國際名模吳宜樺「隨興不隨便」的時尚之道 原來他們都當過模特兒?盤點韓劇「臉蛋、演技雙拼演員 Top 7 」! 當敦煌壁畫遇上New Look!夏姿陳揭開40週年慶祝序曲 聯手迪士尼讓米奇、米妮遊絲路 【模特兒的一天】穿梭國際伸展台 台灣名模王思偉:「模特兒其實是個身心要同步進步的工作。」