在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 yesterday’s sunset eyes during golden hourusing #anastasiabeverlyhills ’Medium Brown’ brow definer and #morphexjamescharles palette in shades ‘Bee’, ‘518’, ‘Rusted’, ‘You’re Kidding’, Single’ & ‘Escape’ Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 11月 月 16 日 下午 12:00 張貼
yesterday’s sunset eyes during golden hourusing #anastasiabeverlyhills ’Medium Brown’ brow definer and #morphexjamescharles palette in shades ‘Bee’, ‘518’, ‘Rusted’, ‘You’re Kidding’, Single’ & ‘Escape’
Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 11月 月 16 日 下午 12:00 張貼
一個妝容可以創造不同的自己,除此之外不分年齡、性別,都能讓人變得更有自信、更美!時下美妝部落客非常多,卻有那麼一位國外部落客Molly bee玩出創意,有著小精靈小巧精緻的五官,Molly bee的妝容會跟隨著季節、圖騰、植物、趨勢等作為發想,總是能將這些事物與妝容結合,她的IG充滿彩妝創意,近期金橘色的日落啟發她畫出漸層眼妝,大量運用黃色及紫色,創造出這個特別眼妝。這位兼具藝術創作的妝容部落客Molly bee,究竟她的部落客之路是如何鋪成?
人事物造就今日的Molly bee!
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 9月 月 11 日 上午 11:19 張貼
Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 9月 月 11 日 上午 11:19 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 SHIFTEDtried to recreate the amazing drawing by @emreaydin_95 (swipe to check it out) || FACE: @maccosmetics Studio Fix Foundation, Concealer & Contour Kit with @anastasiabeverlyhills Fair Contour Kit | BROWS: ABH ‘Medium Brown’ Dipbrow & @katvondbeauty Signature Brow Pencil | LIPS: @limecrimemakeup ‘Red Velvet’ & ‘Wicked’ | SHADING: ABH Bronzers & @blackmooncosmetics ‘Sleepwalker’ | FRINGE: an old wig I cut up Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 11 日 上午 11:36 張貼
SHIFTEDtried to recreate the amazing drawing by @emreaydin_95 (swipe to check it out) || FACE: @maccosmetics Studio Fix Foundation, Concealer & Contour Kit with @anastasiabeverlyhills Fair Contour Kit | BROWS: ABH ‘Medium Brown’ Dipbrow & @katvondbeauty Signature Brow Pencil | LIPS: @limecrimemakeup ‘Red Velvet’ & ‘Wicked’ | SHADING: ABH Bronzers & @blackmooncosmetics ‘Sleepwalker’ | FRINGE: an old wig I cut up
Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 11 日 上午 11:36 張貼
▼對於每個顏色的選擇她沒有標準更沒有界線,Molly bee通常準備動筆前,都會先在腦海裡構思顏色的搭配,以及如何拼出想要的形狀及妝容,但有的時候也沒有任何計畫,就隨心所欲動筆,有時候都會跳出獨特的妝容!
框架就是用來打破的!彩妝師也愛Freestyle 放膽玩妝探索自我
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 what would you call this look?inspired to turn pink by @guaca.m0lly || FACE: iMagic flash palette & @illamasqua Skinbase in ‘White’ | CONTOUR: @suvabeauty ‘Bloody Mary’, @sugarpill ‘Love+’ & @meltcosmetics ‘Love Sick’ | HIGHLIGHT: @anastasiabeverlyhills ‘Pink Heart’ & ‘Luna’ | LIPS&BROWS: @limecrimemakeup ‘Red Velvet’, ‘Feelings’ & ‘True Love’ Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 2月 月 7 日 上午 11:27 張貼
what would you call this look?inspired to turn pink by @guaca.m0lly || FACE: iMagic flash palette & @illamasqua Skinbase in ‘White’ | CONTOUR: @suvabeauty ‘Bloody Mary’, @sugarpill ‘Love+’ & @meltcosmetics ‘Love Sick’ | HIGHLIGHT: @anastasiabeverlyhills ‘Pink Heart’ & ‘Luna’ | LIPS&BROWS: @limecrimemakeup ‘Red Velvet’, ‘Feelings’ & ‘True Love’
Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 2月 月 7 日 上午 11:27 張貼
▼色彩無色限,不靠彩妝也可以完成,Molly bee運用光與鏡子折射,讓彩虹可以呈現曲折狀,真的太強了。
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 when the sun hits your mirror just rightwhat’s the one product you can’t do without? I want to try some new things! ***not makeup, just a prism effect caused by sunlight. Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 5月 月 5 日 上午 11:05 張貼
when the sun hits your mirror just rightwhat’s the one product you can’t do without? I want to try some new things! ***not makeup, just a prism effect caused by sunlight.
Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 5月 月 5 日 上午 11:05 張貼
畫出獨特彩妝,Molly bee獨愛品牌?
▼Molly bee其實運用了非常多不同得品牌,像是Kat Von D Beauty、Huda beauty、Melt Cosmetics等,除了這些,她其實很願意嘗試任何不同的彩妝品,這也是啟發她構思不同妝容助力!
簡直就是雙胞胎!菲律賓男演員變臉艾瑪華森 高超彩妝技巧就連「神力女超人」蓋兒賈多特也大讚
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 so you can now buy refills for the contour palette of dreams thank you as always @katvondbeauty for sending such gorgeous goodies! This is my first time trying Shade & Light and so far I"m loving it. The contour shades range from a true taupe (Sombre) to a rich, mid-tone brown (Subconscious), so I can play around with cool and warm-toned contouring. In the highlight shades, "Lucid" (a pink nude) suits my skin perfectly. Though the other two shades are perhaps slightly too yellow or peachy to use as a highlight for my skin tone, they"re great for setting my face makeup and even as transition shades on my eyes Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2016 年 11月 月 8 日 上午 3:13 張貼
so you can now buy refills for the contour palette of dreams thank you as always @katvondbeauty for sending such gorgeous goodies! This is my first time trying Shade & Light and so far I"m loving it. The contour shades range from a true taupe (Sombre) to a rich, mid-tone brown (Subconscious), so I can play around with cool and warm-toned contouring. In the highlight shades, "Lucid" (a pink nude) suits my skin perfectly. Though the other two shades are perhaps slightly too yellow or peachy to use as a highlight for my skin tone, they"re great for setting my face makeup and even as transition shades on my eyes
Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2016 年 11月 月 8 日 上午 3:13 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 a huge thank you to @suvabeauty for these beautiful goodies! What colour combinations do you want to see? | I also can"t recommend their Hydra Liners enough! They are water-activated so you can easily control their consistency, they apply like a dream and their pigmentation is AMAZING Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2016 年 11月 月 21 日 上午 5:03 張貼
a huge thank you to @suvabeauty for these beautiful goodies! What colour combinations do you want to see? | I also can"t recommend their Hydra Liners enough! They are water-activated so you can easily control their consistency, they apply like a dream and their pigmentation is AMAZING
Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2016 年 11月 月 21 日 上午 5:03 張貼
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Christmas has come early! A huge thank you to @katvondbeauty and @toofaced for sending their super beautiful "Better Together" collaborationincluding eyeshadows, highlight in "Rosy Glow," blush in "So Happy Together," Studded Kiss in "Muse" & Everlasting Lipstick in "XO"as always, so beautifully packaged with shades to die for! This is my first time trying Too Faced so I"m excited! What products do you like? Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2016 年 12月 月 18 日 上午 4:39 張貼
Christmas has come early! A huge thank you to @katvondbeauty and @toofaced for sending their super beautiful "Better Together" collaborationincluding eyeshadows, highlight in "Rosy Glow," blush in "So Happy Together," Studded Kiss in "Muse" & Everlasting Lipstick in "XO"as always, so beautifully packaged with shades to die for! This is my first time trying Too Faced so I"m excited! What products do you like?
Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PST 2016 年 12月 月 18 日 上午 4:39 張貼
Molly bee也有那一生不能缺少的彩妝3樣!
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Woodstock skullwhat shall we call her? || WIG: @powderroomd ‘Sparkle’ | FACE: @maccosmetics Studio Fix NW10 & @fentybeauty ‘Saw-C’ as a base | SHADING: @hudabeauty ‘Topaz’ palette with @meltcosmetics Twenty Seven palette & @makeupgeekcosmetics ‘Corrupt’ | TEETH/SPINE: @katvondbeauty Brow Pomade in ‘Bleached’ | EYES: @fentybeauty ‘One of the Boys’ with @doseofcolours ‘Lavender Honey’ | DETAILS: @thebalmeu Schwing Liner#halloweenmakeup #halloweencostume Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 21 日 上午 11:33 張貼
Woodstock skullwhat shall we call her? || WIG: @powderroomd ‘Sparkle’ | FACE: @maccosmetics Studio Fix NW10 & @fentybeauty ‘Saw-C’ as a base | SHADING: @hudabeauty ‘Topaz’ palette with @meltcosmetics Twenty Seven palette & @makeupgeekcosmetics ‘Corrupt’ | TEETH/SPINE: @katvondbeauty Brow Pomade in ‘Bleached’ | EYES: @fentybeauty ‘One of the Boys’ with @doseofcolours ‘Lavender Honey’ | DETAILS: @thebalmeu Schwing Liner#halloweenmakeup #halloweencostume
Molly Bee(@beautsoup)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 21 日 上午 11:33 張貼
Molly bee非常鼓勵大家試著化妝,找出屬於自己的風格,讓自己更有自信更美麗!