美國歌手泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)2019年6月時宣布,將與英國設計師史黛拉麥卡尼(Stella McCartney)合作推出聯名系列,隨著泰勒絲第七張個人專輯《情人》(Lover)上市,這個限量音樂專輯產品系列也已在雙方的官網上販售,然而,之所以促成兩人此次的合作,竟是因為泰勒絲的現任男友喬歐文(Joe Alwyn)?
泰勒絲在專輯發表會上表示,這次收錄的其中一首單曲〈倫敦男孩〉(London Boy),歌詞提到了Stella McCartney的名字,「我想在專輯推出前讓她聽過整首歌,讓她先知道,並徵求她的同意,結果她相當滿意。」這也讓Stella McCartney成為繼Versace、Gucci、Prada、Dior、Raf Simons之後,又一個被寫入歌曲的設計師/品牌。而一直想為樂團及藝人推出商品系列的Stella McCartney,於是提議兩人來合作些什麼,因而有了這次聯名系列的誕生。
只有1%的衣物被回收?時尚設計師Stella McCartney:我們究竟在做什麼?
View this post on Instagram #StellaxTaylorSwift is coming soon. The limited-edition merchandise capsule inspired by @TaylorSwift’s new album ‘Lover’ Sign up to be the first to know when it arrives at the link in bio and tune in to Taylor’s YouTube channel at 5pm EST August 22nd to see Stella and Taylor reveal more! Photographer: @MaryMcCartney #StellaMcCartney #TaylorSwift A post shared by Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) on Aug 20, 2019 at 11:59am PDT
#StellaxTaylorSwift is coming soon. The limited-edition merchandise capsule inspired by @TaylorSwift’s new album ‘Lover’ Sign up to be the first to know when it arrives at the link in bio and tune in to Taylor’s YouTube channel at 5pm EST August 22nd to see Stella and Taylor reveal more! Photographer: @MaryMcCartney #StellaMcCartney #TaylorSwift
A post shared by Stella McCartney (@stellamccartney) on Aug 20, 2019 at 11:59am PDT
這首點名Stella McCartney的歌曲,內容描述泰勒絲與男友的甜蜜交往過程,從肯頓市集(Camden Market)、龐德街(Bond Street)、南倫敦的布里斯頓(Brixton)、東倫敦的肖迪奇(Shoreditch)、北倫敦的海格(Highgate)到哈克尼(Hackney),都遍佈了兩人愛的足跡。自比為「田納西Stella McCartney」的泰勒絲,也在歌詞中表白,「所以我想所有的傳聞都是真的,你知道嗎?我愛上了一個倫敦男孩。」(So I guess all the rumors are true. You know I love a London boy.)
出道10年來泰勒絲男友換得多 鄉村歌手外型也改變超多!
儘管泰勒絲並未指名道姓指出這名「倫敦男孩」是誰,但媒體普遍認為,這名「倫敦男孩」就是在李安(Ang Lee)執導的《比利林恩的中場戰事》(Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk)首度展露頭角、在《真寵》(The Favourite)中與艾瑪史東(Emma Stone)打情罵俏的英國演員喬歐文。
View this post on Instagram The Favourite. Opening next week, November 23rd A post shared by Joe Alwyn (@joe.alwyn) on Nov 16, 2018 at 11:23am PST
The Favourite. Opening next week, November 23rd
A post shared by Joe Alwyn (@joe.alwyn) on Nov 16, 2018 at 11:23am PST
泰勒絲與喬歐文據傳在2016年美國大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴(Met Gala)後開始交往,但這個消息直到2017年5月才曝光,而在這次專輯豪華版附上的手寫日記中,也首度公開了泰勒絲在2017年1月寫下的內容,上面記載著她努力呵護這段戀情的心情感受。
Met Gala根本《辣妹過招》翻版?!時尚界人士:懷念不用看Anna Wintour臉色的日子
Taylor’s last scanned diary entry in the journals being January 3rd, 2017 “I get all scared about the future.. now I’m essentially based in London trying to protect us from the nasty world.. we have been together and no one has found out for 3 months now.” #Lover pic.twitter.com/h15RSPCQLj — Taylor Swift Updates (@SimplySFans) August 23, 2019
Taylor’s last scanned diary entry in the journals being January 3rd, 2017 “I get all scared about the future.. now I’m essentially based in London trying to protect us from the nasty world.. we have been together and no one has found out for 3 months now.” #Lover pic.twitter.com/h15RSPCQLj
— Taylor Swift Updates (@SimplySFans) August 23, 2019
之所以對戀情三緘其口,泰勒絲在接受《衛報》(The Guardian)訪問時也透露,自己從過往的經驗中學習到,只要自己先開口談論,人們就會認為那是可受公評的,「但我們的關係不可受公評的。」她更補充說,「界線就在那裡,那樣我的生活才能變得可掌控,我真的很想讓它感覺是可掌控的。」
連泰勒絲也被同學欺負過!6位曾遭校園霸凌的大明星 蛻變重生的故事能帶給你勇氣!
View this post on Instagram AHHHHH @thefavouritemovie just won 7 @bafta awards !!! Bout to go give some high fives - thanks @stellamccartney for this dressss A post shared by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on Feb 10, 2019 at 4:40pm PST
AHHHHH @thefavouritemovie just won 7 @bafta awards !!! Bout to go give some high fives - thanks @stellamccartney for this dressss
A post shared by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on Feb 10, 2019 at 4:40pm PST
View this post on Instagram SUPER CUTE! Taylor Swift just snuck into the #eebaftas dinner and was very affectionate with her boyfriend Joe Alwyn on The Favourite table next door. The most affectionate they’ve been yet. #taylorswift A post shared by Dan Wootton (@danwootton) on Feb 10, 2019 at 3:09pm PST
SUPER CUTE! Taylor Swift just snuck into the #eebaftas dinner and was very affectionate with her boyfriend Joe Alwyn on The Favourite table next door. The most affectionate they’ve been yet. #taylorswift
A post shared by Dan Wootton (@danwootton) on Feb 10, 2019 at 3:09pm PST
交往以來,始終保持低調的泰勒絲與喬歐文,鮮少在公開活動上相偕露面,而這次〈倫敦男孩〉一開始的英國腔旁白,也有粉絲猜測是否為喬歐文為女友跨刀獻聲,但這段旁白其實是獲《People》(時人)雜誌選為2018年全球最性感男星的英國演員伊卓瑞斯艾巴(Idris Elba)的聲音,那是他2017年參加《詹姆斯柯登深夜秀》(The Late Late Show with James Corden)裡的片段。
資料來源:ET Online、The Guardian、環球音樂、Stella McCartney
用21首歌回顧泰勒絲!穿越11個年頭 她還是當初那位「鄉村國民小公主」? 泰勒絲、女神卡卡都為她瘋狂!專訪芬蘭女鞋設計師Minna Parikka 以布料取代皮革終於成真!環保時尚推手Stella McCartney:業界已沒有理由再用真皮